"You do that. I'm still stuck here with my trap." She laughed, still petting the cat in her lap.
"You do that. I'm still stuck here with my trap." She laughed, still petting the cat in her lap.
“I’ll relieve you of your noble duty in a second.” He said with a small chuckle, leaving the room for a minute or so, coming back with a few blankets and pillows in hand.
"Alright, sleeping items aquired now help me with this devil in cat form before my legs go numb."
“Yes ma’am.” He said with mock seriousness, walking over and just scooping the cat up, cradling her in his arm like a baby. “You’re free now.” He said jokingly.
"Finally." She slowly stood, stretching out her legs. "God, that gets uncomfortable fast."
“Well that’s your fault for being comfortable for cats I guess.” He shrugged, putting the cat on the bed next to Jax.
"I think it's because they can just sense my pain and are like, I must help this sad human."
“Something like that. Cats are like…mini gods or something. They’re insane. Anyway, enough of that, time to rest.”
"Yes, time for sleep." She made grabby hands towards the stack of pillows and blankets. "Sleeping materials please."
He smiled, handing her a pillow and a blanket. “Is this good enough for your standards, your highness?” He asked teasingly.
She inspected the items thoroughly. "Hmm, yes, I suppose it will be." She retorted with a fake posh accent.
He snorted, rolling his eyes. “Well you can just settle down wherever you please ma’am.”
"Why thank you dear servant." She kept her fake accent although she had to hold back her giggles as she flopped onto the floor to sleep.
Ethan chuckled softly, laying down on a different part of the floor, pulling the blanket up past his shoulders.
She tugged the blanket up to her chin, snuggling into it with a pleased hum.
“Goodnight.” He said quietly into the darkness.
"Night Ethan." She whispered back before falling asleep like she'd been hit upside the head with a hammer. When she was tired, Becca slept like the dead.
Jax and Ethan stayed asleep the entire night, Jax was the first one to wake up and somehow managed not to wake up the other two.
Becca stayed asleep. It would take nothing short of a zombie apocalypse to wake this girl up so good luck with that one.
And of course Jax did try as soon as Ethan was awake to witness his stupidity. Jax poked Becca’s cheek for probably the millionth time. “Ethan I think she’s dead.” He said in a dramatic stage whisper.
Ethan rolled his eyes. “Jax leave her alone.”
If anything, his poking made her snuggle further into the pillow beneath her to try and get away from it. Not dead, just dead asleep.
Jax smiled softly. “Okay, okay I’ll stop…” Jax said and Ethan nodded, turning away to do something else. “SIKE!” Jax yelled, yanking the pillow away and out from under Becca.
Her head dropped to the floor with an unpleasant thud, successfully waking her with a groan.
“Morning sleepyhead!” Jax said with a smile, leaning over her.
Ethan sighed. “I tried to stop him, I’m sorry.”
She swatted Jax away with a grumble, blearing opening one eye. "Thanks anyway Ethan, I appreciate the effort."
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