forum Space Princessess//open//In need of villains)
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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"Didn't they say that an A.i was guarding their ship right now? Ella could hack it and sneak us on board so we can clean out their supplies!" Raven said thoughtfully. She shook back her hair and groaned. "I need some new chains and ribbons, the last one broke and I hate having open hair like this."

"I need a few things and with the money we just got, we can easily pay for everything. I want to take the oridan metal to a Smith and have them melt it down into some sort of a weapon, its too dangerous carrying it around like that." Luna said

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(Oops! Sorry)

Alba nodded. “I believe they did mention an A.I. and not using it would be foolish. Especially if they have anything else as valuable as those scales on board.” she said, agreeing that Ella would be their best bet to get on the ship if they were going to try now.

Alice hummed softly to herself as she wove her way through the marketplace. She didn't really have a specific list of things to get, she mostly just browsed for new ingredients or something interesting that caught her eye.


"What kind of weapon?" Peter asked Luna, intrigued. His eyes shone with curiosity, eyebrows arched. He already had an impish face, and his expressive nature only served to emphasize those features. He imagined having a weapon made of oridan metal–how cool would that be? He was sure it would be awesome. As usual, the caramel-haired boy had a spring in his step, happy to be there. Though of course, he was also trying to act the part of the dashing yet mysterious pirate captain since they were in public, though the chances of him actually being recognized right now were slim.


"Well their ship should be at the docks right? We can head there after letting Ella know what we're planning on doing." Raven said, paying for an item and adding it into their cart of stuff.

"I dont know, maybe more arrowheads or small throwing knives? All I know is that its valuable in its raw form so we either spend it or melt it down." Luna said, stopping at a stall and buying a new book.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Abla nodded thoughtfully before freezing for a moment then shaking her head. “I should have thought of this sooner.” she chuckled softly. Turning casually to face the direction of their own ship, the Cymopoleian woman let out a special, slow, low pitched whistle to call Prism.


While Alba was whistling, raven continued to buy things off their list. She walked past a food vendor and heard Arty squeak. Turning towards the smell, Raven saw another Myren male cooking some meat, native to her planet. She bought a couple skewers and, after giving one to Arty, started snacking.


“That sounds cool as hell,” he responded with excitement. “If you make it into throwing knives, can I have one?” He looked at the book she was buying, trying to read the title and figure it out what it was about. Peter didn’t always have the attention span required for reading, but when he would want to sit down and read, he was a surprisingly fast one.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Ah! There you are, my friend.” Alba smiled, extending her arm for her pet to land on. Prism was the only constant reminder of her homeworld, having been rescued from a cruel smuggler, and the young woman was actually very grateful for that as well as the companionship.

Prism gave a fanged yawn and covered her face with her wings.

“I know you're tired but I need you to do this for me.” Alba laughed softly. “See those two people over there? I need you to find their ship and keep watch until I come back with Raven and Ella.” she instructed in a soft whisper so that to anyone else she would just appear to as affectionate to the creature.

Prism peeked out from under her wings at the two and gave a trilling chirp before taking off again.


Raven came back with the food and offered on to Alba. "Want one?" She asked, swallowing. The grease and sauce from the meat left a residue on her face which didn't seem to bother her, but people around them were giving them funny looks.

"A book on intergalactic plants, what to consume and what to stay away from. My last copy burnt when I tried to combine two very flammable plants and put them on the burner." Luna explained, sheepishly rubbing her neck. She bought the book and a used leather journal previously owned by an engineer.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alba raised a brow slightly but shook her head. “No, thank you. But you might want to clean up a little before we get Ella.” she suggested politely, referring to the greasy sauce on Raven’s face.


Peter chuckled. "Sounds a bit ironic," he commented with a grin. "And you all make fun of me for being a mess in the kitchen." He was only teasing, of course, since his food was rarely ever edible. One could hardly even call it food to begin with. "But you never answered my question about the knives." He poked her in the shoulder, focused on getting an answer to the question, almost like a little kid.

Meanwhile, Ella was bored. She wondered how long this little misadventure could possibly take, sitting by herself and watching the ship. One thing about being in a human form that sucked was boredom. Of course, she could mentally do a lot of things, but none of it would truly advance their plans. This whole stop could very well turn out to naught.


Raven allowed herself to be pulled away by Alba, holding onto her chain and looking around at anyone who meet eyes with her.

"Oh, of course! The captain and first mate should have matching weapons." She said, winking at him.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alba wasn't as interested in people watching or browsing at the moment, as she was more focused on getting back to the ship. Who knew how long they had before those two did something to that valuable metal… Alba wasn't a greedy person, but she understood value of things like this and respected Raven as a leader.

Alice was just wandering around the busy market, looking at whatever odds and ends caught her eye. Occasionally, she would buy something but she was aiming to save most of her money to restock her alchemy supplies. She sighed a little as she turned from the last stand she looked at and started to walk away when she bumped into someone; a young-looking raven-haired woman and her red-haired femme fatal friend. “Oh! I’m so sorry. I wasn't looking.” Alice apologized quickly.


(I'm assuming this is us lol)

Raven looked the girl up and down and folded her arms. "Hello there love." She smiled at her, licking her lips. "You don't seem to be aware or your surroundings much, eh?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(Yes. It is. I thought it would be ironic.)

Alice blushed at the red-head’s comment, mildly miffed, but nodded. “I was… a little distracted.” she admitted as she readjusted her bag of earlier purchases. “Again, I apologize.”

“It’s alright, dear.” Alba smiled sweetly but showing her fangs in a way that often made others uncomfortable. “We were in a bit of a hurry. Weren't we, Raven?”


"Certainly. It seems almost rude to have ruined the urgent beeline we had be making." She tossed her hair back and grinned at the girl again. "What did you say your name was lass?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Alice.” the young blonde answered politely though a little shortly, barely phased by the other woman's fangs. She’d seen many unsettling things before to be bothered. “And you are…?” she asked in reply.

Alba chuckled softly, a little impressed by the Terran’s spunk, and gave Raven a smirking look. “My name is Alba. And I believe I already introduced my partner, Raven.”


Raven shook her arm free of Alba's grasp and walked over to the girl, Alice, and studied her. "An interesting thing, ain't she Arty?" She asked, pulling back the collar of her coat and letting the little creature circle the Terran.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alice reflexively took a step back when Raven approached her and revealed her pet. She wasn't afraid of snakes, exactly but they did make the blonde uncomfortable. Her hand clasped the grip of the sword she always kept at her side as she furrowed her brows as the other woman watched her.

Alba leaned back slightly against the stall, quietly watching the two interact but ready to jump in if things got out of hand… Which she considered unlikely to happen anyway.