forum Fate: your own story ( winx)
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anya stood shocked (what if one of them gets their wings?)

Deleted user

( eve can go first ) anya shivered from the after effects " eve..?" she was getting exhausted from using her magic. slumping against rosalind.

@emilyevewrites group

After seeing what she'd seen in Eve, Rosalind determined that she no longer had use for Anya, no matter what deals she'd made in the past. She released the girl and paced towards Eve. "You need a teacher. A real one. I won't hide things from you, Eve. We can work together to help you unlock your potential."

Farah stood and watched, helpless as Rosalind bribed her daughter. "Please, Eve…" Farah whispered, clinging to Saul.

Deleted user

" eve, dont do it!" anya said, firing what little strength she had left to throw her sword.

@emilyevewrites group

Rosalind didn't even look back, her magic deflected the sword from ever getting near her. She extended her hand to Eve. "I can help you understand yourself better than anyone else can," she whispered, making the conversation appear like it was just between them when in reality, Rosalind was glad Farah and Saul were there to see her daughter join her and Anya was going to take her rightful place with her father once Eve was committed. "Your power will be limitless."

@emilyevewrites group

Eve winced. Her fingers flexed hesitantly, and she slowly extended her hand towards Rosalind's. "You're right," she murmured to Rosalind. "I do need a teacher." Rosalind grinned.

At this point, Farah couldn't take it anymore. "Eve, no!" she cried and rushed towards her daughter. "Eve!"

Suddenly, Eve's eyes began to glow, and she used her magic to shove Rosalind backwards forcefully. "But I already have one."

@emilyevewrites group

"Never," Eve whispered. Suddenly, she noticed movement from the other end of the Stone Circle. Rosalind was getting back up. She prepared to strike with her magic, and Eve didn't think. She quickly pushed Anya out of the way and the power struck her, sending her flying backwards and into one of the stones.

"Eve!" Farah shouted.

Deleted user

anya jumped when she was pushed. she looked at farah ""saul!"

@emilyevewrites group

Eve hit the ground and didn't get up. Her eyes were closed and a small trickle of blood leaked from her temple. Farah rushed to her daughter's side and knelt down. "Eve…" she whispered.

Rosalind's eyes glowed dangerously. "I gave her a choice. She chose wrong."

Farah's eyes shone with held back tears. "No… no no no no no, Eve. Wake up."

Eve winced and stirred. Her eyes didn't open, but at least Farah knew she was alive.

Saul came to stand beside Anya. His glare was locked on Rosalind, and he was gripping the hilt of his sword so tightly, the blood pulled from his knuckles and turned them white.

Deleted user

" saul.. im going to strike from front you from back" she said. but anyas hand held the secret signal they'd mad for a reverse attack

@emilyevewrites group

Saul nodded curtly in response. If looks could kill, Rosalind would've been dying a million different deaths. He spun his sword expertly and began to approach her.

"Oh, Saul," Rosalind laughed. "You think you two can defeat me?"

Deleted user

" yeah, yeah i think we can." anya said. something was different about anyas fire now. it wasn't hate fueling her, it was pride, it was love, it was everything she needed for her flame to strike blue. the burns on her arm were killing her, but she was ready to put an end to this. anya had never noticed the look of pure fear on her fathers face until he muttered a few words "shes got wings"

@emilyevewrites group

As Farah held Eve, she felt a strong surge of magic. Hoping it was her daughter waking up, she looked down, but Eve's eyes were still closed. She looked around, and her eyes widened at the sight of Anya with fiery wings sprouting from her back.

Rosalind's eyes grew wide. She felt the power rippling from Anya, and her selfish desires wanted to possess that strong of a magic herself.

Deleted user

anya attacked swift and hard, nailing rosalind a few good times