forum Dystopian Fantasy RP aw yeah (Private)

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@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Bernon and Mike quickly joined her, pressing as close to the rough wood as they could and barely daring to breath. There was the sound of casual movement as everyone else in the tavern took up relaxed positions and started up a low chatter. The bartender stood right next to Tanrial and started polishing a glass, his eyes in shadow.
After a few moments, the tavern door creaked and the several pairs of feet clunked across the floor. The room fell silent warily, until the only sound was the newcomers walking forward. It sounded like several men, probably soldiers. They stopped quite close by and waited wordlessly.
The bartender looked up and slowly set down the glass. "Can I help you gentlemen?"
One of the soldiers spoke rather harshly. "Are you in charge of this village?"
"I represent. What can I do for you?"
The door opened again and a single set of footsteps approached. They sounded slightly lighter than the others.
"The name's Captain Maxwell." The voice, when it came, was unmistakably that of Eric, the young officer who had given them a tour of Ryker's military floor. "Just a couple of questions, if you don't mind, sir."
(brb, gotta have supper)

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Bernon glanced at her nervously. Do you think we got spotted when we were scouting the other day?
Nothing we can do about it now. Mike was all business again, staying perfectly still. Listen carefully, and be ready for anything.
The bartender folded his arms. "Not sure what you folk want with a little place like this, but sure, I'll answer your questions."
"Thanks." Eric's voice was calm, and held so much authority that it filled the room and made everyone else uneasy. "I and my soldiers are from the estate of Mr. Ryker, who lives not far from here. Recognize the name?"
"A little."
"Well, we've recently experienced a theft and have yet to locate the criminals. We were wondering if you'd seen them–two men and one woman, dark-haired, shabbily dressed, carrying way to many weapons for honest people?"
The bartender barely shifted. "We get a lot of strangers in these parts, but those descriptions don't ring any bells."
"Of course there's a considerable reward for whoever catches them."
"Of course. We ain't seen 'em."
Bernon winced. Thaaaat's not good. We should have expected them to offer a bounty.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Eric paused before continuing. "So…what's with all the wagons and campfires outside?"
"Local festival. Draws a pretty big crowd."
"Is that so? How come we've never heard of it before?"
"Didn't expect people like you to even care about what we do in our spare time."
A tense silence followed. Then Eric leaned forward over the counter, making it creak. "Those people aren't here to celebrate, sir. They're clearly of military origin, every last one of them. I wonder what a tiny place like this needs so many soldiers for? Surely they wouldn't be planning anything unpleasant."
The bartender's voice was practically a growl. "Not that you'd know, but this area is infested with bandits. We decided not to take it anymore and called in some friends for backup, in addition to holding our usual summer solstice festival. That's all."
"Really?" Eric didn't sound like the friendly teenager they'd met before. Now his voice was pure steel. "Well, I wish you luck with that endeavor. Defending your own…how admirable. I can only hope your weak, disorganized new friends are up to the task." He straightened and turned away slowly. "Sorry to disturb your evening. Have a good night."
He and his soldiers left the tavern, and soon the sound of their jeeps faded off into the night.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Mike looked grim as he straightened up. "That was definitely a threat if I ever heard one. They won't make it easy for us to attack tomorrow night……" he trailed off and his eyes went unfocused. "…shoot. We can't afford to wait that long."
"What do you mean?" Bernon asked, alarmed.
Mike glanced at the others in the tavern and spoke rapidly. "I mean that if we give them twenty-four hours to prepare, our plan is toast. We have to strike now, tonight, before they're ready for us."


Tanrial crossed her arms with a frown, As much as I don't like having to move the plans forward without much warning… you're right, we have to attack tonight. They know somethings is up and we can't waste any more time, like you said."
(Seeya ^^)

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

"The only question is how long will it take for everyone to get ready." Mike glanced at a knot of villagers nears the tavern door. "Hey guys, is it okay if I boss you around for a second since Polla's not here?"
They shrugged, already moving to stand. "What do you need?"
"I need all the generals to know what happened and that it's time to scramble the troops. Polla, Dane, Trouble, Thranion, James, all of them. Ask them to come to the tavern to discuss this if they can, but if they're too busy preparing, ask them roughly how long it'll take for their troops to mobilize. Okay?"
"Sure thing." The villagers crowded out the door and split up to find the various campsites.
Rick looked at Mike once they were gone. "What about me? Is my punishment canceled?"
Mike paused. "I think it'll have to be. Just stay away from Dane if you can and don't go too far from camp right now. We need you here more than ever."
"Thanks very much." Rick turned and trotted up the stairs to his room.
Mike took a deep breath. "Okay. We need to get ready too. Time isn't exactly on our side tonight, so let's go help the others once we're done with our own preparations."


(I’m so sorry, my internet at school isn’t working so I might not be on a lot today)
Tanrial nodded, “Good idea. We need to move then, if we’re going to help the others with everything.” She took a glance out the window before hurrying upstairs.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

(It's all okay, I won't actually have barely any time tonight anyway ^^; )
Bernon and Mike went to their room as well and could be heard hastily packing their things. Outside Tanrial's window, small forms with torches hurried between the campsites, trying to get ready as fast as possible without making a lot of noise. A few minutes later Mike knocked on Tanrial's door. "We're all ready, gonna head down now. Come meet us out there soon."


(finally, internet it back)
"Got it. I'll be down in a sec." Tanrial quickly finished grabbing and packing the things she needed before hurrying downstairs and to where Mike and Bernon where waiting, "Right, all set?"

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

(yayy ^^)
"Yup." In the dying light, it was hard to see much, but Mike and Bernon were there waiting for her. Mike was busy talking with Dane, and Bernon was watching as Polla rowed toward them across the lake, her warriors in tow.
"Mike says we should go see if Trouble needs help over at her camp first," Bernon said. "He's already busy with the People's Army so he'll stay here."


Tanrial nodded, "Sounds like a plan. Let's get going then." They made their way towards Trouble's camp, people bustling here and there with preparations, "I hope we can pull this off…"

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

(oof sorry for the late reply, I have to go for a bit but I'll be back in a couple of hours)
"Let's stay optimistic." Bernon hurried through the trees, trying not to trip. "Hey Trouble, you guys need any help?"
"Oh, yeah, thanks," Trouble called. "Pass out those bows and quivers, will ya?"


Tanrial took the bows and quivers from her carefully, “Got it.” She bagan to make her way round the camp, handing out the weapons to anyone who needed them.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

The Pikes were scrambling around in a sort of chaotic, good-humored disorder, grabbing extra clothes, collecting weapons, putting out fires, and having last-minute snacks. They thanks Tanrial and Bernon for their help and soon lined up in a row in front of Trouble. Ruin the Hybrid rumbled up to the end of the line wearing spiked armor and gave them a little wave with one of his four arms.
"Okay, we're all done here," Trouble proclaimed. "Let's meet up with the others by the tavern."

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

They reached the open ground to see that someone had set up a small table and a lantern on the beach, and the leaders were going over the plan once more. Mike was there, pointing at places on the map and talking quickly. When he saw them approaching, he waved them over. "Hey, just in time. Bernon, some of Dane's men could use some help covering up their wagons for the night. Tanrial, are you any good with horses?"

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Dane waved angrily in the direction of his camp. "One of the carthorses got loose and none of us have time to calm it down and catch it. Its kind of causing some trouble down by the water there."
Sure enough, a large draft horse was dancing along the shoreline, resisting all attempts to be brought back to camp.


“I mean I can try at least.” Tanrial frowned a little at the horse before making her way over. The horse flared up onto its hind legs once it saw her and Tanrial took a step backwards. She held out a hand carefully, making small hopefully calming noises to help shush the horse and calm the animal. The horse backed up and she took a few steps closer, eventually managing to take hold of the animal. She didn’t stop the noises, still trying to calm the horse and stroked it gently, and after what felt like forever, the horse calmed.