“Oi!” Tanrial laughed and splashed Mike back, swimming away before he could return it.
“Oi!” Tanrial laughed and splashed Mike back, swimming away before he could return it.
Bernon came up for air with a huge gasp and floundered around for about before remembering how to backfloat. "Whew. Man, this is niiice. Like when we decided to clean up in that river a while ago, except hopefully nobody will capture us this time."
Tanrial laughed a little, “True. I don’t think anyone is going to capture us. If they do there’s over two hundred people to stop them getting away.”
(gotta go to bed, sorry)
"Yeah." Bernon sighed happily. "We can finally relax for a while."
Mike sighed and stared darkly at the distant shoreline to their right. "In my life, it seems like every time somebody says something like that, bad things happen. I'm not even sure I can relax anymore."
"Oh don't be so doom-and-gloom, pal," Bernon complained. "Me and Tanrial will protect you with our awesome powerful magic."
Tanrial rolled her eyes and splashed Mike, crossing her arms, “Yup, Bernon’s right. Just try and relax for a little while today. Please? Then you can go back to being all dark and mysterious and whatever.”
(All good, seeya)
Mike stubbed his toe and ducked briefly under the water, returning with a very sharp-looking rock. He glared at it. "Do I really seem like that to you guys?"
Bernon straightened up and started to tread water. "Well, not all all the time. We know it's not how you mean to be. And we know it's no fault of yours….I don't exactly know much about your past, but it's easy to see that it still effects you, and there's nothing wrong with that. I mean, in this day and age, who doesn't have something to brood about? You just….seem to have more than some, that's all."
Mike studied the rock for a little longer, then shrugged and threw it out away from the shallow water. "The last thing I want to do is make a big deal out of my troubles. That's not how I was raised. But I also don't like wasting my time on things that aren't important. Pretty things, entertainment, social get-togethers–I could never see the point in those, and it probably makes me look like a stick-in-the-mud."
Bernon smiled a little. "Sometimes. But those things are important, trust us. I can't really explain how, because I'm not a psychologist or anything, but I think we can all agree that having a chance to relax is healthy for you mind and body."
"Hmm." Mike gave the treeline one last look, then started swimming out towards them. "….Fine. I'll try."
Tanrial grinned at him, “Great! It’ll be good for you, I swear.” She let out a content sigh and splashed both Mike and Bernon.
They both yelped and splashed her back, laughing. After a while Bernon went back to floating on the surface of the lake, watching as Dane's men set up campfires and did practice drills on dry land. "Hey by the way…when we rescue those kids, what are we gonna do with them? Do you think some of the villagers here would take them in? Maybe some of the other groups too….? I mean, they probably can't all fend for themselves." He frowned. "But they're a family, come to think of it. They probably wouldn't want to be split apart if they could help it."
Tanrial sighed a little, “Well… I’m not sure. How old was the eldest again? Like twenty? Maybe they could look after the kids? Maybe Polla and Ozrig could give them a hit or something and they could live here?”
"Yeah, the oldest was twenty-one," Mike said, "but that was Jackie if I recall correctly, and Wren seemed to indicate that she and Eric were pretty much on Ryker's side by now. We can try to help them, but we can't necessarily count on them coming with us at all. After that, I think the oldest is…seventeen, eighteen? Not too bad, but I wouldn't want to be looking after sixteen other kids at that age."
Bernon thought for a minute. "We should probably bring that up either today or tomorrow with the other leaders in case somebody wants to take them all. I'd hate to force that many hungry mouths on the villagers here."
Mike shrugged. "They're not helpless, remember. I'm sure almost all of them could help with the hunting or fishing to earn their keep. But yeah, we should definitely ask around at some point. Do you think James or Thranion would want them, Tanrial? If so do you think they'd treat the kids right?"
“Thranion? God no. Doesn’t like kids at all but James… probably. There’s a few people in the village that would take the kids in. And yes, they know how to treat kids well.” Tanrial said, shrugging a shoulder.
"Okay, so that's a potential, then. Good. It'll be hard enough to make them understand that we mean well without adding in any other problems."
"Can you imagine," Bernon said sadly. "Living your whole life underground, being told nothing but lies, only to have it all come crashing down. I wouldn't blame them one bit if they resented us for what we're gonna do."
“It’s a sacrifice we’ll have to make, them disliking us for ruining their lives. If it means giving them a better life then the one they’re already living then so be it.” Tanrial sighed a little.
"Yeah. Hopefully." Bernon rose up and waded out of the water. "Okay, now I'm getting a little chilly. I'm gonna head to shore and warm up a bit."
“You’re no fun.” Tanrial called after him, rolling her eyes a little as she began to float on her back.
"Hey, I have a low body temperature! You wouldn't want me to catch a cold right before the attack, would you?" Bernon reached the dry sand and flopped out in the sun gratefully. "It's really nice, you guys should come join me! We could build a sand castle or some other dumb thing like that."
“Go build your own castle! I’m good in the water!” Tanrial laughed a little and shook her head slightly.
Mike chuckled, then turned back towards the water. "Hey, wanna race or something? We could dive straight down where it's deeper and see who can touch the bottom first."
“Only if you’re ready to loose then yes.” Tanrial grinned at Mike.
Mike grinned back. "Ha, never." He swam a few feet away and took a deep breath. "Now!"
(brb, gotta go have supper)
Tanrial took a breath a dived under the water and towards the bottom as fast as she could. She wasn’t the best swimmer but she’s still try.
Mike swam with strong, ground-eating strokes, doing his best to overtake Tanrial. He had more arm strength, but his greater size made it harder for him to slip through the water, and soon he started to lag slightly behind.
Tanrial only just managed to touch the floor before she had to swim up as fast as she could, taking in a big gulp of breath when she reached the surface. Clearly she hadn’t taken a big enough breath.
Mike came up a few moments later, also gasping for air. "Wuff. You're pretty fast." He grinned at her, pushing his dripping hair out of his eyes. "You sure you weren't cheating?" he teased. "Using a little bit of magic or something to slow me down?"
(I gotta go to bed, seeya later ^^)
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