@DancingWithMyDemons business
(Ahhhh, we've hit 100!)
(Ahhhh, we've hit 100!)
Ítäki: Laughs, a sound like 2,000 avalanches echoing around the world. I could put you to sleep, then.
Addic: Please don't. I like willing naps not artificial ones.
Ítäki: Fair enough.
Addic: sips his ever-present flask
Ítäki: Curious, she shrinks down and looks at Addic. What's in the flask?
Addic: alcohol.
Addic: would you like some? offers flask
Ítäki: Draconic shrug Sure. Takes the flask, takes a long drink from it Damn, that's good. What type of alcohol?
Epsilon: OOh!! me me!! Me want 'al cu hall!!'
Addic: Spirytus Vodka.
Ítäki: Tilts her head Spirit Vodka?
Epsilon: me!! Me!! Gimmie!!
Addic: Spirytus vodka, one of the strongest human drinks.
Ítäki: Shrugs Whatever. Could you get me a barrel of it?
Addic: Probably.
Epsilon: on the floor PLEEEEEASE
Addic: passes flask to Epsilon then ignores him Do you want me to get you one?
Epsilon: chugs it, then runs around frantically, laughing like a maniac
Ítäki: Grins Yes, I would like you to get me a barrel of it.
Addic: K, walks away
Ítäki: Waits for Addic to come back. Eventually she gets bored and returns to her full size, finding a dead planet to play with while she waits.
Addic: walks back pulling a waggon of three barrels Here you go.
Ítäki: Lunges back down to earth, shrinking once more. She cracks open each barrel and drains them all in seconds. She burps. Oh gods, that is some good shit. Her words are slurred.
Addic: both thumbs up you can thank Stawski Spirytus for that.
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