forum Space Princessess//open//In need of villains)
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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(I'm going to have to drop out of this, I currently don't have the space for a group RP. Sorry!)


The atmosphere in the ship was tense but relaxed. They had just returned from a mission on planet Sarcoria and came back with enough Rixian scales to buy a new ship. All they had to do was sell them in the Intirium Market, the biggest marketplace in all the galaxies. Luna had placed the coordinates in the system and let the A.I do most of the work while she took a break from her responsibilities. She changed out of her suit into her casual clothes and put on her cloak. She walked down the hall from her cabin and made her way to the navigation room. Luna wasn't sure if the rest of the crew would be there, the mission had taken a toll on all of them.

The bright lights in the room were unnecessarily bugging her until she realized that her eyes were tuned to hypersensitivity. Blinking a few times helped her change both the colour and the sensitivity of her eyes. It was one of the cooler things she got from her mother's side of the family. Luna ran her tongue across her teeth and opened a new Captains log to input the information about this adventure. She still had to call their buyer but decided to take a break before moving onto that.

On the other side of that very same gal
axy, Ravenna was singing her heart out on the surface of a planet while the rest of her crew was stocking up on stolen crystals. It was one of ther stranger things they used but it was an important part of their ship. The crystals made up part of their engine but a fight between the crew last week damaged it. Ravenna won't say of she caused the fight but she will say that she was "singing her praises."

Once the crew got all the necessary crystals. They hopped onto the ship and ravenna stopped singing, running for her life from the mob behind her.

@Becfromthedead group

Name: Jun Fa
Nicknames: nah
Age: 22
Gender: genderfluid, they/them pronouns
Appearance: 5'1, black hair just a little above shoulder length, frequently tied back. Deep brown eyes. Small frame, but has a good bit of muscle. Medium tan-colored skin. They usually wear the color green or red, baggy comfortable pants, boots, and generally have a comfy style, though their gender presentation itself can vary pretty greatly. They have a red dragon tattoo on their right forearm, and sometime you swear you can see it moving
Personality: Headstrong and protective, but also a bit of a goofball at times. They know when to put up a fight and when to back down, but they do have a lot of fight in them. They can be a little bit awkward at times and deep down fear they have trouble fitting in, but you would never know that.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Fairytale character: Mulan
Backstory: They came from a poor family with older parents and no siblings. Their father is out of work and disabled, and their mother runs a small boutique that's not quite enough to support the family. Jun is deeply loved by their parents and has had a relatively normal life, not wrought with much tragedy, but they knew they needed to help their parents. Now they work on the ship and send money home to their parents.
Skills: Fighting hand-to-hand, swimming, shooting, secretly a good gardener
Power/s?: their tattoo springs to life as a sort of ghost fighter next to them (functions not so different from a stand if anyone is familiar with Jojo? Best way I can describe it, sorry)
Position on ship: Uhhh idk, like weapons or something maybe?
Likes: Has a fun little fascination with blades, enjoys sparring for fun, plants
Dislikes: Lack of autonomy, the feeling of being useless
Hobbies: Gardening, painting, makeup
Pets: A black cat named Cricket
Other: nothing atm


Peter was already bored, having doodled some pictures in the sketchbook he kept in his room. The mission had been stressful, sure, but it was a success, so shouldn't they be celebrating right now? At least that was the young man's conclusion. He couldn't get enough excuses to have a good time or throw a party. Birthday? Awesome, time for a party! New crew member? Cool, party time! The anniversary of your cat's first hairball? Good enough for a party!

One of the things about the Lost Boys was that while they were notorious for being clever and capable pirates, they had also had a lot of fun on the ship. They were sort of party boys, though that wasn't something as well known as the rest of the information about them. The best way to decompress after high stakes missions was a nice party or hang out with your crew, after all, especially if it involved alcohol of some sort.

So, naturally, he went about searching for the captain. Peter was still annoyed that he had given the title of second in command, or first mate, whatever one wanted to call it. He'd been thieving pirate for as long as he could remember, so that job should've come naturally to him. Though he supposed it was him who'd deigned to join Luna's crew in the first place. He still thought he was the better pilot, though, but that could just be the god complex talking. Not that he had a god complex. Mostly.

At any rate, the second place he checked happened to be the navigation room. His face broke into a sunny smile the moment he saw her, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Lulu!" he crowed, prancing over to her. He liked to call people nicknames, and their reactions to his nicknames, whether negative or positive, were amusing to him. "We should all get together and throw a party or something! I mean, we just nailed that mission, am I right or am I right? A party would be the perfect way to decompress!"

Meanwhile, Ella was getting highly annoyed with the angry mob currently chasing them. She huffed, hurrying towards the ship with the others, her curls in a perfect ponytail behind her. Everything about Ella was perfect–that was one of the things she prided herself on. She was the most perfect model of artificial intelligence to exist, both mind and body, or so she liked to think. A few wispy strands of hair had come loose at the front of her ponytail, which she had failed to notice yet in her current running for her life. But when she did, she'd be annoyed. Despite the fact she was metal and synthetics instead of flesh and blood, her hair was irritatingly human-like sometimes.

The second she reached the ship, she headed straight for her post as gunner. "Alright, let's get out of here!" she cried, getting everything ready. She was going to blast these bastards to hell.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alice sighed a little as she wandered towards the galley of the ship. A cup of tea always helped her relax after a stressful mission, even if it was a stereotype. But it was one she enjoyed no matter where in the universe she was. It was a nice constant for her.

She rolled her eyes when she overhead the boisterous first mate talking with the captain. Though the idea of a party did have a certain appeal to it. “What kind of party were you thinking of?” she asked before she could hold back her curiosity.


Peter turned towards her with a grin, already looking as though he had won. "Yesss! Allie agrees with me! We should throw a party!" he chirped, ignoring her question for a moment to stall. He needed to think about what kind of party it was. He'd never really considered calling his parties any particular kind or type of party, having done both simple affairs with a close friends and Dionysian-level revels. Those were immensely fun to his excitable personality. After several moments of thinking, Peter realized he couldn't come up with a sort of party to call it that quickly.

"I dunno what kind of party, exactly," he admitted with a slight shrug, all charisma. "Just those of us on the crew, maybe a few others if we're feeling fancy. Some music, some alcohol. Dancing. That sort of thing. That's the kind of parties I'm used to, more or less." He gave them another smile, this time more of a sheepish one, trying to get them to go along with his idea.

"C'mon, we could really use some excitement around here that doesn't involve our possible deaths," he added. "You guys can't say I don't have a point. We've all been stressed lately, and I really think it could do us some good!"


Luna looked up from her screen and rolled her eyes, a smirk making it's way on her face. "Hey Pan." She sat back in her seat and crosses her arms. Of all the people in the ship, it would be obvious that Luna and Peter would be the 2 that knocked heads the most but they actually had a good relationship. "I dont think a party is a bad idea but we still need to deliver the goods. I may just have ti keep some scales for myself, they have amazing healing and killing properties." She said, adding an afterthought.

Ravenna ran and made the ship right as the doors were closing and blew a kiss through the window. "I'll see all o' yeh next month!" She walked away, half cackling half coughing. The ship didn't really have a captain, no one could accept another having more power than the other so Ravenna and the bot shared control. They worked well together but fought more than cats and mice. "That was fun!" She said, walking into the navigation room.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I wonder what other properties they have… Could I keep a small handful of the scales, Captain?” Alice asked, tilting her head slightly. “To experiment with.” Honestly, Alice had often struggled a bit with some of her family's traditional studies but after being in Wonderland she found there was more than one way to learn things and it turned out she was a very hands-on type of student. So it wasn't much of a surprise that she took so well to experimenting.


Peter nodded as she spoke, the only thing really going to his brain the part about a party not being a bad idea. His face lit up, going from the face of a guy who's doing his best to get what he wants to an enthusiastic beam. "That's not a no!" he cheered, pumping his fist in a victory he was sure he had. "This party is going to be off the hook! Once we get those goods delivered, I'm going to make sure everyone on this ship has some fun for once! Some of you guys need to loosen up a bit!" he teased, glancing at Luna with a wink.

He really did want to provide a small break in the daily stress of almost dying for his crew. And he was certain he'd have fun if he threw a party, but that was beside the point. He wanted to make sure that they all had a good time.

Once everyone was on the ship, Ella went for it with the guns. She had been getting more and more trigger happy as of late, but that was not a subject she wanted to discuss anytime soon. There was just something so satisfying about blowing things up. She loved it, and honestly, it scared her. It had to be the remnants of the coding from her father's sister, since she refused to think of the woman as anything other than that. Ella shook it off, trying to focus on making sure the enemy didn't get anything close to their ship.

"Let's get out of here, already!" she demanded, ignoring Ravenna's comments. Ella did not think this was fun. Ravenna was just out of her mind, most likely. Or were all flesh and blood creatures this weird? Ella wanted to give the poor idiots the benefit of the doubt in this scenario, but there were times she truly wondered about that. She just wanted to be done this mission and start on the next one. All she cared about was the high of doing her job and the money that could get out of this, not much else. Unlike some people, she didn't live for danger.


"Peter," luna looked at him with a pointed glance. "Nothing too crazy, I would rather not have to deal with a noise complaint right now." She winced, last time they had a party, it got a little out of hand and the other members of the crew were not happy the next morning. Luna turned towards Alice and pulled up an inventory list on the main screen. "We only need to deliver 75% of the scales we collected, I was going to use some to create more concoctions which would use up about 5% more. That leave 20% of the overall amount. That is about 30 scales, is that good?" She asked, doing some quick math. The scales were a lot heavier than they looked. Each on was roughly the size on an adult Terran hand and weighed roughly the same as a Terran newborn, which is why it wasnt a very easy mission.

Ravenna rolled her eyes and sneered. "Ruin all the fun why don't you." She walked to the console and took the ship up and oit of the atmosphere. "Where to next? I'm thinking we stock up on all supplies before doing another mission."

@Becfromthedead group

Jun was busy cleaning a few weapons off, but they had still been listening in on the conversation. A party could be nice, but was now really the time?
"I don't think a little celebration would hurt," they added, "but do we have the funds to pay for said party? I'd always be down for a good meal and some drinking. That's celebration enough for me. But that's not what you had in mind, is it?"
Jun shrugged.
"Either way, this delivery comes first. Not all of us are here for fun, as much as we'd like to be."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alice smiled at the generous offer and nodded. “That should be more than enough. Thank you very much, Captain.” she agreed. Thirty scales was actually more than she anticipated but she certainly wasn't going to complain. She gave a small jump when she noticed Jun standing nearby. “Where did you come from?”

@Becfromthedead group

"Oh, I've uh… I've been here almost the whole time," Jun replied with a sheepish smile, "I've been mostly focused on my work. Didn’t have a whole lot to say, I guess."
They set one of the guns back in its holder on the wall.
"Just doing my job and listening in, as usual."


"Jun is right, delivery comes first. That would free us from the burden of responsibility and we would be able to have at least a few days off before we go look for more work. The buyer did say they would lay a very hefty amount for this and these aren't cheap, it did take us almost 2 months of constant work to get this much." Luna got out of her seat and waved her hand, opening the stellar map hologram on the wall. "We should have enough fuel to jump to the next station, we can refuel there and make it to the Intirium Market in a little less than a day. We can get supplies and you can get your party supplies Peter." She said, one eye closed in thought.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Of course you were, Jun. I'm sorry. I must not have seen you.” Alice apologized with a soft sigh. Fool girl… You would think that you would be more observant of your surroundings by now. she sighed at her lapse. Of course, she didn't need to be on guard all the time while she was on the ship but she didn't like being vulnerable.

Alice nodded at Captain Luna’s idea, seeing the logic in the plan. Since she was only the strategist on the ship, she knew that her approval wasn't needed… but she often still had a hard time keeping her opinions to herself. “I think that is reasonable. No need to put the cargo at risk.” she smiled faintly for a moment before shaking her head. “If you will excuse me. I was just heading to the galley to make some tea. Would any of you like some?”