“Oh he’s definitely in a bad mood.” Tanrial crossed her arms.
“Who said I was scared of him? I don’t remember saying anything of the sort.”
“Oh he’s definitely in a bad mood.” Tanrial crossed her arms.
“Who said I was scared of him? I don’t remember saying anything of the sort.”
Mike shrugged. "I don't know. You said he was creepy. Which he is, I won't deny that, but so are plenty of the other people on our side."
"Oh go on," Bernon retorted. "You were just as surprised as us when you first saw him, admit it. You're just better at hiding your feeling than us. What's the issue here, Mike? You seem like you've got a chip on your shoulder for some reason."
Mike was silent for a full minute. "Just–tired." He rather abruptly left the path and started off along the treeline, not looking back at them. "You guys go ahead back to the tavern. I need some air."
(brb, gotta have supper)
Tanrial sighed and shook her head a little, “That man… I swear one day his lack of emotions or whatever is going to be the death of him.” She said once Mike was out of sight.
(Sorry, been busy)
(no worries. ^^ I do have to go to bed now though oops)
Bernon walked slowly back to the tavern, looking troubled. "I wish I knew what was going on in his head sometimes. That mood wing seemed to just come outta nowhere. I….hope it wasn't something we said. He's right that we need everything running smoothly for tomorrow night's mission."
"Yeah, he's probably just stressed about everything that's been going on. Like he said earlier, he doesn't really… relax and with all this it is hard to do that," She sighed and pushed open the tavern door, "He'll tell us if he wants."
(All g, bye ^^)
"I guess you might be right. He always did strike me as a workaholic." Bernon followed her inside and took off his jacket. "Well, I think I'm gonna go up to my room and organize my stuff, see what I'll need for tomorrow. See you at supper."
"See you later." Tanrial gave him a smile before heading to the bar and grabbing a glass of water.
(eh, wanna fast forward to suppertime? Can't think of anything else to have happen rn)
(Same though. So yeah, good idea)
(aright) A few hours later, people started to trickle into the tavern for some food. Rick actually went out onto the porch, clearly feeling restless now that he was confined to such a small space. Bernon came down and joined Tanrial at the counter, seeming to be in a better mood.
"Hey," he said as he sat down. "I've got my battle supplies down to a list small enough to carry in my pockets. Has Mike come back yet?"
(gotta go, won't be back on till tomorrow sorry)
Tanrial shook her head and downed the rest of her drink, “Nope, he’s still being elusive and mysterious as always,” She sighed a little, “I wonder what he’s doing?”
(All good, don’t worry ^^)
"I don't know…." Bernon glanced at the window. "It's getting dark out there. I hope he's okay…." A second later his face cleared. "Oh, speak of the devil, I just saw him walk by."
A moment later Mike came through the tavern door and walked over to them. He said down and accepted the drink that the bartender offered him, nodding at Tanrial and Bernon. "Hey."
"Hey Mr Mysterious. Where have you been all day?" Tanrial asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Just walking. Checking out the woods around, scouting a bit." Mike took a long drink, then spoke again. "Hey, so…can I talk to you two about something?"
Tanrial frowned a little, "Sure… unless it's bad 'cause I don't really wanna hear that but go ahead…"
"Look…..this is…" He rubbed his forehead. "This is kinda hard for me to talk about. You're probably wondering why I got mad about what you were saying earlier, about emotions and instincts and whatever else."
"Oh yeah. We're sorry, by the way if we said or did anything to make you mad. It wasn't out intention to do so…"
He shook his head. "It's fine. I probably shouldn't be so touchy about it, but, well….you remember I told you guys I had a sister?"
"I think so, yeah," Bernon replied cautiously.
Mike stared at the bottom of his glass. "She used to say stuff like that too. Called me a machine. She…she always felt things so strongly, she couldn't figure out why I didn't. And she wasn't always nice about it." He looked away. "I do have emotions, like everyone else. It's not my fault I have trouble expressing them."
"We get it," Bernon said gently. "We're sorry, we didn't know."
"Yeah, which is why I can't exactly get mad at you. Just….thought I'd let you know, it's kind of a touchy subject."
"That's understandable. Thanks for telling us, we'll be more careful around the subject if it comes up again." Tanrial gave him a small smile.
Mike gave then a short nod. "Thanks. I appreciate it."
Just then the door opened and Rick came in, looking concerned. "Hey, uh, I don't suppose anybody was expecting company tonight…?"
"Nope. We're not… why, what happened?" Tanrial frowned a little and stood.
Rick jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "I just saw two jeeps headed this way from that old road to the south."
The bartender came out of the kitchen and walked over to the door, peering outside with narrowed eyes. "Yep, two jeeps all right, in fine condition. I know that symbol on the side–they're from your friend, Ryker." He turned around and started back over to them. "You three, duck behind the counter and stay quiet. We'll handle this."
Bernon stood up. "Won't you be in trouble?"
"They may not know you're here. Now hide, quick. They're coming."
"Just when everything was going to plan…" Tanrial mumbled, jumping the bar and crouching down.
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