“Okay fine but how are you gonna find the island?” He smirked a little, “You don’t have a boat or a plane, Cas.”
“Okay fine but how are you gonna find the island?” He smirked a little, “You don’t have a boat or a plane, Cas.”
"I'm gonna get a boat!" He insisted. "Or fucking steal one! Stealing boats won't be illegal on my island, so they can't arrest me."
“Yeah but if you still one from here the police can still arrest you since it was on their land not yours.” He replied.
"Well, I make the rules on my island, and they can't come in, so they can't arrest me" Cas folded his arms.
Grey shook his head a little, “They can get a warrant. And don’t get me wrong, I know you can fight, but I doubt you’d win against them.”
"I'll throw them into the fucking ocean." Cas grumbled, glaring down at the floor. "See how they fare against sharks."
Grey snorted, letting out a chuckle, “Okay, sure, I don’t know about that but okay,”
"Are we there yet?" Cas asked, clearly still incredibly antsy. "I wanna go fucking punch people and then throw the police into the ocean."
"Does it look like we're fucking there?" Grey gestured to the red light they were stopped at, "Patience is a virtue, and is also something you lack."
Cas groaned dramatically and started banging his head against the window. "Red lights are stupid and we should fucking… I dunno, destroy them or something."
"Cas stop you're gonna hurt yourself!" Grey placed a hand on his shoulder, "Seriously stop that. Please for the love of god just be patient for five more minutes then you can fight."
"I wanna throw myself out of the fucking car. I want to. Why do I want to, Grey?" Cas looked down at his trembling hands and then back over at the door.
Grey sighed, patting Cas' thigh, "Because coffee is like a drug to you and basically makes you go insane. And that was the last cup you're ever getting after this fight."
Cas sighed and rested his head on the window again. "But it tastes so goooood…" He whined. "And it feels nice for a bit and helps me sleep when I inevitably crash…"
“Yes, but also you go crazy and don’t without supervision would hurt yourself badly.” Grey ruffled Cas’ hair, turning his attention on the road when the light changed to green.
Cas huffed indignantly, but otherwise had no argument. "Are we almost there?" He asked in an attempt to change the subject.
“Yes, just gotta find a place to park then it’s a two minute or so walk.” Grey replied, pulling down an old alley way.
Cas nodded and fell silent, tapping one foot on the floor of the car while he impatiently waited for the car to halt.
Grey pulled the car to a halt. Luckily the bar was in view and it didn't look like it would be a long walk, shorter then Grey had presumed.
Cas jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped and headed towards the bar. He wasn't running, but he was definitely moving pretty quickly.
Grey rolled his eyes with a small smile, making sure the car was locked before he followed. He jogged to catch up with Cas, placing a hand on his arm to slow him down at least a little.
Cas huffed and reluctantly slowed his pace, allowing Grey to lead him inside. "How do we get to the actual fighting part?"
“It’s in the basement area in the bar,” Technically they were both underaged but Grey was a frequent here since he knew the owner, perks of having friends in high places. He nodded to the man at the door, who smiled at the two of them as Grey led them inside.
"Alright, alright…" Cas, being underaged and very much looking it, did not often get to go inside bars. He glanced around curiously, taking in his surroundings.
The bar had a very retro feel to it. Neon lights above the bar, arcade machines in one corner, pool tables dotted around with wooden chairs and tables in between. There was a woman on the small stage in the middle, a small band behind her playing blues and jazz music. Greyson led Cas towards the back of the bar and towards a set of winding metal stairs.
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