forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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@emilyevewrites group

"Did you…" Farah shook her head. "Nevermind. I must be hearing things now."

Saul touched Farah's arm gently, causing her to turn around. "I hate to break this up, but… how did the Burned Ones get so close to Alfea in the first place. They were on the other side of the Barrier?"

Deleted user

" im not sure, has anyone been missing? they could have gotten scratched and never come forward.."

@emilyevewrites group

Farah thought briefly. "No," she replied. "That couldn't have happened. Burned One infections spread terribly quickly when untreated. We would know if someone was infected."

Eve looked at the ground at the mention of a Burned One infection. The marks on her back started to tingle a bit, or maybe that was just her imagination.

Deleted user

anya got up, pacing " the only thing i can think of is someone let them in ma. thats the only explanation. but, if that was the case there'd have to be a dead body." anya was deep in thought, thinking about how they'd have gotten in so easily

@emilyevewrites group

"There haven't been any dead bodies in Alfea," Saul assured her. "And who could have the power to let Burned Ones through Farah's barrier?"

Farah's eyes widened at what Anya had said. "Sorry, there it was again. What did you call me?"

Deleted user

".. ma?" she asked confused " nd any trained mind fairy, hell eve made her own to save you an ma, so i gues any upper class"

Deleted user

" because, you the closest family in long while, plus i do plan on marrying eve when i earn your permission. "

@emilyevewrites group

At this, Eve blushed furiously – something very unlike her – and grinned.

Farah released Anya's shoulders and gave her a brief once-over. "Well, I would simply prefer you to call me 'Farah' until that time comes," she said. Her lips were set, but her smile was in her eyes.

Deleted user

" okay farah, " she smiled and looked over to saul. shed try her hardest to get eves moms permission.

@emilyevewrites group

Saul nodded, reinforcing what Farah had said.

Eve cleared her throat. "Um… while this has been lovely, I think we should get back to Alfea and figure this out."

@emilyevewrites group

"Okay, serious talk for a moment," Eve said, keeping her arm around Anya as they walked. "You told my mom that some lady from your past trained you, she disappeared, and you didn't remember her name. Is that true?"

Deleted user

" yeah " she said. She mentally breathed again, thinking it would be about her marrying eve.

@emilyevewrites group

Eve shook her head. "Whoever she was, she taught you some messed up stuff, love. But I think… I think my mother can fix your magic so you don't breathe smoke anymore."