forum Kinda want a demon and human ship
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Logan chuckled lightly and nuzzled close to his beloved, slowly drifting off into slumber.

Raz curled up against Jay, pressing kisses to Jay's cheek. "Warm love?" He smiled softly and wrapped his arms around his fiance's waist


Raz smiled softly and nuzzled the column of Jay's neck and pressed kisses to his skin. "Get some rest, we've had a long day." He pressed a final kiss to Jay's lips before settling comfortably beside him and closing his eyes


"You're much too kind for someone like me." Jay mumbled under his breath. "I don't deserve you whatsoever." He kissed Raz's forehead before letting his eyes close.


(skippity skip)
Morning light poured in through the curtained windows and into their bedroom. Raz purred softly at the warmth and buried his head deeper into the crook of Jay's neck. His eyes fluttered open slowly, blinking a few times and stretching in Jay's hold. He relaxed and gently pressed his hand to Jay's cheek, lightly tracing his cheekbones and jaw line while he slept.


Raz's brows creased in worry as he pressed their heads together. "My love, it's just a dream." He whispered softly, "nothing is going to hurt you, I promise. Your safe." He continued, lightly brushing his finger along the bridge if Jay's nose.


He whimpered, almost like he was in pain as he started to shudder. A cold sweat broke out over his skin and he curled up like he was suddenly really cold.


He sighed softly and gently shook Jay's shoulders "my dear, please wake up." He said, a bit louder, not wanting to startle him but also needing to get his attention. "Focus on me Jay, not what your dreaming of."


He trembled even harder, his face contorted in pain as he started panting before jolting awake with a short scream. He buried his face in his hands, his breathing shaky and unsteady as he tried to remind himself it wasn't real.


Raz scooted back a bit when Jay suddenly sat up and watched him for a moment. He sat up a few moments later and gently rested a hand on Jay's back, tracing his spine in an effort to comfort him. He scooted around the bed so that he was sitting in front of Jay and lightly tapped at his hands, a silent request to let him comfort him


Jay pried his hands away from his face to look up at Raz. His eyes were already red rimmed and cheeks stained from the quiet sobs that wracked his body. He scrubbed his face quickly. "S-Sorry…nightmares…" His voice cracked from the tears as he spoke.


Raz shook his head and scooted closer to Jay. He wrapped his arms around Jay's shoulders and pressed close to him, pressing a kiss to his temple. "Don't apologies. It's nothing you can control." He murmured softly blotting at Jay's tears with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. "Wanna talk about?"


He sniffed, squeezing Raz tight as he tried to calm down. "Well, it was more of a relived memory. It was…the night he kicked me out. And well, I've told you what happened that night."


Raz nodded slowly and tucked Jay's head beneath his chin. "Well, that's behind you now. You have people here that love you far too much to ever let that happen. And we're going to get married in a few months!" He brushed aside Jay's hair and smiled softly "I love you Jay. No matter what happens to us I will forever love you."


A weak smile crept onto Jay's lips. "You're too good for me. You're like an angel sent to purify my soul." He snuggled into his fiance, sighing contently at the comfort and warmth.


"you don't need an angel my king, you're perfect exactly the way you are." He replied, laughing lightly and squeezing Jay gently


He rolled his eyes but snuggled into Raz further. "I don't know if you've ever noticed but I suppose I should tell you this. All demons have scars from how they died. For Jackson, it's slash marks from his mom's knife. Logan's probably seen them before. As for me," He raised his hand to the light, showing a blackened tinge to his fingers. It wasn't that noticable in direct sunlight, but it was now. "It's frostbite scars. Some are black, some are white. The scars are always faint because they're attached to our old body but they are there. You just have to know what you're looking for."


Raz watched and listened in silence as Jay explained his and Jackson's scars from their previous life. He swallowed thickly, only imagining what had happened to cause such terrible deaths for them was enough to make him sick. He reached up and gently traced Jay's fingertips, watching as the black tinge dissapeared at the slightest of movements. He laced their hands together and took in a shaky breath. "What did you do after you became a demon?" He asked Ina hushed whisper


"Mostly wandered the Earth, feeling aimless and trying not to fall into insanity. When people go through long and torturous deaths, their soul sinks to hell so that they have a chance to get revenge. But both Jackson and I never did. Never had the heart to. It's why we became friends. The rest of the demons didn't understand why we didn't want to get back at them so they pushed us together."


Hearing Jay, Raz could only admire the two for not taking revenge on those who had hurt them. Raz knew if he were a demon with any advantage towards humans hd'd definately take out his anger and rage out on the ones who had hurt him in his previous life, maybe even kill them. "I don't think I'd be able to do what you did." He murmured, slightly ashamed for thinking so.


"it does," he agreed, smiling softly and gently tracing his thumb against the back of Jay's hand. "It takes a lot to push all that anger and hate away and conciously make the decision to move on, even if you don't forgive the person." He glanced down at Jay and pressed a kiss to his brow.


"Well, Jackson still gives his mom nightmares and now she's paranoid but to be fair, she deserves it. But I don't. I have no reason to. If the guilt doesn't eat him alive, nothing I do is going to affect him in a way that would satisfy me." He shrugged.


"Have either of seen them since?" He asked, not really surprised to hear that they could manipulate dreams. If they could speak to each other only using their minds then who was to say they couldn't control dreams? He shuddered slightly at the thought of living a nightmare both in your waking days and then knowing you'd be tortured at night as well.