forum Space Princessess//open//In need of villains)
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Of course, Luna. I’ll do my best.” Alice nodded, smiling a little as she took a sip of her drink. “Do we have any of those books in our library?” she asked. It was true that she didn't enjoy reading many dry informative books, especially without a visual reference, but a little information to start with was better than none.


"There are, and I took some notes on its properties to help me in my creations. You're welcome to use both those things!" Luna drank the rest of her tea and stood up, taking her journal out of her cloak. "All my notes are in this. I'm going to get prepared for our jump so once you all finish, just take the service elevator to the nav room, it'll be faster." She tapped her staff on the ground and Rattles made his way up the side to his resting branch. Luna did a two finger salute then turned into the wall behind them, the wall slid open and an elevator was there waiting.


"El? I'm getting bored. If yer ready to go, I want to jump to the station." Raven called through the comm device. She sharpened her sword and sharpened her cutter. She even had time to play a game with Arty, who was now napping on her shoulder.


(Great! Also idk when Elle is coming back so I think I'll do a short timeskip)

Some time later, Luna was strapped into her seat and was typing coordinates into the console. She could have easily asked Avi, the A.I, to do it for her, but his hologram hadn't appeared so Luna assumed he was sleeping. "Alright, everything is all set. Ready to jump?"

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(Ok. Maybe Elle just isn't very active on the weekends?)

“All ready here, Captain.” Alice confirmed as she made sure that the straps on her chair were secure enough. These jumps were actually quite exhilarating, in her opinion.


Sounds of agreement were heard from the rest of the crew and Luna activated the hyperdrive. The sounds of an engine running became more and more prominent as the ship prepared to jump. A low pop was heard and the EverHeart and its crew disappeared from the galaxy.

Once they got out of Hyperdrive, Luna gave some commands to prep the ship to dock on a loading point at the station. Once the station confirmed that their ship was secured and the airlock connected, Luna unhooked the buckles and started preparing a small bag to take with her along with the Rixian scales and her weapons. "You all have free range of the station, you're welcome to go purchase whatever you want. Keep your comm devices open to know when we are leaving." She hoisted her bag on her shoulder and spun her staff. "I would prefer if one of you came to meet the buyer with me, but I will have Rattles with me and its a pretty bug station." She smiled and rubbed the top of his head, turning and hitting the airlock button.


Peter had been excited by the idea of being able to buy whatever he wanted, but when Luna mentioned she wanted someone with her to meet the buyer, Peter thought maybe he could go. Why not? He considered himself to be good with people. "I can go meet the buyer with you if you want," he responded with a slight shrug. "I am the first mate, after all." Though he would certainly rather have been the captain if he were honest, but he was sure she already knew that from his complaining when he'd first joined the crew. He wasn't as bad about it now, thankfully, but he still did get annoyed if Luna tried to tell him what to do.


"El? I'm getting bored. If yer ready to go, I want to jump to the station." Raven called through the comm device. She sharpened her sword and sharpened her cutter. She even had time to play a game with Arty, who was now napping on her shoulder.

Ella glanced up from her book, speaking just loud enough for her voice to reach Ravenna. "Let's go then, no point wasting time," she responded, ready to get supplies and be done with it.


"That'd be nice." Luna smiled at Peter and walked out the airlock with all the necessary things.

The station was pretty busy and Luna had to weave in and out to get to where she needed, it was easy to do as Rattles hissed at anyone who got too close. They reached the pick-up location and stood to the side, waiting for the buyer to show up. "What are you going to do once we close the deal?" She asked Peter, passing time.

"Great! Come ine in and we'll jump!" She said, walking over to her chair and strapping herself in and preping for the jump.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

“Well, I suppose someone will have to watch the ship.” Alice said softly. She did want to see the station and perhaps buy a few things but it seemed like she would have to wait. Which wasn’t her strong suit.


Peter walked with her, side by side as they got to the pick-up location. He stood next to her now as they waited, glancing over when Luna asked him the question. "I mean, I told you I was going to throw a party," he responded brightly. "Beyond that, I don't really know. What about you? Any special plans?"

Ella sighed, setting down her book and making sure to put a book mark in (since dog-earring pages was for heathens). She walked in, sitting down in her own chair and securing herself, giving a glance and thumbs up toward Ravenna. "Okay, let's get this over with."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(I’m just going to go ahead and throw Alba into the story. Her sheet is pretty much finished anyway…)

Alba yawned a little as she walked into the navigation room. Despite the rumors about her people, she was not nocturnal. A bit more active at night perhaps but that was because it was the best time to hunt back on Cymopoleia. And it was easy enough to lose track of day and night cycles on any ship anyway. She gave a brief nod to Ravenna and Ella as she took her seat and secured her harness.


"Hmm? No not much. I only want to go and get some snacks from my home planet and maybe a new journal but that's all for me. Avi asked me to get him a download file of some Terran movies so I have to do that for him as well." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and bit her lip, leaning against the wall. "I know Alice will want to do some exploring so I'll head back to the ship once this is done." She gave Peter a soft smile before her face hardened into an almost sneer.

Who else would show up to be the buyer than Killian Roux, the man who locked her up and almost stole her ship when she first bought it, and her ex. "Hello sweetheart, I see you have my goods ready for me." He smirked and looked at her. "Ih' lirk'ena aliyan." She cursed in her native language and glared at him. "Which filthy part of this station did you crawl up from? Why are you here?" She crossed her arms. "Like I said sweetheart, I'm here for the scales." He pushed back his hat.

As the Navigator, Ravenna knew more about star maps and how to get to and from places. She set the ship into the jump settings and licked her lips. "And away we go!" She laughed. Their ship stalled for a few seconds then faded from the galaxy.

They appeared in front of the station and managed to steal a spot that another shop was about to take. Once the airlock was secured, Raven grabbed her sword and her cutter and made a beeline for the door. "Come Arty!" The Little octopus squeaked and zoomed to her shoulder.


Peter, of course, didn't know much about their history, though from Luna's body language they clearly had a past, and not a happy one. He moved between them, trying to stop things from getting more awkward and uncomfortable. "Hello, I don't believe we've met," he interjected, putting out his hand for a handshake. Part of him wanted to judo flip this guy for the fact he was obviously making Luna uncomfortable, but he didn't want to risk losing this asshole's business. So he was content with putting himself between them, unsure if that was the right move, but sure in himself and his judgement, so he didn't waver.

Ella watched Ravenna go, unamused. "I'll stay here with the ship, I suppose," she responded. "You know what we need to get right, Alba? If not, I can write you a list quickly. I don't exactly trust Ravenna to remember everything." She adjusted her ponytail again, fixing her shirt as well. Everything had to be orderly.