forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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" I don't breathe it.. it's my lungs burning from the flame." She mumbled. " And I remembered her name, I had read it in a school book. Her name was Rosalind.. she only taught me for a little while but it was enough.."

Deleted user

Anya stopped as well. " Yeah.." she said and looked to eve

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" maybe because Ive been here since like second grade when mom died.." she said

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" I think.. I think she knows.." she said and looked downwards

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" yes. But she needs to be careful. Rosalind said and anyone tempered with me it could do serous damage

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" Donno just what she told me.." she said and leaned into eves hand

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anya smiled and kissed eve gratefully. soon the bell rung and she laughed " great timing " she said.

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" no, i get to go see saul next. and i get to do explosions through a maze."

Deleted user

" since i need help controlling my fire, again." she said and smiled