forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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@emilyevewrites group

Eve laid back among the sheets and sighed. "Would it be too much for me to feel out for her?"

Farah made her way to the Stone Circle. Upon first sight, it looked empty, but as she'd learned in dealing with Rosalind, nothing was as it seemed upon first sight. She stepped into the circle and looked around with a narrowed, glowing gaze. "I know you're here," she called as her eyes turned silver-blue from their natural brown.

A few seconds passed, and still Farah didn't leave. Eventually, a shimmer appeared at the opposite side of the circle at the very edge as an older fairy waved away the light magic that had made her invisible. A wicked smile donned on her lips as she took a few steps into the center of the stones. "Hello, Farah."

@emilyevewrites group

Eve looked at her meaningfully. "I'll try, but that's not something I can control right now." Still, she let her eyes glow with the use of her powers and tried to recognize her mother's familiar emotions.

Farah stiffened at the sight of her old mentor. "Rosalind." She bit out her name. "Stay away from my school."

Rosalind's expression was sweet but venomous. "Oh, don't tell me you're the headmistress of Alfea now. How disappointing. Let me guess… Saul is the Specialist headmaster then?" Farah exhaled swiftly through her nose, telling Rosalind everything she wanted to know, and her eyes glittered with the knowledge. "Ah, I see. And… doesn't my daughter attend 'your school' now?" She used the words "your school" mockingly.

Alarm flashed through Farah's eyes, but she refused to act on it. Momentarily. "Your daughter?"

Rosalind smiled easily. "Anya. I practically raised her after all."

Deleted user

anya could feel something tug at her strings, confused she put her head on eves. " careful eve.."

@emilyevewrites group

Eve winced slightly, still searching. Suddenly, she got a read. "I think I found her!"

"That doesn't make her your daughter," Farah replied sharply. "Stop twisting the truth, Rosalind."

"Well, she's nearly as powerful as me, don't you think?" Rosalind innocently questioned. "I think so. Especially after seeing her save you and Saul from those Burned Ones. Quite an impressive display. And… she was with someone else. Another powerful fairy." Her eyes widened. "Your daughter."

Farah's heart began to race. "Stay away from her."

"Or what?" Rosalind asked quickly. "Am I wrong? Your daughter has strength unlike anything the Otherworld has ever seen. Not like she'd know it from how you keep her monitored on your little leash. You and Saul… a daughter. What's her name? No, wait. I know it. Eve, right?"

Panic seized Farah. She was never this emotionally vulnerable unless someone threatened her daughter, which Rosalind was blatantly doing now. "Stop."

Farah's bolt of panic chased by cold fear ripped through Eve with starting force. She gasped, clutching her chest and panting suddenly.

Deleted user

anya gripped onto eve " hey hey! i got you.. im here" she said and held eve.

@emilyevewrites group

Eve struggled to draw a breath. "She's… She's panicking. I think she found Rosalind. But I don't know why she would be so scared."

"You're so protective of your daughter because you're afraid of what she'll become without your guidance," Rosalind predicted, very accurately. "You're afraid that when she discovers the extent of her abilities, you may never get her back."

Farah's eyes narrowed. "That's not true."

"You're terrified of your own power, and now you've imprinted that fear on your daughter. And mine. Eve and Anya together have the power to change the Otherworld as we know it!" Rosalind exclaimed. "And you refuse to see it!"

“No,” Farah corrected. Her eyes blazed as she stared down her former mentor. “I refuse to allow you to manipulate them into doing whatever it is you have planned for them. You won’t lay a finger on Anya or my daughter."

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" it could just be the adrenaline as well..' she said and intertwined their fingers.

@emilyevewrites group

"No," Eve said, looking into Anya's eyes. "I know what adrenaline feels like. This isn't it. She's terrified."

Rosalind tilted her head to the side and smirked. "We'll just have to see about that, now won't we, dear Farah." She glanced and nodded at someone off to the side, at the edge of the Stone Circle who had been concealed in the shadows.

Farah looked over as well, and her eyes widened at who she saw.

(Either Andreas or Anya's dad. If you want it to be Anya's dad, you can do him. If it's Andreas, I can write him nbd)

Deleted user

( its good i got it!) anyas dad moved his veil. " farah." he said flatly

@emilyevewrites group

Farah observed him, her fingers curling into fists at her sides. She was prepared to fight, but only as a last resort. "Do I know you?" she asked sharply.

Rosalind's smile grew.

Deleted user

" anyas father." he said. he glared at farah " so, your trying to change anyas magic?"

@emilyevewrites group

Farah's expression hardened. "Why would I tell you anything about your daughter?" she demanded. "I have no respect for you, whatsoever."

"She is," Rosalind remarked, her eyes challenging Farah's. "Just like I told you, Mavrice."

Pressure mounted as Farah took in the odds. Two against one. Not good. She should've asked Saul to come. No, then she would've put him in danger too. She could handle this. Powers waited at her fingertips, but she restrained them. Farah refused to be the one who struck first.

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anya felt the tug hard again. " eve how many people are there?" she asked
mavrice was using his powers, calling his daughter back to her rightful spot. mavrice was a mind fairy. a very powerful mind fairy

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" im going to help moma. two against one is never fair. you need rest stay. she cant yell at us if its just me down there. i refuse to let my father mess anything else up!"

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" eve. i have too. if it saves farah from hurting anymore then et me give them what they want." she said, touching her forehead to eves. her eyes were streaming tears.

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anya was torn. her emotions changed between pure sadness for eaving eve, guilt for not helping farah, fear of her father finding them. " eve… i-.." she choked out, coughing and crying.

anyas father had finally pinpointed them. " got 'em, should i go retrieve them. their both in vulnerable states rosalind "

@emilyevewrites group

Eve kissed her gently, feeling the emotions of her lover along with everyone else. Her tears slipped out of her eyes and down her cheeks. “It’s okay,” she whispered.

“Excellent,” Rosalind praised. “Yes, proceed with the mission as planned.

Farah’s eyes went wide. “No!”

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mavrice disappeared behind rosalinds illusion. he was going to get to the girls first. he raced up the halls and to the suite. " open the door anya!" a voice said
anya froze, her emotions going numb.