Tanrial rolled her eyes and punched Mike lightly on the shoulder with a grin, “Never, that was all pure skill. You’re just too slow to beat me.” She flicked a strand of hair out of her face so she could see.”
(seeya ^^)
Tanrial rolled her eyes and punched Mike lightly on the shoulder with a grin, “Never, that was all pure skill. You’re just too slow to beat me.” She flicked a strand of hair out of her face so she could see.”
(seeya ^^)
"Well in that case I'll accept defeat gracefully. But I haven't given up just yet. Race you to the shallows?"
"Sure, why not. One three. One… two… three!"
(wuff sorry I'm late)
Mike dove forward and swam powerfully for shore, hoping that his stamina would give him an advantage.
(All g, sorry I’m a bit late too)
Tanrial dove after him, slightly behind as her lack of am strength put her at a disadvantage.
('sokay….I'm barely online anyways, still feeling pretty sick)
Mike's feet brushed the lake bottom and he pushed off it, switching from swimming to wading as fast as he could. "Incoming, Bernon!"
Bernon looked up and yelped, scrambling away from the water. "Hey, careful!"
(Aww, get better soon)
Tanrial chuckled, “You shouldn’t be sitting there!” She quickly stopped swimming and started wading, still a few steps behind Mike.
(thank-you ^^)
Mike leapt out of the lake and tumbled onto the sand where Bernon had been a moment before. "There. Now we're even." He paused to catch his breath, squinting in the intense sunlight. "Man, it's hot out. Imagine having to fight a battle in this weather."
(okay I'm off to bed, seeya ^^ )
Tanrial nodded and sat down next to Mike, panting, "Good thing it'll be cooler at night. I don't want to have to carry weapons in this heat, the sweat would make 'em slip outta my hand."
(Seeya ^^)
"Yeah. There's a lot of upsides to attacking at night. I can see why it's kind of a traditional tactic when you're on offense."
Bernon nodded, doodling in the sand with a stick. "So…what if this doesn't work? What if we lose the fight and don't get a second chance? All these people will have come here for nothing–or they'll die fighting for a lost cause." He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, that was a pretty gloomy thing to say. Pre-mission jitters, I guess."
"It's fine, it's a good question to ask and one I don't have an answer to," Tanrial sighed and leaned backwards into the sand, "When you go into a fight, you always know there's a chance that you're not going to win and all these people know that. But you don't focus on the 'what if' otherwise nothing would get done."
Mike sat up. "She's right, Bern. Don't worry about it. It's not your responsibility to get this whole thing perfect. All we're asking of you is to do what you do best, which is communicate and make connections where there aren't any. As long as we all work together and do our own little jobs, it'll be fine. Okay?"
Bernon smiled. "Thanks, guys. You two should write speeches together." He stretched and glanced over at the tavern. "Welp, it's getting close to lunchtime. Wanna go get something to eat?"
Tanrial sat up and nodded, “Sure, why not. All the swimming has made me feel quite hungry.”
They returned to the tavern and went into the cool darkness of the main room to see that Trouble was already there, loudly boasting to some fishermen about her adventure on the river.
"So then I pick the cowardly devil up by his gizzard and I says to him–oh hey, you three, how ya doing? Have a nice swim?"
“Yeah, it was pretty nice. Relaxing and I don’t think we’ve been relaxed in a long time. What’ve you been doing?” She asked, walking towards her.
"Oh, just gettin' settled in and making sure we're all ready for tomorrow night. And getting to know the locals, acourse." She nodded at the villagers she'd been talking to a moment ago. "Oh hey by the way, I forgot to mention to you guys at the meeting that we brought a Hybrid with us. Consider yourselves lucky, the chief almost didn't wanna give him up."
“Where is he?” Tanrial asked, crossing her arms.
"Oh, at our little camp in the woods. Don't worry, he may be dangerous, and dumb as a brick, but he's manageable."
Mike frowned. "So he's a…what exactly? Clarify."
"Why, y'know, he's part swamp-crawler. Sorry, thought that was common knowledge. Would ya like to meet him after lunch? We could introduce you."
“That would be great. Thanks, Trouble.” Tanrial gave her a smile.
"Any time, darlings."
The bartender came over at that point with plates of food for them, piping hot. "Afternoon. Here you go, hope you like it. Tried out a new blend of spices this time, might improve the flavor." He seemed a little shy about it, his voice gruff as he spoke.
“I’m sure it’ll be as nice as always. Thanks.” She smiled at him before taking a small bite and nodding, “Yup, my prediction was correct.”
Bernon started to eat as well and grinned. "I second that. Thanks, man, tastes great."
The bartender nodded, pleased. "Thank-you. Glad to hear it. You three need anything else, just let me know."
Trouble watched him return to the kitchen, her gaze sharp. "You guys sure have a good relationship with these folk, don't ye? They really seem to like you. Impressive."
Bernon shrugged a bit ruefully. "I mean…in all honesty, we don't even know that guy's name. But yeah, they're good people, and they've treated us well. They were the first people to agree to help us with Ryker."
Trouble nodded. "Takes a tricky combo of kindness and charisma to win the hearts of people living in such a dangerous place. You should be proud of yourselves."
(gotta go, may not be back on tonight)
“Thanks, Trouble. But the people skills are really all Bernon, though.” Tanrial said, giving Bernon a grin before taking another bite of her food.
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