forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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@emilyevewrites group

Eve walked by Anya's side. She would find Anya's father and make him pay, whether Anya would tell her where he was or not. Her steps were swift and determined.

Deleted user

" i can tell." she said softly " if we could switch powers for one day, what would you do?"

@emilyevewrites group

Eve sighed. "If I told you, you'd… you'd look at me differently," she admitted quietly, turning down a smaller hall. Callum's office was at the door at the end, and beyond that, Farah's.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah was sitting at her desk, not even bothering to pretend that she wasn't waiting for them. "Girls. Sit."

Eve did as her mother said, lowering herself onto one of the chairs opposite Farah's desk.

@emilyevewrites group

Farah lifted her chin and spoke with an authoritative tone. "I don't know how to address this other than directly…" She took a breath and made sharp eye contact with Anya. "I can't have my daughter being with or around someone who consistently puts her into dangerous situations."

Eve sat up straighter in her chair. "Mo-"

All Farah had to do was hold up her finger, and Eve fell silent. She continued. "Furthermore, being as close a contact with Rosalind as you were, there is certain information I will need about her. I need to know when exactly it was that you last had contact with her, I need to know what she told you, and I need to know who your father is."

Deleted user

anya's heart dropped at the mention she couldn't be with eve. she took a deep breath " augest 29, 2 pm, my suite on alfea grounds " she answered the first question, with a shakey voice she continued " she said that she could no longer train me, and that if anyone fucked with my magic it would kill me and her last hope for survival of what came next. she left without another word. and mavrice seeder." she said flatly

@emilyevewrites group

"She told you nothing of her plans? Her intentions? Did she ever talk about returning to Alfea?" Farah asked quickly. "Anyone else she was working with? Did she train anyone but you?"

The emotions that poured out of her and into Eve nearly made her feel sick. The headmistress was overwhelmingly worried and anxious, nothing like Eve had ever felt before.

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anya noticed eve receiving the headmistresses feeligs. " farah, you need to calm down. your affecting eve." she said. " no i was rosalinds only trainee. she never shared personal info like the things your asking, yes she said shed return if no one fucked with my magic. anyone else she was working with was unannounced to me."

@emilyevewrites group

Eve's eyes darted from Anya to her mother and back. She was extremely overstimulated, and she gripped the armrests of her chair tightly to compensate.

And Farah wasn't finished. "Who is your father?"

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" i allready told you mavrice seeder." he said and held eve

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" im not sure, " she said softly, running her fingers through eves hair. it was amazing how anya could calm eve so easily

@emilyevewrites group

"Please step away from my daughter." Farah's tone was cutting. "Your reputation isn't earning you any trust currently. How can you not know where your father is? When was the last time you spoke to him?"

Deleted user

" when he did this." anya said and lifted up her shirt. " a long while ago.." she said. the scars were clear. " why would i keep track of a man who tried to kill his daughter with a broken bottle?"

@emilyevewrites group

Eve couldn't jerk her head fast enough to look away. It physically hurt her to see Anya in pain.

Farah's eyes took in the scars. Her eyes softened a bit, but she didn't stop with her questioning. "Did he know Rosalind?"