forum Space Princessess//open//In need of villains)
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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Peter was still grinning, not put off in the least by the others' comments. Nothing too crazy, got it. He could do that. Probably. Maybe. He'd try his best, anyway. He just listened to the rest of the conversation while his mind went wild with planning. He wondered how short of notice he could get a cake or something. He wasn't exactly a great chef himself, as shown when he had last tried to make something–a simple banana bread–and ended up setting the oven on fire. Yeah, Peter and cooking were like oil and water. They did not mix well.

At the offer of tea, he thought for a moment before responding. He had always enjoyed the stuff, especially with some honey or sugar, having a bit of sweet tooth. "I'll take some, if you don't mind," he accepted, glancing towards Alice. "What kind of tea is it?"

Ella rolled her eyes at Ravenna's first response. God, people were annoying sometimes, especially this girl. It was a bit too easy for the woman to get on Ella's nerves. "I wouldn't call running for our lives fun," she retorted. "Glad you seem to enjoy it, though." Another thing that she had gotten from her father's sister–sarcasm. She'd known what it was before, of course, but she hadn't really started using it until after her father had died and that awful woman had inputted code into Ella's mainframe. But sarcasm was largely harmless–and usually deserved–so that was much less internal debate on her part.

"Stocking up on supplies sounds smart," she agreed after a moment. "We will run out of the necessary supplies to get by comfortably in about three days if we don't stock up before then. Four if we ration things a bit, like I've been suggesting for the past who knows how long."


The mention of tea made Luna frown, it had been some time since she had tea. One could say her relationship with the beverage was tense, she had drank some at a party and it was smiled on her, burning some of her scales. Anytime someone asks about the large scar on her forearm, she says that someone had cut her in a fight. "I'll take some as well, Alice. Let me know when you all are prepared to go and we can jump into hyperdrive."

"Awe come on Ellie, yeh can't tell me tha' runnin' after taking supplies isn't fun." She grinned again. Arty floated up to where she was and squeaked. "Arty says that yer too tense, loosen up a bit." Ravenna pulled up the ship's inventory list and smirked. "Thas good an' all, but yeh know when we jump, I need to feed." She winked and leaned into the wall.


Ella twitched at the nickname, annoyed. "Don't call me Ellie," she snapped, adjusting her ponytail slightly, even though there was nothing wrong with it. She reached up to her forehead, feeling the loose strands there. "Dammit," she hissed under her breath as she did her best to get them under control. It didn't do much.

"I don't care what Arty says," she added, once again directing her words at Ravenna. "One of us needs to have some sense of self preservation around here, and it's clearly not you. I can't help it that I want to live longer than the next week, and hopefully not starve ourselves while doing so." While being a robot meant that Ella didn't have to eat food in the way humans and other creatures did, she still had to get some sort of nutrition to keep herself running in the form of energy. Not batteries, but she was created with Terrans in mind, who needed sustenance to survive, and while her core and mainframe were powerful, she couldn't just keep running without any source of fuel. So she ate like humans, but what she ate was a lot different. She hated describing the complex nature of it to people, in all honesty. They never got it. But whatever.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I was just thinking about a simple green tea to relax. Unless you have any other preferences.” Alice admitted with a little shrug. She remembered that Pan liked his more on the sweet side but she couldn't recall if anyone else had a particular favorite blend.


"Don't disrespect Arty like that, i may not be sensitive, but he is." She sneered and adjusted her hat. Ravenna pulled up a star map and typed in some coordinates. "The closest station is the one in the Alpha-Sig186 galaxy. It should take us no more than a day to stock supplies. Let's get going shall we?" She turned around to head into her room but stopped for a moment and turned back around. "I dont need ad much food as Terrans do unless its near my shedding time. You may be a robot but I've met more sensible creatures than you." She smirked and walked out, singing a song of drowned souls on the way.

"Alice you are Terran, yes? Is Green tea made by extracting the colour green? Ot sounds wonderful." Luna said. She plotted coordinates for the Alpha-Sig186 galaxy and stood up. This is the closest station to us and we can jump once we relax with tea."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alice couldn't help but laugh at the question as she shook her head. “No… I, forgive me, I am Terran but green tea is not made that way.” she answered, calmly but still smiling. “It is good especially with honey or sugar but it's just called that… Actually, I'm not sure why it's called that.” she admitted with another giggle.


"Strange, you Terrans with all your fancy technology and strange creations, I thought it would be logical." She said with a laugh. "I wonder what a green extract would taste like." She hummed and made her way to the on board library. "Do you mind if I join you all a little later? I want to read up on the Rixian scales, I know there are something you do not want to combine but I can't seem to remember what."


"Sounds good to me," Peter said breezily, in a bit more of a calm mood now that they'd moved on from discussing a party. Some green tea with honey sounded really nice to him right about now, anyway. "Mind if I tag along while you make tea?" he asked, directing the question to Alice. He frequently spent time with someone else on the ship whenever possible, liking to be around the others more than just spending time alone. Not that he never spent time alone, it was just more common for him to seek out someone to bother. When he got really into a drawing or idea or something, he could end up spending more time alone than usual.

He rocked back and forth on his heels, one of his habits. Peter had always had a bit of a hard time sitting still, tending to shift a lot when sitting down for long periods of time or do little dances when he was bored. He didn't always notice these little quirks of his, but he found it amusing when people pointed it out. It was just part of his charm, he supposed.

Ella watched her go with an almost comical frown. Man, Ravenna could get on her nerves like no other. She huffed, trying to distract herself with thoughts about a book she had read recently. Ella loved to read; anything that could teach her things was entertaining to her, though she did enjoy fiction as well. It went straight to her head, making Ella a bit prone to daydreams sometimes, a trait that would seem almost bizarrely out of character for those around her. It was quite at odds with her logical mindset and straightforward way of being. At any rate, after a few moments of trying to get herself to be calm again, she went to her own room to read.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alice shrugged a little. “I don't often pay attention to much logic. It's easier not to question certain things.” she admitted to Luna before nodding at Pan’s query. “You may come if you wish. You are the First Mate.” she smiled a little mischievously as she walked out of the navigation room and towards the galley.


Peter trailed after her, fiddling with the necklace he was wearing as he went. He gave the others a brief wave as he left. "See you guys later," he added, as headed out. He tended to walk at a fairly quick pace, not because he was in a hurry, mostly just because he had long legs, so he was able to catch up to Alice fairly quickly. "So how are you feeling?" he asked, trying to start a conversation up with her.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“As well as can be expected after that mission.” Alice admitted with a casual shrug. It wasn't as if that mission was anything out of the ordinary for the crew but it was nonetheless stressful. And perhaps a bit enjoyable. “How are you, Peter?” she asked to be polite.


“I’m doing good!” he answered enthusiastically. Peter was in good spirits after the party being approved, though honestly he was in good spirits a lot of the time anyway. Though he’d been nervous and more than a little scared during the fight, there was no way to tell now. He was good at hiding his emotions behind bravado.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Of course you are. You just got the Captain's approval to throw one of your infamous parties.” Alice smiled, that same teasing tone back in her voice again. “Not that I'm complaining. I'm just not a big drinker but you already know that.” she reminded him casually. She could hold her liquor well enough, she simply tried to remain more sober than some of the crew. It wasn't a good idea to get a half-mad woman drunk.


Ravenna emerged a few hours later from her room, after having charmed half the crew into doing her chores. She made her way to the weapons room and grabbed her favourite sword. The sharpness of the blade was decent but still she grabbed a sharpening block and went to the navigation room. She double checked the coordinates for the station then went to her seat, sat on the arm rest, and sharpened her blade.

Luna had finished taking notes on the Rixian scales and was watching Rattle chase a mouse in the library. After a few minutes he caught the creature and swallowed it then made his way to Luna with a seemingly happy face. "Silly snake, if you were hungry you should have asked me for food." Rattles flicked his tongue and slithered up her staff. She flicked her own tongue in response then left the library to head down to where Alice and Pan were binding over tea.


"Not everyone has to get drunk," he responded with a shrug. "It's just one of the options. Besides, I'm trying to see if I get some sort of cake too. To celebrate, ya know? I could just attempt to make one but I like this ship and I don't want to burn anything down by accident." He chuckled. "Anyway, it's gonna be great. Party of the year for sure."

He was still talking, not having seen Luna approaching yet. Peter was ebullient, full of good cheer. When he was in a good mood, he tended to talk the ear of whoever would listen. When he was in a bad mood, he would often still do that, just more on the side of complaining and being sarcastic than joyful rambling.

"So, what have you been up to recently? Any cool projects or whatnot?" he added, trying not to completely take over the conversation.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alice didn't mind Peter’s rambling since it almost reminded her of a couple of… friends who did the same thing, just with less sense. “I do agree that a cake would be a nice touch but if your attempt to cook anything ends up in flames, perhaps you should simply purchase one instead of risking the wrath of Luna.” she pointed out, smirking as she finally poured tea for everyone. It was almost a habit for her to pour a cup for everyone, even if they were not in the room yet. “Nothing very new at the moment. Though I am looking forward to seeing what I can do with those scales.” she smiled with a small spark in her eye that normally meant she was going to mix the newest ingredient with just about everything.


Luna walked in at the moment Alice started pouring tea. "The scales have many properties, but one thing you absolutely cannot mix them with is acid, the acid won't devolve the scale, instead it will separate the elements used to create the acid. It's a good thing to do if you're running out of supplies." She took a seat at the table and smiled gratefully as she took a cup.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alice raised a brow slightly at the information and nodded. “Is there a specific type of acid or just in general?” she asked in curiosity. Though she thought that was an interesting fact to remember… She’d try to put it down in her notes later.


Peter took a cup as well, smiling at Alice to show his gratitude. "Thanks, Al," he said, taking a sip. He thought for a moment. "Do we have any honey?" He honestly didn't remember. He didn't hang out in the kitchen much, and probably wouldn't be allowed to anyway, with what usually went on between him and kitchens. Besides, he was perfectly fine with just stopping by for a snack now and then but otherwise avoiding it.


"I think acid in general. There wasn't much information in the library about the scales so I wanted to ask you if I could take notes on what you do with them. It could be helpful for future reference." Luna responded, standing up to grab the honey. She passed it to Peter then took a sip of her tea

Ravenna emerged a few hours later from her room, after having charmed half the crew into doing her chores. She made her way to the weapons room and grabbed her favourite sword. The sharpness of the blade was decent but still she grabbed a sharpening block and went to the navigation room. She double checked the coordinates for the station then went to her seat, sat on the arm rest, and sharpened her blade.


Peter gave her a brief nod and smile as well. "Thanks Lu," he said, stirring the honey in before taking a sip and letting out a contented sigh, leaning back a bit. He loved honey in his tea. He had a real sweet tooth, and would honestly eat anything if there was a way to make it sweet. It was a bit funny, since he tried to make his reputation somewhat intimidating, though he was in actuality not an intimidating guy in the least. To those who he'd never met, he could somewhat be intimidating, but to those who knew him, he was normally about as scary as a glass of peach tea. That is to say, not at all.

Ella was busy in her own room, reading still. The woman could read for hours without stopping, though this could be in part due to her programming. She could laser focus in on something when necessary, and though reading this book wasn't exactly necessary, she enjoyed it. She tried not to think too hard about that. Shouldn't she not have those sort of feelings towards anything? Since when did robots, no matter how perfect, have feelings? Wasn't that part of being perfect, not getting emotional? She pushed the thought out of her mind, knowing it would circle back eventually.