forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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anya nodded, getting back to eve. shed been snapping a rubber band on her wrist out of habit when her anxiety got that high or her nerves took hold.

@emilyevewrites group

Eve sat on the bed, patiently waiting while wearing only her bra and underwear. Her eyes were closed when Anya entered, and she didn't open them. "What's wrong?" she asked. She'd felt her partner's strong emotions since her talk with Farah.

Deleted user

anya sighed " exactly why i told saul lying to you is hard." she mumbled and undressed down to shorts and a bra..

Deleted user

" i know, im sorry. its just hard.. knowing you've been taught wrong all your life on-top of the pressure of keeping the closest to me safe. and impressing your mom so i can put a ring on it." she said

@emilyevewrites group

Eve laughed softly. "Trust me, my mother puts on her strong front, but she's actually really emotional under the surface. She never lets it show, not even in front of me. She only ever does in front of my father, and even then, not very often."

Deleted user

she nodded and pulled eve close " like you are to me," she said and nuzzled her. anyas wrist was still red from the band

@emilyevewrites group

Eve smiled and looked down at Anya's hand over hers. "I love you t–" Her expression suddenly deadpanned, and she took Anya's hand in hers to bring it up to her face. "Anya…" she whispered.

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anya caught sight of her gaze " stress habit.." she said and tried to pull her hand away

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" ive always done it.." she said and looked away " i started when i was trained by rosalind okay? its not that big of a deal.."

@emilyevewrites group

"Maybe not to you. But to me…" Eve took Anya's hand and kissed lightly all the way around her wrist. "Please don't do this," she murmured against the skin, begging her lover to listen. "For me."

Deleted user

" okay eve.." she said and nuzzled into eves chest " why are you so dressed up hm? " she chuckled

@emilyevewrites group

Eve sighed with relief and held Anya against her, letting her fingers explore over the smooth skin of her back. "What do you mean?" she cooed, kissing Anya's hair lightly.

Deleted user

anya flicked eves bra strap, your all dressed for something," she said