"Is that a challenge?" She raised an eyebrow at him with a playful grin.
"Is that a challenge?" She raised an eyebrow at him with a playful grin.
“Maybeeee.” Ethan replied with an equally playful grin.
"Oh you're on buddy. But don't be too upset when I send you crying home to your mama."
“Oh shit!” Jax exclaimed from the floor.
Ethan grinned. “I can’t wait to see you try.”
(Adorable, all of them :D)
She just smiled with a giggle. "This is
gonna be fun."
((I love them so much lmao))
“Hey Jax, do you think you’re about done partying for the night? We should probably get going soon.”
Jax sighed dramatically. “I guess we can go now.”
"Then let's get going before the drama queen changes his mind." She stretched slowly, biting her tongue when she strained her wrist.
“I’m not a drama queen!” Jax snapped in probably the most dramatic way ever.
Ethan snorted. “C’mon Jax.” He pulled the other to his feet.
"I've never been a big fan of shows that make the comic relief the main character but I'll think I'll stick around to watch this one." She chuckled.
“Good, we’d miss you if you left.” Ethan said with a soft smile.
“Bah! Speak for yourself..” Jax grumbled, but it was clear he didn’t mean it.
"Aww, I love you guys too." She laughed, pushing her hair out of her face. "Now then, the door is that way."
“Got it. Let’s go Jax.” Ethan put both of his hands on Jax’s shoulders, steering him towards the door, making sure he wouldn’t run off. He managed to get them all outside, unlocking his car. “The two of you get in the car. Where are we going?”
"Somewhere I don't have to keep looking over my shoulder to make sure a certain lunatic isn't getting himself into trouble."
“He’s probably gonna crash in the next thirty minutes anyway so that won’t be a problem.” Ethan said, sitting in the driver’s seat while Jax slid into the backseat.
“Ethan can we just stay at your place pleeeeease.”
“I dunno Jax..” Ethan frowned a bit.
“Pleeeeeeeeease!!” Jax whined and Ethan gave in.
“Okay okay, you can stay over.”
"Not a drama queen my ass." She rolled her eyes with a chuckle.
“Oh shut up. Just get in the carrrr!” Jax pulled her into the car next to him, leaning his head on her shoulder. Ethan began driving, soft music playing over the radio.
Becca ran her fingers lightly through Jax's hair, humming along to the music playing.
“You’re gonna come with us right?” Jax asked softly, looking over at her.
She contemplated for a minute. It was a bad idea, it really was. But fuck it, she was already a dead girl walking. "Ah sure, why not. How can I say no to a face so cute?"
He smiled. “You can’t. That’s the point.”
Ethan chuckled softly. “But I can also take you home if you think that’d be better.”
"As kind of an offer as that is, I think it'd be better if I stayed out rather than going home."
Ethan nodded, and continued driving on the route they were on. Within the next 10 minutes, they’d reached their destination. “Here we are.” Ethan announced. They’d stopped at a relatively big and expensive looking house. None of the lights inside seemed to be on. “As expected, we’re the only ones home.”
"Ooo, big and pretty." She giggled. She never had friends in a financial situation better than herself so this was all new to her.
“It is, isn’t it?” Jax agreed, not clinging to her as much now that they were out of the car.
“Yeah but I’m pretty much the only one ever home so it’s kinda creepy.” Ethan replied, pulling his keys out of his pocket and unlocking the front door. “Jax do me a favor and don’t eat all the food in the pantry, okay?”
“I make no promises.” Jax replied solemnly as they stepped inside, Ethan flicking on the lights.
"And make sure you share! I'm starving." She smiled, stepping inside and taking a look around. "Wow, I bet a closet in here is like the size of my bedroom."
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