"Ah, I see," He wiped at his face, "Well, congrats on the win, do you think you'll be baker 'ere anytime soon?"
"Ah, I see," He wiped at his face, "Well, congrats on the win, do you think you'll be baker 'ere anytime soon?"
"Um… I'm not sure. It felt strange fighting you since you hadn't made me angry or anything." Cas laughed. "I typically fight more in the moment, you know?"
"Fair enough, I was like that not too long ago but it didn't do me any favors, guess it's why I'm here now." He shrugged, chuckling.
"Yeah… well, it was nice meeting you!" Cas grinned and waved as he stepped off the podium.
The man waved back as he walked off the other side of the podium. Greyson walked towards Cas with a grin, "Hey! You did great!"
"Thanks." Cas smiled softly. "We should probably head out now, yeah?" He stretched a bit and sighed.
“Probably, feel like you’ve burnt off most of that restless energy?” He raised a brow, leading them towards the exit.
"I think so, yeah." Cas trailed after Gray, humming softly to himself. "It felt weird to fight him. He didn't do anything to make me angry, you know?"
Grey shrugged, “I guess that’s true. Still, it got your energy out and it was all consensual. But if you don’t wanna do it again you don’t have to.”
Cas nodded a bit. "I dunno. Maybe. If I'm feeling hyperaggressive and I seem like I'm wanting to go out into the market and punch someone, just take me here."
He chuckled softly, "Aight, I'll remember that. I'll also remember not to give you coffee again anytime soon. I dunno if I can deal with you and the amount of work I have."
Cas huffed a bit. "I like coffee, though… maybe I can get decaf?" He went out the door with a quiet hum.
"I'll think about it." Grey replied, following him out the door, "I mean it'll be better then something with full caffeine."
Cas nodded and continued following Grey. "We're just going back home now, right?" He asked while they walked.
"Unless you had somewhere else in mind, yeah," He replied, unlocking the car once it was in view.
"Nah… home sounds fine to me." Cas yawned a bit and got into the passenger side of the car. "Maybe I could start going to the gym."
"To the gym?" Grey raised a brow, "What gave you that idea?" He asked, climbing into the drivers seat.
"Well, it would get out the aggressive energy and it's good for me anyways." Cas shrugged. "It just seems to be a good idea."
"That's true. Or you could join a boxing club instead of a gym, perhaps both," He sighed, "Just a suggestion, you don't have to take it though."
"I guess… I think it would still feel weird, though. It doesn't feel right to be fighting people who haven't even made me angry or anything."
“Maybe you should start meditating then so people don’t make you as angry. Then you wouldn’t be getting into fights in the first place and you wouldn’t be at the police station as much.”
"Meditating sounds boring." Cas sighed and looked out the window, humming softly to himself. "And it doesn't sound like something I'd be remotely good at."
Grey snorted, "Find your inner peace Cas. Your chakra or whatever it's called or some bullshit like that. You never know till you give it a go."
"I don't have a fucking Chakra. I don't even know what that is." Cas rolled his eyes, huffing a bit. "And I think we both know I don't have inner peace."
"Oh come oooon Cas. Open your third eye, look in to your chakra's," Grey joked, nudging Cas with his elbow, "Find your inner peace and center of healing."
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