“I mean… if he really is bothering you then we could try, I guess.” Tanrial frowned a little and crosed her arms.
“I mean… if he really is bothering you then we could try, I guess.” Tanrial frowned a little and crosed her arms.
Bernon nodded. "Where did you say they were?"
Snatch turned and started off along the beach. "Come on. I'll show you."
Mike glanced at Tanrial as they walked. "Got enough energy for a fight, if it comes to that?"
“Hopefully, I should do. Don’t worry about me.” She gave Mike a small smile as they walked.
They reached a part of the shore that jutted out into the lake and Snatch forged into the trees, using a path that the others had difficulty following. At the far edge of the spur, Snatch paused and crouched down, parting the bushes to show the sheltered bay beyond. "There, by the water."
(gotta go, probs won't be back on tonight, sorry)
(Okay, sorry I wasn’t on much, I got a few errors and the site crashed for me)
Sure enough, there was Fear and the man by the water’s edge, “How different was he? Did you feel anything when you were around him?”
(yeah it crashed for me too, no worries)
"No," Snatch whispered. "He doesn't smell weird either. So are you gonna kick him into the lake, or maybe use your lightning–"
"Hold on," Bernon breathed. "Why are they just sitting there? Wouldn't they be fighting by now?"
True enough, the two figures seemed relaxed as they talked, watching the water.
"Fighting? No, 'course not," Snatch replied irritably. "The guy doesn't want to fight. He has a crush on Mom, silly!"
"Wait wait wait wait… wait, you want us to kick this guy out who seems to have done no harm, because you think he has a crush on your mum?" Tanrial raised an eyebrow at Snatch as she looked from the kid to the two adults to back to Snatch.
"Yes! I don't want him around! Mom isn't paying any attention to me!" Snatch folded her arms sulkily. "All she wants to do is sit and talk and it's really boring! Pleeeease?"
Mike rubbed his forehead, sighing. "I mean….maybe we should at least make sure this guy is safe. But I'm not too fond of the idea of interrupting their chat right now. Say we follow him once he leaves and try to figure out who he is?"
Tanrial nodded her agreement, "I think that's a good idea. If he's a bad guy then we'll do something about him for you, Snatch. But if not then we have to leave him be, alright? We can't just get rid of him because you don't like him."
Snatch scowled, but nodded. "…Okay."
Bernon had been peeking through the foliage at the pair on the beach. "Hey, good timing. Looks like the guy is heading out."
The man had stood up, said one last thing to Fear, and walked off towards the woods not far from their hiding place. Mike crouched down a little lower to avoid being seen. "Once he gets by, we'll circle around and cut ahead of him. Then we can figure out who he is."
"Yeah, let's go have a nice friendly chat with this guy then." Tanrial sighed a little and shook her head slightly.
Snatch scampered off to talk to Fear, and after a moment Mike led them stealthily through the trees after the stranger, stopping often to listen for his footsteps. After several minutes they managed to get ahead of him as he slowed down to negotiate a marshy patch of forest, and placed themselves on either side of the narrow path he was walking down. Mike watched for him carefully, ready to give the signal to leap out of hiding.
The guy didn't look bad from where they were but then again looks can be deceiving. Tanrial frowned a little and wondered if lack of attention really was one of the reasons why Snatch wanted the guy gone.
The man was only a few feet away, his face still hidden by shadows, when Mike gave the signal. The instant they came into view, the stranger whipped out his gun and took off the safety, pointing it directly at Mike, who was closest. Mike ducked out of the way of the first shot and tackled the man, quickly followed by Bernon. Working together, they kicked away his gun and pinned him to the ground. The man thrashed angrily, but couldn't break free. "What in tarnation–"
Bernon blinked. "Wait a second," he said, and tugged off the man's baseball cap.
The man blinked up at them with equal surprise. It was none other than Rick.
(brb, gotta have supper)
"What the… Rick? Really? You're the guy who's been talking to Fear?" Tanrial frowned a little but then laughed, "Well, that clears things up."
Rick looked at her, then at Mike and Bernon, then back again. He smiled in total confusion and slight annoyance. "Wait….were you guys spyin' on me?"
Mike heaved a sigh and let Rick sit up. "It's a long story. Have you been acquainted with Fear very long?"
"Since the day after I came, although we've only met up a couple of times."
"And you know she has an adopted daughter, right?"
"Yessir." Rick put his cap back on and turned it backwards. "So what? She ain't cheating on anybody. Why do you three care enough to stalk me and try to knock my block off?"
"Well, you see the daughter, Snatch, is our friend and she doesn't exactly like you. Says that you're 'taking Fear's attention away from her.' She asked us to do something about it but we didn't think it was going to be you." Tanrial explained, shrugging.
Rick's face softened. "Oh….is that what she thinks of me? I'm sorry to hear that–I had no idea." He glanced over his shoulder. "Is she around? I'd like to talk to her and get this straightened out."
"I think she went back to Fear, but I'm not sure." Tanrial looked over in the direction of the beach, "Don't beat yourself up too much. Snatch is just a kid so don't blame yourself for how she feels."
Rick got to his feet and brushed himself off. "Well, if I'm gonna make friends with her mom, I want to be friends with her too. Thanks for letting me know…even if you did almost give me a heart attack. I'll go back and try to talk to her. Save me some supper, will ya?"
Tanrial nodded and smiled at him, "'Course we will. Just don't be too long. And sorry about scaring you like that."
"S'allright. Later then." Rick turned and hiked back in the opposite direction, soon becoming lost in the gathering darkness.
Bernon ran a hand through his hair distractedly. "Well…I hope that goes okay. Shall we head back to the tavern?"
Tanrial sighed and nodded, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I'm kinda hungry."
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