forum The begining
Started by @TrashyBeth_has_broken_her_Finger

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“Heart complications.” He muttered, leading her inside and sitting her down in a chair before going down a hall and into a room


He cane out of a different room with bandages and a wet towel. “This is the second time we’ve patched you up. You just can’t leave the house without getting hurt, can you kitty?” He joked, bragging a chair in front of her and sitting backwards in it, his chest pressed up to the back of the chair. He took her arm and propped it up on the chair to start cleaning the scratches


His gazed flicked up to hers, for once sharp and calculating instead of wild and insane. "if that's so then none of us are."


"'you know that's not true" she said and put a hand on his cheek "you have so much potential you're a great person any girl would be lucky to have you me on the other hand well I'm just a cat with no potential or very little and no guy ever looks at me the way I look at you"


He nuzzled into her hand, his eyes closing in content "then you haven't been looking very hard, have you kitty cat?" He looked up at her and slowly leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers, drawing out the kiss patiently.


Brink swung the chair around, keeping contact with her the whole time until he wasn’t sitting normally in his seat. He reached a hand up and gently cupped her bruised cheek, surprisingly carful.


“Yeah, like that.” He smiled softly and went back to tending her wounds “who did this to you?” He asked again, a bit more calmly than before


he stopped and let her go so he wouldn't hurt her any further. "for what?" he growled, standing up and pacing the room, hands running through his hair