forum Space Princessess//open//In need of villains)
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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Arty squeaked and settled onto Alice's shoulder. The Little octopus-like creature scurried down her arm then lifted off to float infront of her face. He squeaked again and looked at Raven. "No no, we can't keep her, Alba will hate us forever if we take another being." She laughed and plucked the creature out of the air like a burrito. "What shall we do with you, love?" She glanced back at Alice.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alice stiffened for a moment before relaxing at little Arty’s actions, giggling softly. She didn't know why she had thought this cute creature was a snake but she was glad to be wrong this time.

“I would not. You're more likely thinking about Ella.” Alba defended with a laugh. “In fact, I find her interesting as well. There's something unique about her scent. I don't believe I’ve come across it before.” she explained, taking another little sniff.

Alice rolled her eyes slightly but smiled at the duo. “Well, unfortunately, I’m already a member of a crew. So I most certainly can not stay with you. Actually, I should be going on to meet them.” she told them.


"Yer right, it must have been Ella. Wouldn't she like to study this creature?" Raven ran her tongue across her teeth and folded her arms. "Yeh don't need t'be a part of our crew, we jus want to… learn about yer species."

(Completely forgot that Raven had an accent)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“I think she would, very much.” Alba chuckled, sauntering closer to Alice. Her eyes flashed red for a moment as she enjoying playing this little game with Raven, though she wasn't sure how far they were going to go or what Raven’s goal was.

Alice's eyes narrowed as she looked at the two strangers. All this talk about being studied by someone, presumably another member of their crew, and her apparently unique scent was making her incredibly wary of their intentions. She couldn't help but let a half-mad smirk creep across her lips as she drew her vorpal sword, the strange ‘snicker-snack’ it made was oddly comforting and very familiar to her. “I’m afraid I'll have to decline.” she said coldly. “Now, just let me by and we can all avoid any trouble.”


Raven whistled when she saw the blade pointed in her direction. "Kitty has claws. A very fine specimen you have there." She said, admiring her sword. "Where might have you gotten such a thing?" Raven had accomplished what she needed to, she had picked up the scent of both the Rixian scales as well as the male and female who possessed them on this lass. It was during tomes like these she was grateful for her Myren nose.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alba raised a brow at the sword, crinkling her nose slightly as she picked up a strange almost spicy scent… though she couldn't tell if it was coming from the girl or her sword. She was more adept at identifying the smell of blood and with enough time she could recognize a person by it.

“Somewhere impossible. As far as I'm aware, I’m the only outsider who has ever been there.” Alice said, a small mad titter slipping past her lips. Honestly, she wasn't exactly sure where that land was but she wasn't very eager to try to find it lately. She closed her eyes for a moment to regain a bit of her sanity before looking back at Raven and Alba. “I really don't want to fight you… But I will if I must.”


Raven folded her arms behind her head and gave a sly smile. "We'll see each other soon lass, best not to get on our bad side." She blew a kiss and took out her dagger, twirling ut on her fingers as she walked away.

Back on the ships, an intergalactic message had been sent out to all residents of the universe. It was a video recording and had to be accepted in order to be viewed. So at the present moment, neither of the 2 had any idea what was to happen in the near future.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alba smirked and walked away with Raven. “What did you think about her?” she asked once they were out of earshot.

Alice sighed, closing her eyes as she sheathed her sword. That had been a little too close. She couldn't put her finger on it, but something about those two rubbed her the wrong way. Or maybe it was just an aftereffect of being so close to madness.


Raven allowed herself to be pulled away by Alba, holding onto her chain and looking around at anyone who meet eyes with her.

"Oh, of course! The captain and first mate should have matching weapons." She said, winking at him.

Peter grinned at her, winking back. "Sweet!" he exclaimed. "I've wanted a dagger made of Oridan metal. And look at us, all matchy matchy."

Ella's eyes widened as intergalactic message popped up. It had to be accepted before it could be viewed, so she paused, furrowing her brows. What if it was some kind of virus that would be let loose on the ship if she accepted it? She tried to scan the code for any sort of virus or bug that would potentially infiltrate the ship.


(Sorry,got busy with work!!)

"Well, my dear friend, I put a scent on her. You know how much my nose likes to pick up the scent of gems, yes? So I placed a Myren opaerl on her. Only worth something in the hands of the Myren and is practically invisible so she will not notice it. Because it had spent so much time with me,the stone has a unique scent only recognised by me so I have, essentially, placed a living tracking chip on our little friend there." Raven smiled, fiddling with her chains.

Luna shook her head, running her hand through her hair and standing up. "Think we should head back to the ship now?" She asked.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(It's ok. Just was hoping this hadn't died already… Glad you're ok.)

Alba nodded slightly, admiring the cleverness of Raven’s actions. “So, you're hoping to find her again…” she hummed. “You find her interesting as well? Not that I blame you. There's something… strange about her. Though, from what I noticed, her blood initially smelled like that of a Terran.”

Alice sighed and made sure that she hadn't dropped anything before tiredly heading back to the ship. She decided she would wait outside for Peter and Luna to come back. Being treated that way by those two women was more than enough for one day. Besides, she had already purchased most of the ingredients that she wanted to restock as well as the few odds and ends that caught her eye.


Peter nodded, absentmindedly rocking back and forth on his heels slightly. "Yeah, that sounds fine," he responded. "Man am I ready to relax for a bit after missions and everything." He let out a soft chuckle.

Ella let out a huff of frustration that things were not working the way she wanted them to. She supposed she'd just have to wait for the others to open whatever this message was.


Raven nodded. "She has a… scent to her, something I don't recognise, it's strange. I want to study her, and I hate studying." She laughed. "We going back to the ship? We did get everything right?"

"We should head to one of the vacation planets. Oh what about Qrysa? It's the one where all their vehicles are living things." Luna asked, making their way back to the ship.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Alba nodded again. “I noticed it too. I know I haven't traveled much before… but I didn't recognize it from anywhere.” she commented, a small smirk playing on her lips. “But I’m sure Ella and I could… study her as well.”

Alice sighed a little as she wove her way through the crowd. She had a… general idea where the ship was docked but she was having a bit of trouble finding her way there.


"Ella will be a bit annoyed she didn't get to see the girl. Oh well, there will be another time." She sniffed and turned a corner, their ship coming into view in all its glory.