Tanrial shrugged, "Maybe, we need to think out a plan of attack first and make sure everything is set up the way we want. I doubt we'll attack until a few days after everyone's here."
Tanrial shrugged, "Maybe, we need to think out a plan of attack first and make sure everything is set up the way we want. I doubt we'll attack until a few days after everyone's here."
"Well if you get the chance, spread the word that there's plenty of food in the woods around here. It's nice to have so much money pouring in, but if customers keep coming at this rate we'll run out of things to give 'em."
"I will, don't worry. If you need any more help while everyone's here don't be afraid to call, I'll gladly come and help and I'm sure Bernon will, too."
"Thanks, I appreciate it. Rebka's sure glad for the company, I know that. She's not used to such a big crowd of strangers." The bartender's gaze softened a bit. "I wish her mother were still here for her. I'm not always able to raise her up the way she needs. I think she can talk to Polla or the village women if she needs to, but I don't know how helpful they are. What she needs is more friends closer to her age….but there aren't many kids around here." He looked away. "Seems like every baby that's born either dies or kills the mother these days. I guess that's just the curse we have to bear, living out here on the lake."
"Yeah, I'm sorry to hear that. At least Snatch isn't that far away, just in the lake over with the water beast we moved. She might not live in the village but Rebka has her if she needs."
"That's true. I was glad to see them getting along. I hope they get to keep visiting each other."
Just then Bernon came in with another load of dishes. "Looks like people are starting to leave. This might be the last big pile of plates you'll have to wash."
"Alright, thanks Bernon." Tanrial gave him a smile before starting on the new pile of dishes that he'd brought.
He lingered by the sink a moment before he headed back into the main room. "This is the Green Paw factor of the army, by the way. I heard the soldiers talking and they said they were the only ones that decided to come. They were worried they might get in trouble with their general for helping us."
"Alright. There's still quite a few of them, though. Let's just be thankful that any came at all." Tanrial replied, sighing a little.
"Yeah. Think positive, good plan." Bernon gave them a thumbs up and left the room.
The bartender watched him go, then turned back to the sink. "I think I've got the rest of these, you can go now. Thanks for pitching in, you and your friend were a big help there."
"Alright, if you're sure. And it's no problem, don't be afraid to call if you nee any help again, we'll be happy to assist." She replied before heading out into the main part of the tavern again.
Bernon was helping Rebka wipe off tables as the last of the soldiers filed out the door. "Get discharged? I'll be done here in a minute. Wanna go see what Mike's up to?"
Tanrial shrugged and put her hands in her pockets, "Sure, why not. Gives us something to do anyway."
Bernon waved goodbye to Rebka and opened the door, letting them out into the warm afternoon light. "Hey, Tanrial….I feel like I've been kinda noticing some tension between you and Mike lately. Did he do or say something I didn't catch?"
"Just me telling him to be less snappish to people." She said, crossing her arms, "And him not listening at times but that's nothing new. Other then that nothing I know of."
"Okay. Just checking." Bernon nodded. "He can be kinda headstrong sometimes, can't he? On the other hand, just think how he was when he first met–he was like some kind of killing machine and he didn't think we knew how to take care of ourselves at all. I think we've softened him up quite a bit since then, you and me."
(brb, havin supper, may or may not be back on after that)
Tanrial huffed a laugh, "That's true. We make quite a good team, us three. Shame we might not see each other after all of this." She sighed and looked towards the window.
Bernon's face fell. "I hope we do! See each other, I mean. I haven't had friends this good since…..since I was a kid, back on the farm." He cut himself off and looked away, continuing more quietly. "Wait, no, now I sound clingy. Sorry. If you rather split up and travel alone, that's okay. I bet Mike wants that too."
"I never said I want to split up, Bernon," She looked back at him, "And you don't sound clingy, you're a friend and I wouldn't dream of losing contact. Traveling alone doesn't sound much fun anyway."
(heya, I won't have much time to be on tonight, sorry)
"Oh. Okay." Bernon smiled tentatively. "Thanks. You're a good friend too. And Mike, obviously. He's just…a different kind of friend, I guess."
(That's fine)
Tanrial sighed, "Yeah, he is. Sometimes I wish I could understand him but… it's no use, he's to complicated."
"I'll say. I wonder if something in his past made him the way he is." Bernon walked down to the water and untied the rowboat there. "I really don't think he wants to talk about it though, and I'd hate to upset him. Whatever happened, it doesn't seem like he thinks about it much these days."
"I think you're right but best not to ask. Remember what happened when we asked about his sister? Best not to ask when he's actually being nice to us." Tanrial said as she followed.
"Yeah." Bernon picked up the oars and started to row them towards the floating village in the distance. "He'll tell us if he wants to. In the meantime, I think we can be patient with him."
(brb, back in like 20 minutes)
Tanrial nodded and placed her hand in the water, "Yeah, I think we can be. Even if I'm curious I'm sure he'll come around at some point… maybe."
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