@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group
(brb, back in a bit)
(brb, back in a bit)
(gotta go now, seeya tomorrow ^^)
“The Pikes got here this morning and caused a bit of a racket but that’s really about it,” Tanrial said, shrugging a shoulder, “How’d you sleep after I left you last night?”
(Seeya ^^)
(So actually turns out today is basically going to be a hiatus day for me with no internet the whole day, and I forgot to mention that last night. Sorry! I'll see you tomorrow sometime!)
"I slept good." Rick took the plate of food the bartender offered him and stood by the window as he ate, watching the goings on outside. "The Pikes, huh? They do have kind of a rowdy reputation, but they're not so bad once you get used to 'em. I guess I'll go say hi in a minute here."
Bernon glanced at Tanrial. "Did they seem….like reasonable people to you? I mean, there must have been some reason Dane took offense to them."
(Don't worry about it, see you when I see you!)
Tanrial shrugged, "Well, Trouble was… determined to stay here and fight to say the least. They'll work with us, I think… Dane and Trouble won't get along though, that much is true but… It'll be fine."
(tentatively returning, how you been? ^^)
"Hopefully." Mike finished his meal and stood up. "Shall we go find Polla? Might as well start the long process of getting this show on the road now that almost everyone's here."
(Well… not great but it's fine, what about you? ^^)
"Probably a good idea," Tanrial stood too, and looked like she was about to say something before her gaze was drawn to the window where a sizable force was drawing closer to them, "Well, looks like those couple hours I spoke of vanished."
(tired but doing okay, I hope you feel better soon!)
Bernon, Mike, and Rick crowded around to see for themselves. Mike whistled. "That's a good-sized group. Maybe this won't be as hard as I thought."
Bernon was still slightly concerned. "Who should go out and greet them? So far Dane doesn't have a very good track record when it comes to hospitality. And you probably don't want to do it, do you Tanrial?"
Tanrial shrugged, "Well… I can if I need to but if someone else could do it that would be great." She sighed and frowned a little. The group looked like it had stopped a few meters away from the other forces but two figures kept approaching.
"I'll go," Mike said. "Keep watching in case things escalate, but I doubt that'll happen." He opened the tavern door and started off towards the newcomers.
The two, a human and an Eyvn, stopped a little way away from the tavern. While Mike was walking towards them, they had a short conversation, causing the human to frown a little but he shook his head afterwards.
Mike stopped once he was within speaking distance of them. "Hey, you're the Evyn group and the group from the neighboring village? I'm Mike, I'm one of the people who wrote you."
“That’s right, it’s nice meet you, Mike. I’m James and this is Thranion.” James smiled a little at Mike and held out his hand for him to shake, Thanrion just nodded his head a little.
Mike shook James's hand firmly. "I know it looks kinda crowded here, but there should be room for all of you down the beach a ways. If you're not too tired, we were about to hold a meeting of the leaders in that tavern over there."
They both nodded, “Good. Is Tanrial here? I take it she’s hiding from us.” Thranion asked, smirking slightly. James hit him in the stomach.
"From what I've heard," Mike said in his most neutral tone, "She has every right to avoid you guys if she wants. But maybe she'll show up at some point, who knows. Shall we go?"
James nodded and glared at his friend for a moment, “Yes, let’s go. Lead the way.” He tried his best at a smile.
Mike gave him an equally lacking smile and led the way to the tavern, opening the door quietly. "Go ahead and get something to eat or drink if you want. I gotta go tell the others."
Bernon saw them enter and nodded, catching Mike's silent request to keep an eye on them. He joined them at the counter, trying to act polite.
Thranion and James went and sat on the far endnote of the counter away from them, conversing quietly with each other. Tanrial kept her gaze away from them both.
Bernon glanced over at Tanrial. Wanna go upstairs or something? I can fill you in on the meeting later.
Tanrial shook her head a little and let out a breath, No, it’s fine. Don’t worry I’ll be okay.
Okay, keep me posted I guess.
Just then Mike came back with Dane and Trouble in tow. "Here's some of them. I'll be back in a second with Polla and Ozrig."
(I gtg now, seeya tomorrow ^^)
(See you ^^)
Tanrial smiled a little and nodded, I will. James and Thranion walked over a few moments later to greet Dane and Trouble.
Dane seemed relieved to find a fellow human and gave James a fairly civil greeting. Trouble, who was a bit on the short side, gazed up at Thranion with a grin.
"Hey, stranger. Don't think I caught your name. I'm Trouble By The River, or Trouble for short. You?" She held out her hand to shake.
Thranion grinned back and shook Trouble's hand firmly before retracting it and crossing his arms, "Thranion. So, you're one of the leaders then? How much fightin' have you done?"
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