"You'll have to let him know. He's not going to hug you without permission. He does have manners, even if he's incredibly touch starved."
"You'll have to let him know. He's not going to hug you without permission. He does have manners, even if he's incredibly touch starved."
He nodded again. "I'll let him know, don't worry." he repleid.
Lloyd hummed softly and glanced over to the window again. Raindrops slowly trickled down the glass. "Looks like it's our favorite weather."
(Gtg now sorry)
He smiled softly, looking at the window. "Mhm."
Lloyd sighed and relaxed a bit as he watched the rain. "It always just makes me feel… calm. I don't know why. Hearing the rain just makes my whole body relax."
He nodded. "I heard it was because of something to do with like the chemicals in your brain or something? I don't remember exactly."
"Serotonin? And dopamine. I suppose so." Lloyd hummed thoughtfully. "I haven't done too much research on the specific effects of rain on the mind."
He shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah. I looked it up once because I was curious, but…"
Lloyd glanced over at Ellis curiously. "Hmm? But what?"
"But I don't remember the specifics." he shrugged.
"Mm…" Lloyd looked back over to the window. "Do you have any hobbies?" He asked after a few seconds.
"Uhm…I like to read." he replied. "And animals."
Lloyd nodded. "Unfortunately, I don't have much time for hobbies… I suppose I enjoy training. I do it often, anyways."
He nodded. "Yeah, makes sense. " he replied.
"We should spar sometimes. I think you'd like it." He hummed softly. "Besides, it's a helpful skill to know."
He blinked. "Oh. Yeah, maybe."
"Just let me know if you're ever interested, okay? I should be able to make some time for it."
He smiled softly. "Yeah, of course. Thank you."
"No problem, Ellis. What else would you like to talk about?" Lloyd asked with a soft smile.
He shrugged slightly. "Oh. Uhm…I don't know."
"Well, I've miraculously managed to carry conversation so far, so I believe it's your turn." Lloyd laughed. "Any questions or anything?"
He ducked his head a little bit. "What's it like being a prince?"
"It can be pretty stressful… I mean, I don't worry about the same things other people do, to be fair. We covered that earlier. The people think that the royal family do next to nothing, honestly. They think that we just live a cushy, easy life of luxury where everything is just handed to us on a silver platter and we never have to worry about anything ever… and while that is dramatacized, it is somewhat true. However, we have a large influence on all of the goings on of the town, and the economy would collapse if we suddenly lived the way that the people think. My father works tirelessly to ensure the happiness of the kingdom to the best of his ability, and I aid him in that in every way I can. I'm not as free to do things as an ordinary person would be. Often, my day is scheduled. Lots of paperwork, reading, training… trying constantly to improve myself so that I'll someday be a fitting king. That day is coming a lot sooner than I'd have hoped, though…"
He blinked at the large amount of information, and nodded a little bit. "Yeah, I…I get that. You have different worries than people like me do."
"Mhmm… sorry for rambling." Lloyd laughed a bit. "I… don't often get to talk to people about this kind of thing."
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