(i got a pfp now!)
Ellis nodded slightly. "Yeah. I get that, Lloyd. Just…you'll heal, I promise."
(i got a pfp now!)
Ellis nodded slightly. "Yeah. I get that, Lloyd. Just…you'll heal, I promise."
He sighed and nodded once more, glancing out the window. Being cooped up in here just made him want to go out more. "Hopefully sooner rather than later…"
(thanks! it only took me like two years lol)
Ellis nodded a little bit. "I'm sure it won't take too long." he replied, looking at the prince.
(Lmao yeah)
Lloyd was quiet for a bit. "What's it like?" He asked softly. "Growing up somewhere else, that is… he opportunity to be what you wanna be?"
(fuck, having a pfp is tripping me out bc im so used to not having one. I keep going "who's that with my username" "oh wait that's me" lmao)
Ellis let out a dry, slightly bitter laugh. "I wouldn't know." he replied, shaking his head and looking at his hands.
"Mm… what's it like living somewhere other than this place, then? I feel like I don't get to talk to people as much as I'd like to…"
He shrugged his shoulders. "It's…I don't know. Different?" he shook his head.
"Different how?" Lloyd asked, looking over at Ellis curiously with his head cocked slightly to the side.
"Well, the buildings are smaller, and…I don't know. There are just different things to worry about and stuff."
Lloyd nodded a bit. "What sort of things do you have to worry about opposed to what I worry about?"
"Food." Whether Anton or Drew is going to hurt me again. "Clothes, sometimes. Getting my jobs done in a timely manner so I don't get…reprimanded."
"Ah… you shouldn't have to worry about those here, for sure." He hummed thoughtfully. "What else is different?"
"I…I don't know." he looked down at his hands. "My life is…different than a lot of other people's."
"Mm…" Lloyd thought for a few seconds. "My public image is very important to my father… I worry about that often. Living up to expectations."
He nodded slightly. "Yeah. Maybe…you shouldn't be in public for a while, then?" he shrugged his shoulders.
"Probably not… couldn't make it that far in this condition anyways." He laughed weakly.
He laughed a little bit. "Mhm. Especially not with me finding you every single time."
"It's like you're stalking me now to make sure I don't endanger myself." He laughed again.
He smirked. "I'm not, I promise."
"You sure?" Lloyd asked playfully. "You were literally waiting outside the door for me to come out."
"I was anticipating your movements, not stalking."
"Sounds kinda like stalking to me." Lloyd laughed.
He rolled his eyes. "Maybe."
"Ah, well… stalking or not, I know you're just trying to protect me from being a… what was it you called me?" He asked, legitimately confused. "Dumbass, right?"
He laughed. "I wasn't stalking, and yes, that's exactly it."
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