forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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Deleted user

" nothing of your conseren. you should be more worried about the woman behind you. he watched rosalind grab farah from behind

@emilyevewrites group

Farah gasped as Rosalind gripped her wrists and snapped runic limiters on them. Alfea's headmistress winced and cried out. With a push from Rosalind, she fell to her knees, her arms trembling from the effect of the limiters.

"Now then, Farah," Rosalind cooed. She walked around to face her former protégé and tilted her chin up so she could look into her eyes. "It's time we play my way."

Deleted user

anya was running back onto the field with saul at her heels. " mom!" she yelled before a large burning ball of fire shot at rosalind. she definitely was taking advice, she was running on rage

@emilyevewrites group

Rosalind's eyes glanced up, and she casually waved her hand to deflect the fireball. "Please. You thought your children could defeat me? Farah…"

Farah's eyes were narrowed, but she didn't say anything.

"Damn you, Rosalind," Saul yelled, slowing to a stop a few feet away from her and drawing his sword.

Eve skidded to a stop, her vision clouded with tears. "You promised," she said, her voice wavering. "You promised you'd be okay."

Farah lifted her gaze to Eve. "I'm sorry," she whispered.

Deleted user

anya shook her head " just long enough to distract you!" she charged at rosalind, throwing the rock like circle to undo the charm. " thought youd need that, i saw that mavrice had them." she said and shot more fire at rosalind

@emilyevewrites group

Farah's eye's widened, and she reached up to catch the disc. She began to remove the limiters expertly as Rosalind was forced to move to dodge Anya's fire. Saul charged at Mavrice, and Eve rushed to her mother's side.

"Are you alright?" she asked worriedly.

"Yes, I'm fine," Farah glazed over her pain quickly, though she couldn't avoid wincing as the limiters came off. Marks were left on her skin, and blood now dotted the sleeve of her coat. She looked at Eve with a soft gaze. "I'm so proud of you," she whispered.

Deleted user

anya yelled, farahs solution had worn off as burns raced up her arm. " whats?! whats going on?!" she yelped

@emilyevewrites group

Farah and Eve whipped their heads to look.

Rosalind, who was trying to catch her breath, grinned like a wolf.

Instantly, Farah was on her feet again, and she hurried over to Anya. "It's okay," she murmured. "It's alright."

Rosalind moved to advance, but Eve threw up a barrier that pushed her back. Rosalind smirked. "So you're Eve."

Eve's eyes glowed threateningly. "Don't fuck with my family," she growled, stalking towards Rosalind.

The older fairy smiled and backed away. Perfect.

Deleted user

" eve! stop! shes trying to lure you in!" she said, her eyes burning red as she shot fire in rosalind. she immediately regretted it. " shes doing something!" anya yelped out.

@emilyevewrites group

"Kind of occupied here!" Saul called over, busy fighting Mavrice. "Farah!"

"Stay still," Farah instructed, hurrying to work on Anya's arms. Her eyes glanced up briefly, but she mainly focused on healing Anya. "Damn," she whispered. The magic was more complicated than the first time she did it.

Eve was blinded by anger. She couldn't even hear anything over the blood rushing in her ears. Rosalind had hurt Anya and her mother. She would pay.

Deleted user

" we told you anya! mess with your powers and you'll die!" mavrice yelled to his daughter

@emilyevewrites group

"Ignore him," Farah murmured to Anya. "You're not going to die. I'll make sure of that."

Meanwhile, Rosalind had lured Eve all the way to the Stone Circle. "Hello, Eve," she purred. "I don't believe we've ever truly met. I'm Rosalind."

"I know who you are," Eve snapped.

Rosalind's eyes flashed. "Oh?"

Deleted user

" eve. dont worry about me get to eve. shes got her!" she urged farah. " please! i know what she does you have to get to eve!"

@emilyevewrites group

Farah looked up as if just now noticing her daughter was no longer beside her. She looked around wildly before locating her with Rosalind. "No…" she breathed. "Stay here," she ordered Anya before rising to her feet and rushing toward her daughter. "Eve!" she cried out. "Eve!"

Before Farah could reach them, Rosalind's eyes glowed grey. Her power wrapped around Eve, pressing in against her. "Did you know your mother had been lying to you your entire life?" she asked.

@emilyevewrites group

"Kind of busy!" Saul replied, spinning his blade expertly to keep Mavrice at bay. "Where are Eve and Farah?"

"No she hasn't," Eve whispered.

Rosalind took slow, careful steps toward her. She glanced over to check how close Farah was. She had time. "Why would I tell you if it wasn't true?"

"You manipulate people," Eve replied.

"And who told you that?"

"My mother."

"And do you trust her?"

Eve lifted her chin. "More than anyone else."

Rosalind shook her head. "Obviously. That's how good she is."

"Eve!" Farah cried.

Deleted user

" just do it! i need to get to them!" she yelled and held her hand out. she shot fire at her father, despite the searing pain already in them " please!"

@emilyevewrites group

Saul used the fiery distraction Anya created to toss her the sword. "Go!" he yelled.

Rosalind noticed Farah getting closer. "Sorry, dear. This'll only hurt a bit." She took swift steps forward and pressed her thumb against Eve's forehead. Eve gasped as cold numbness shot through her limbs.

"Stop!" Farah cried. "Eve!"

Deleted user

anya had made it to late " stop! dont do this to her do it to me!" she cried, trying to get closer with farah

@emilyevewrites group

Eve gasped for breath as Rosalind smirked at her. "I'm sorry, it's too late," Rosalind replied, a wicked gleam in her eyes. "I've been in her head for at least 24 hours already. You remember those nightmares?"

Eve's eyes widened. "That was you?!" she cried, tears pooling quickly in her eyes.

"Focus, Eve!" Farah shouted as she got closer. "Remain in control."

@emilyevewrites group

Eve's finger curled into fists. "I didn't sleep all night because of those nightmares. Stay back," she whispered, addressing Anya and Farah. "I don't want either of you to get hurt."

Deleted user

" you cant get hurt either!" she said, shooting another fireball at rosalind

@emilyevewrites group

Rosalind, with stunning efficiency, twisted Eve's arm behind her back and made her stand in front of Rosalind, between her and the fireball. Eve, understandably, shrieked and flinched, and fortunately, Farah was able to use her magic and disperse the fire before it hit her.

Deleted user

anya froze, " farah.. im sorry i didnt think?!" she teared up " let her go!"