forum Space Princessess//open//In need of villains)
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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Ella nodded. She was better at tolerating the raven-haired woman in front of her than Ravenna, who annoyed her to no end. "Okay, one moment," she responded, pulling a notebook from a spot in her chair and getting a pen out of her pocket. She neatly printed all of the supplies in a list, double-checking it quickly before handing it to Alba. "Don't forget anything." If those two did forget something, they'd incur Ella's wrath, something that they surely would not want to deal with, at the very least because it was annoying.

@Becfromthedead group

(I'm very sorry, but I'm going to have to drop out of this. Although I give permission to use my character if anyone wants to, and I'll still be here, stalking)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Thank you.” Alba said as she accepted the list from Ella. She smiled a little before quickly catching up with Ravenna, clearing her throat slightly to let the other know she was there, and walked beside the navigator. It was something between a habit and an instinct for her to walk as quietly as possible since it made it easier to sneak up on her prey. Her whole family was a race of hunters… Nearly half of her planet was the same way.


Ravenna glanced to her side and saw Alba match her pace. She chuckled lowly as she felt Arty move from her shoulder to her breast pocket . "What did Ella send with yeh? Knowing her, she gave yeh a list of things to get. Probably gave measurements for how much to get." She grinned. Alba was someone Raven would consider to be a friend but like most people, she didn't trust her completely. She was too calm and collected for her liking, why trust someone who doesn't show you what they're feeling?

The pair walked together until Raven looked to the side and saw what looked like a deal being made. Only issue was that one of the three looked like he was fine, while the others looked like they would gut him. Ravenna stopped and walked to a nearby crate to look at what was happening.

"Who's this then? Your new boyfriend?" Killian asked, laughing sharply. Luna rolled her eyes and turned to Peter. "Killian and I were partners before you came aboard my ship. We were co-captains until he sabotaged a mission, tried to rally the crew against me, and almost stole my ship. I'm grateful that Avi never liked him and did a system shutdown once he realized what was happening." Luna turned to face Killian and smirked. "Last I heard, the Lost Boys were after you." Killian's smile faded into a sneer as he looked her up and down. "Let's get this over with. If you're lucky, I'll take you out after this." He winked. Luna pretended to gag and brought forward the cart.


Co-captains? Peter wanted to ask why she had been content to be co-captains with this dickhead when he himself was only first mate, but he held his tongue. He may not always have the best manners, but he could more or less read the room at this point. Besides, asking something like that now would undermine the whole crew, so he filed that information away for later. Though his stomach did a flip at the word boyfriend. Odd. At any rate, this guy was seriously getting on Peter's nerves. It was good to know that his friends were after him, though. The Lost Boys hardly ever missed a mark, always managing to find who they were after and serve their version of justice.

"I can't imagine a worse way to spend my time, can you?" Peter asked Luna lightly, giving Killian an exaggerated once-over. "I'm ready to get this deal done already so I don't have to listen to this bullshit anymore." Okay, maybe he should stop talking now. His mouth always did seem to work faster than his mind. He didn't add anything else, having retracted his arm the moment Killian had ignored the offer and started mocking him. He was now standing next to Luna, though he was angled just slightly so that he could jump in between them if needed.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alba chuckled softly and nodded. “She wanted to make sure that we got everything. I didn't check if she put down the measurements of anything but I wouldn't be surprised if she did.” she admitted, looking up when she noticed the stressful deal being made across from them.


Luna knew that ince they finished the deal, there would be questions to answer and she was prepared to answer them, seeing as she owed an explanation to Peter. She watched as Killian took out a scale and viewed it from all angles, weighing it in his hand, and checking its brittleness. "Well, these are perfect and 100% natural. So thats good. Here's your payment, sweetheart." He took out a decent sized pouch and handed it to her. Luna opened the bag and ran a hand through the coins. There were a few pieces of Oridan metal in there as well. "Where did you manage to get Oridan metal? Its really hard to get." She said in surprise. Killian smirked. "Like you said, there's a reason the Lost Boys are after me." He picked a decent sized scale from the bag, kissed it, then gave it to her as well. "A parting gift. I'll see you around love." He did a salute and slinked back into the shadows from where he came.

"Gross." Luna said, wiping the scale with her shirt. "Ready to head to the marketplace? I can get my stuff and head back to the ship." She smiled tiredly.

"Ho ho! They have Oridan metal and what seems like dragon scales." Ravenna said excitedly to Alba. "Possibly rich heros, don'tcha think?" She ran her tongue across her teeth and lingered on a fang. "Shall we… pay their ship a visit? It seems to have many treasures, just waiting to be found!" She grinned at Alba.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alba shrugged slightly at the suggestion. “Possibly… Though the man seems equally well supplied. Did you hear what he said? He has the Lost Boys after him.” she mentioned. That sounded a bit dangerous but Alba was rarely scared by much. “At the very least, one of us could make note of his ship. If we come across it again…” she smirked, leaving the intention in the air.


"Sure, works for me," Peter responded, clearly relieved that Killian was gone. He shuddered, pretending to gag. "Man, I hate that guy. You seriously dated that asshole?" He glanced back in the direction Killian had gone and made a rude hand gesture, half-joking, though sometimes it was hard to tell with him. "Also, he was your co-captain? Co-captain? That dickwad? And I only get to be first mate? Am I missing something here?"

While Peter was somewhat teasing, there was intention behind his words. He really was a bit annoyed with how Luna had clearly had ties with this man. He was very much not Peter's kind of guy, and he wondered what made Luna think he was attractive in the first place. Like sure, the man wasn't hideous or anything, but he had the personality of a Zarbanian trescation, which was to say, terrible. Peter was comparing his personality to something that secreted a green, booger-like mucus, after all. Part of him was a bit jealous at the thought of Luna with Killian, though Peter wasn't aware that was what it was. He just thought it was because of the man's loathsome personality and sleazy demeanor.


Luna groaned and shoved his shoulder. "We knew each from the ship licensing facility. I had done a course in commandeering a ship on my home planet but when I went to get my license, they told me I needed to do a few more courses. I met him there. We became friends and then started dating." She sighed and crossed her arms. "Though now I see that he was only friendly with me because I had the EverHeart ready once I got my license. It wasn't as nice as it is today, it was much rougher looking but I was working on fixing it." They came across a small shop that had benches and sold food. Luna payed for a small green pastry and a blue drink then sat at a table.

"After we got licensed, he chose to go with me because of our relationship and history. I trusted him so I gave him complete command of the ship. I was still captain, but he had the same privileges as I did. On our first mission together, we were offered a large payment in return for dragon eggs. We did manage to get them all, from different parts of the same planet, but after we got the last one, he pushed me into an angry dragon's nest and left me there to die. The dragon understood that I had been betrayed so she let me live. I saw my ship leaving the atmosphere and cried in desperation. Avi did a system reboot and brought the ship back down. After the ship is rebooted, you need a password to regain control, otherwise Avi controls everything. Thankfully Avi told me not to trust Killian with the password and I didn't. The ship returned and I kicked Killian out, leaving him on the dragon's planet to wait for another ship." She took a sip of her drink and sighed. "Its because of what he did that I don't trust anyone else to be a co-captain, Peter. If I did, you would be my first choice." She looked at him and placed a hand on his.

"If you say so, do y'want to follow him? We can either split up and go after one or the other, or we can go after him together and get all the information from him." Raven offered. "But you are right, if the lost boys are after him, then he must have done something horrible."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I can follow either of them. You know how good I am at stalking without being seen.” Alba smirked, her eyes flashing red for a moment. “Splitting up might be a good idea and we can get some of the shopping done while we're at it. If you want to… question that man, I can go after the pair.” she offered since she knew how easy it was for Raven to handle someone like him. Alba considered herself a good actress, so she could get out of a situation quickly enough.


"Perfect, he is my type of guy." She winked and walked away. Ravenna saw that he was walking away on a bridge so she did the only logical thing, she jumped off the low bridge into the water and shifted into her Myren form. A pale white light appeared at her legs and they morphed together to form her tail, red and black with a flowy fin. She swam up and broke through the surface of the water before diving down again and swimming after the man.


Peter had been listening to the story with interest, nodding along and "mhm"ing at the right times, brows furrowed in concentration. It was kind of sweet how focused he would get whenever Luna said something, because he was always interested in what she wanted to say. Luna was the captain, after all, and despite his annoyance with being second to her, he would always at least hear his captain out. However, the second Luna's hand brushed against his, he blushed slightly, eyes widening. After a moment, the slight, pleasant shock he'd experienced melted from his face and was replaced with an eye roll, followed by his characteristic smirk.

"Fat lot of good that does me now," he joked. "Thanks a lot, Killian. Or as I like to think of him, that asshat who abandoned the second best captain ever. First best captain being me, of course." He was only teasing with the last bit, his bravado still strong as ever.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alba rolled her eyes briefly as she watched Ravenna jump to follow the man before she followed the blonde and the red-haired man from a safe distance. She was able to catch fragments of their conversation and it was very interesting to learn… She did stop at a few stalls and pick up some of the stuff on the list but she didn't let the duo get too far ahead of her and definitely not out of visual range.


Luna erupted in laughter and threw out her trash. "Of course, do you want me to call you sir now? It would be my pleasure…sir." she said, a teasing tone in her voice and a mischievous grin making its way to her face. She glanced at the watch she kept with her and jumped. "We should get our things, Alice may want to get her supplies ad well. Do you want to split up? If Killian comes back, I have Rattles." She tapped her staff and the snake looked up sleepily. "…nevermind, I only have my weapons."

Ravenna broke out if the water and jumped onto the edge of the rocky beach where the raven haired man was waiting for her, polishing his sword. "Not many people have seen a creature like you that is intelligent. What are you and where do you come from." Ravenna shook out her hair and grinned. "I'll tell you that if you tell me where you got the Oridan metal and what you're planning on doing with these scales." She said in a flirty tone.

(I'm only adding raven's parts like this as a filler in case y'all need a way to jump in)


Peter shrugged. "If you want," he responded, casting a glance in the direction of the ship. "I do have party supplies to buy. Anything specific you want? I was thinking a cake, and obviously some alcohol. Am I forgetting something? What else is there at parties…" He began to get a far-off look in his eyes that suggested he was thinking about it, trying to remember the many parties he had attended with the Lost Boys, both thrown by them and attended by them.


"Balloons? Snacks other than cake? I dint know i haven't been to many parties other than the ones you throw every so often." Luna shrugged .

Killian paused and turned to her, an incredulous smile on his face. "Oh really. Well I'm planning on turning these scales into blades, sharpening them to use as mining tools." He looked at her expectantly. "I come from the planet Xrixe, a world where there are two species of intelligent creatures and i am from one of them." She walked to where he was standing and lay down right next to his feet.

Killian chuckled and sat on the rocks with her. "I got all this metal from a mine on a planet with no intelligent creatures. It can only use Rixian scales to dig out with out damaging the protective properties." She leaned on her arms and looked at him. "I can turn into a siren in the water and a 'human' on land." She grinned. "Now, you are very cute so I'm sorry to do this." Killian looked confused until Ravenna opened her mouth and started singing. Then he stood up and grabbed a bag of scales from the trolley and gave it to her. She kept singing until she was halfway up the path. Once she stopped singing, Killian looked dazed. He looked around and saw Ravenna climbing the stairs and sprinting away.


"Mm, thanks anyway," he responded with shrug. "Guess I'll go get the party stuff while you get your things, that is if we want to be quick about it. That way Alice can get her stuff sooner. Or if you think she won't mind waiting a little longer, we could go together and you could help me find party supplies." Peter honestly didn't mind either way, and while he knew the first would probably be more efficient, the second way meant more time spent with Luna.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

A party? Now that sounded promising… Alba smirked. The whole crew could participate in the “raid” and have little to no trouble at all with the other ship. Especially if they had it while they were docked here. Of course, it wouldn't do them a lot of good if these people used the Oridan metal as a method of payment. Though they looked experienced enough that the simple pickpocket routine wouldn't work on them.


"I'll let Alice know that she can leave the ship under Avi's command and come do her purchasing. That drink had some form if energy booster in it and I need to work it off." She said, tuning her communicator and send Alice the message. "Just say 'Avi, dragonship' and he'll go into protective mode. To deactivate just say 'Avi, ship's away' " she instructed.

Ravenna was running so fast she almost crashed into Alba. "Look, the gentleman was kind enough to give us a bag of scales!" She smirked

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alice immediately perked up when she got the message and just about ran out of the ship, calling out to the ship's A.I. as she did. “Avi, dragonship.” she smiled as she stepped outside and looked around at the busy station.

Alba almost laughed at Raven’s choice of words, knowing exactly what the Myren was capable of. “Well, that's one ship down. As for these two… I overheard they are planning to throw a party of some kind. And alcohol will be involved.” she smirked. “So we have a couple of options here. We can crash during the high point, or we can wait until they are too hungover to even fight back.”


Luna received an alert on her wrist pad telling her that Avi was in control now. "What are we doing first?" She asked, turning to face Peter."

"We could go right now, they aren't at the ship." Ravenna said, tossing the bag if her shoulder. "Or we could go and ask Ella what to do next."

(Is it just me or would Alba and Ella be a kick ass couple? Like they are the mature ones whereas Raven is the child lmao)


"Since you know what you want, why don't we go look for your stuff first?" he suggested. "Then after that we can find some party supplies." Peter cast her another grin, brushing away a curl as it fell in his face. He was honestly a bit excited to go look around with Luna. Any time he was with her was usually a good time, sometimes even the almost dying part could be considered fun if one tried hard enough to think of it that way. Besides, Peter loved the thrill.

(lmao i can see it)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alba hummed softly for a moment and nodded softly. “I think one of us should get Ella’s opinion on this.” she told Raven. “I honestly haven't seen their ship yet and it's too good of an opportunity to miss.” she explained.

(Totally unintentional but I love it!)