@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group
"Yeah. Maybe I'll have a go at the lighting anyway, just because."
Mike appeared out of the trees just then, taking in the waterlogged beach and the mist still floating in the air. "What did I miss?"
"Yeah. Maybe I'll have a go at the lighting anyway, just because."
Mike appeared out of the trees just then, taking in the waterlogged beach and the mist still floating in the air. "What did I miss?"
(off to bed, seeya later ^^)
Tanrial crossed her arms, “Just Bernon drenching himself with the rain cloud he made, not much really.”
Do it, try and hug him. She spoke mind to mind with Bernon and bit her lip to stop herself from smiling too much.
(Seeya, Sorry I couldn’t be on much again)
Bernon turned around, still dripping wet, and walked toward Mike with a large grin on his face. "Embrace the lake, bro," he said, advancing with outspread arms.
"Woah, hey–" Mike held up his hands and backed away. "Thanks, but I think I'll–" Bernon kept coming. "–come on man, I'm not gonna–" With a yelp and a scrambled, Mike was forced to duck around Bernon and run off along the beach. Bernon laughed and chased after him, which resulted, after several minutes of pursuit, in Bernon full-on tackling Mike and sending them both into the shallows with a splash.
"Seriously?" Mike said, but he was smiling as he shoved Bernon away and got to his feet. "That was your idea, wasn't it Tanrial? I see you laughing over there."
Tanrial had bust out into a fit of giggles and nodded, "He lost the race over here and that was his punishment." She only managed to get one sentence out before she started laughing again.
Mike sighed and shook himself, which did little to remedy his sopping clothes. "Some punishment. You enjoyed that, didn't you, Bernon?"
Bernon nodded, looking very proud of himself. "You need more hugs, bro. Hugs are awesome."
Mike chuckled dryly. "If you say so. Maybe next time we can skip the part where we fall into the lake, hey?"
"As you wish." Bernon peeled off his coat and wrung it out, staring off at the curve of the land where it stretched toward the horizon. "It's almost dark. I guess I'll just try the lightning right quick while I can still see what I'm doing."
Tanrial nodded and walked over to them, still grinning like crazy, “That sounds like a good plan. But don’t set anything on fire…”
"I'll try." Bernon brought his hands together and a moment later they were filled with buzzing electricity. "Let's see, if it hurt others but doesn't hurt me…" he experimentally ran one hand up his arm, coating it in strands of lightning. "Wow. Hang on." He allowed the lightning to spread all over him until he was completely covered in glowing energy. "Hey, this is like armor. Nobody would dare touch me right now."
“Wow… I didn’t even know that was possible. That’s incredible,” She smiled as she took in the buzzing light covering her friend, “But how long do you think you can hold it for? Can you do other things while you’re like this?”
"Uh…" Bernon held his hand out over the shallows and tried to summon some water, but only succeeded in zapping the lake and probably electrocuting any nearby fish. "Oops. Guess I need some more pract–oof." The lightning fizzled out completely and Bernon swayed on the spot. "That's exhausting. Special occasions only, I think."
"How ironic that the pacifist in the group got all the cool powers," Mike remarked, watching as Bernon sat down to take a breather. "At least we won't have to worry about him abusing those powers."
(brb, back soon I hope)
Tanrial sighed and ran and hand through her hair, “That’s true. Well, at least we know Bernon can create some cool looking electrical armour now.”
(sorry, looks like I can't be on after all. I'll see you tomorrow sometime)
Mike glanced briefly over at the treeline, then did a double-take. "Hey…I see Snatch."
Sure enough, Snatch was watching them curiously from not far away. She waved when they looked over at her.
Tanrial waved back and smiled at her, “Hey Snatch!” She called out, lowing her hand from the wave.
(Don’t worry about it, see you soon)
Snatch came bouncing over, grinning from ear to ear. "Hi! What are you guys doing? Why was Bernon all zappy for a minute? Why are there so many more people smells coming from the other lake now?"
“One question at a time Snatch,” Tanrial chuckled a little, “Bermondsey was trying to see if he could create a storm and what you saw happened instead. And there are other people coming because they are going to help us with something.”
"Oh! Okay!" Snatch frolicked around them. "Are they gonna help you fight that Raker guy?"
"Ryker," Bernon corrected with a grin. "Yep, they sure are. How are you doing, kiddo? Where's your mom?"
Snatch slowed to a halt and her expression became pouty. "Mmmh…..back there somewhere." She gestured vaguely at the shoreline behind her.
(brb, gotta have supper)
(Okay, sorry I’m not on much btw)
Tanrial frowned at Snatch, “Are you Alright? Is Fear not a good mother?”
(don't worry about it, you're fine ^^)
"She's okay," Snatch sighed,kicking at a shell in the sand. "But today she met somebody in the woods and all they want to do is talk. It's booooring."
(gotta go to bed, seeya)
Tanrial's frown deepened, "Who was she talking too? Have you seen anybody like them before? Sorry but with everything going on around here we need to make sure you're safe."
"We saw him a couple of days ago when he was hunting by the lake. He's a human." Snatch lowered her voice. "He's not like most humans though. Fear tried to scare him away today when he found us and he just laughed."
Tanrial swallowed and looked from Snatch to Mike to Bernon then back to Snatch, “How is he not like most humans?”
"Well….I dunno. He's not a coward, I guess. I mean, you guys aren't cowards. But he wasn't scared of Mom at all. She even tried to bite him and he didn't care. Now they're just sitting there talking." She huffed. "I wish he'd just leave….." Then she brightened. "Maybe you guys could make him go away! Please?"
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