forum Space Princessess//open//In need of villains)
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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@Becfromthedead group

(I will get up a character soon, I can make a guy if needed. But also? Genderfluid Mulan seems rad as hell if no one has taken a character inspired by her yet.)


(Yeah! I can't wait to see what characters you guys come up with!)
(Also, if I'm not avaliable, then @FanfictionFanatic will be the one who can answer your questions. They'll be the co-owner of this rp because they did the original with me)


Name: Peter Pan (that is what he goes by, no one knows his original surname)
Nicknames: Pan (only his friends call him Peter, anyone can call him Pan or Peter Pan though)
Age: 22
Gender: male
Appearance: Peter has an untamable mess of caramel curls, that don't take crap from any sort of hairbrush and always look a bit windswept. He has thick, expressive eyebrows and lightly tanned skin from his work as a pirate, though he usually sticks more to being a sky pirate than a traditional pirate. His eyes are light brown with a ring of vibrant green around his pupils, and he has surprisingly long eyelashes. He has ears that stick out slightly and a sprinkling of freckles across his nose and cheeks that add to the boy-ishness of his appearance. He has an infectious grin and an athletic build, standing at 5' 11". He has a few scars from past battles or hardships and always has a spark of adventure in his eyes. He generally wears clothes in various neutrals or greens, and actually is a bit of a sharp dresser, paying a lot of attention to his appearance. He also favors a pair of green goggles that he usually wears on his forehead when he doesn't need them.
Personality: Peter’s adventurous and generally good-spirited, unless you disrespect him. He values his honor and reputation very highly, even though he is a sky pirate, generally using the label "privateer" instead of pirate. He’s a good liar and even those close to him have a hard time guessing his motives. He’s charismatic and charming, and may seem like an upbeat, simple guy but he’s always plotting. He isn’t usually rude, but isn’t nice either. He is a bit of a Casanova, or at least he considers himself to be. He won't pass up an opportunity to joke or flirt, and can seem like he doesn't take things seriously, but he will get serious if needed. He is cunning and witty, but can come off as a bit of a dumbass if he gets too distracted flirting. He's also skilled at pickpocketing and has nimble fingers.
Sexuality: pansexual
Fairytale character: Peter Pan
Backstory: Peter never knew his parents, instead being raised by the Lost Boys, a notorious gang of sky pirates known for taking in kids young and spitting out some of the most famous names in misdeeds, whether more fancy and upscale or dirty and underhanded. The Lost Boys also all have some sort of magical power or special thing about them. The reputation of the Lost Boys is different among various circles, but they are generally fairly well-known, and depending on the person, either respected and revered or despised, though many people don't really care one way or the other. When Peter was younger, he tried to find out more about his family, but didn't get far. He found the realm they were from, Terra, but no more. He couldn't find a trace of them and instead ended up befriending the Darling children and whisking them away into his maddening world of pirates and magic. He and Wendy haven't seen each other in some time, and they didn't exactly part on the best of terms.
Skills: Wisecracking, flirting, piloting, coming up with plans, swordfighting, and persuading.
Power/s?: He has the ability to fly and speak to animals. These are both things he was born with, though flying takes concentration and stamina whereas his animal communication is just like speaking English to him.
Position on ship: Second in command (somewhat reluctantly)
Likes: Adventures, trying new things, outwitting his opponents, witty humor, flirting with anything that breathes, and when people know who he is.
Dislikes: Being stuck in one place for long periods of time, getting close to anyone, and people who pick fights with those who aren’t able to fight back.Hobbies:
Pets: none
Other: He’s the current youngest well-known pirate captain, and he intends to keep it that way. He has a reputation for being not only a lying, thieving pirate, but also a heartbreaker, which he finds amusing. He tries to pretend he is more respectable than he truly is, by dressing well and using words like "privateer" and "borrowing" but very few people are actually convinced by his act.

(i'm redoing my characters because I don't like my old character sheets, especially Ella's)


Name: CNDR-06 aka Ella Louise Hendrix
Nicknames: Cinder, Cinderella (not a fan of either of these), El (only her friends are allowed to call her this), Hendrix
Age: technically 3, but she appears to be 24 both mentally and physically
Gender: unsure, but generally uses she/her pronouns (since she is extremely advanced artificial intelligence, she has begun to become more and more humanlike, questioning things like her gender and sexuality)
Appearance: Ella looks virtually flawless, since she was designed to look beautiful, the only cue that she isn't a regular human. Other than that, she looks just like a flesh and blood young woman. Ella has soft, mocha-colored skin and deep brown eyes with long lashes. She has naturally rosy cheeks and perfect, full lips. She has long, curly dark brown hair that goes nearly to her waist, and the hands of a piano player, able to kill with deadly precision. She has perfectly groomed eyebrows and an oval face shape. Ella has an hourglass figure and stands at 5' 7", looking like a model.
Personality: Ella was designed to be as human-like as possible, and with every year that she's been "alive," she has picked up more and more human traits. She was more cold and calculating at first, but now she exhibits emotions and is starting to actually feel emotions as well, which she tries to hide, since she believes it to be a glitch in her coding. Sometimes she will blurt out information that she feels very strongly about, due to a glitch in her coding. She is a logical thinker, and can be a bit rude without meaning to, simply stating facts. Ella only cares about others so much as what they can do for her.
Sexuality: questioning
Fairytale character: Cinderella
Backstory: Ella was created in a lab on the planet Nexis, which in many ways is similar to Terra, but has much more advanced technology and more species. Species-wise it is a bit of a mixing pot, having many Terrans there, which is what Ella was based off of. Her creator, or "father", as she called him, originally made her to see if he could achieve true artificial intelligence, and she was his sixth attempt. He was certain he'd prevailed, and he studied her closely for the next year and a half, until he mysteriously died. Once he did, his older sister took over. She had wanted to make Ella into a soldier, so that she could destroy all of her enemies with ease. The lab was destroyed and the sister vanished before she could get too far into reprogramming Ella, though some things stayed. Ella, having no idea what to do, figured she might as well do the only things she was good at–killing and putting her advanced intelligence to use. She joined the group aboard the Nevermore to hopefully earn money and then figure out what she wanted, but the programming left over from her "father's" sister is still in her. (Hopefully this makes sense, I'm still working on it.)
Skills: She can code, knows any language almost instantly (or least any language that her "father" would have known of, so if it's a new or obscure language she may not know it), knows a lot of facts and information, can fight in many different ways, and is a decent mechanic in a pinch. Can use many kinds of machinery.
Power/s?: Technically none, though she has more stamina and strength than an average human due to her metal skeleton and synthetic organs.
Position on ship: gunner/fighter
Likes: Brain teasers/puzzles, learning new things, reading, boxing, cloudy days, and being right.
Dislikes: Extreme hot or cold weather, getting wet, emotions (they're confusing and she's unused to them), and other peoples' emotions (especially when someone cries in front of her, she's the worst at comforting people).
Hobbies: Any form of learning intrigues her, as well as practicing her fighting techniques.
Pets: none
Other: Makes interesting choices for outfits, especially shoes.


(I should probably add them into the character list)
(I absolutely love the new, revised versions!! Is Ella on the Nevermore or the other ship? And I cant wait for Luna and Pan's dynamic)
(I realize I hate the ship name WolfStar and want to change it, I was thinking of EverHeart?)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(Idk… She was on the same ship as Pan and Luna last time but I guess I'm fine with either ship. And I’ll leave the captain position open to one of the others. I have a hard time picturing Alice in that post.)


(I should probably add them into the character list)
(I absolutely love the new, revised versions!! Is Ella on the Nevermore or the other ship? And I cant wait for Luna and Pan's dynamic)
(I realize I hate the ship name WolfStar and want to change it, I was thinking of EverHeart?)

(thanks! and ella's on nevermore with the "villains"! also same, their dynamic should be fun lol. everheart sounds cool)

@Becfromthedead group

(You can start without me if need be. I should for real get a character in in the next couple of hours. I had to give a presentation today, it's been hectic lmao)