(Sounds good. Want me to start again?)
(Sounds good. Want me to start again?)
It was two days later and Dorian was pacing in what was now him and Fiona's room. He was contemplating breaking the news about their engagement to his family but he was coming up with no way to tell them. Well, no way to put it lightly.
She had been watching him pace for 20 minutes and it was only making her more anxious. "Dorian, honey, talk to me, please."
Dorian sighed, rubbing his face with both hands, "I'm just… trying to think of a way to break the news of our engagement to my family."
"Aww, honey. Honestly, I think you're putting too much thought into this. Why don't you just sit them all down and just tell them that we're to be wed?"
"That's the thing! The twins won't sit still for long enough, Edward doesn't talk to me and wouldn't want to sit with the family and father dislikes me! I can't win." He sighed, flopping face down onto the bed.
"Then go to them individually? Dorian, love, you're thinking too hard about this."
"No, I'm not. I'm… okay maybe I am but I just… don't want them to react badly so…"
She gently took his hand, lacing their fingers together. "You don't have to be nervous. I'll be right there with you when you tell them."
"I know I know," He rolled onto his side, "I just don't want them to go crazy and I don't know, yell at you."
"Honey, they wouldn't do that. I know how long you've been looking for a girl, I'm sure they'll be ecstatic to hear you finally found one."
He sighed though his nose, contemplating it for a few moments before he nodded, "I guess you're right."
"I'm your fiancee, I'm always right." She giggled. "So…should we go tell them?"
He smiled, sitting up and kissing her cheek, "Yes, let's go tell them."
She took his hand, pulling him to his feet. "Well you're never going to tell them sitting there. Come on, let's go!" She had definitely somewhat recovered mentally in the past few days, brightening up.
Dorian smiled at her, standing from the bed and giving her a soft, loving look, "Okay then love, I'm coming."
"Where do we start? From the bottom and make our way up or from the top and work our way down?"
“Start from the bottom. I’d rather talk to the girls because I know they’re going to be excited and happy.”
"I had a feeling you'd say that. Now let's go!" She pulled him out of the room with a smile.
Dorian chuckled lightly, following. The last thing he knew of the twins were in the study, practicing their piano skills.
She followed the light trill of piano notes until she came across the two girls. "Now it's all you."
"Why do I have to break the news? Why can't you tell them?" He mumbled right as Isabella and Elizabeth notice them.
"Fiona! Dorian!" Isabella grinned, running over to give Fiona a hug.
"Because they're your sisters! Come on, man up." She rolled her eyes before turning her attention to the little girl, scooping her up in a tight hug with a smile. "Hey there Isabella!"
Isabella giggled, wrapping her arms around Fiona's neck and her legs around her waist, "What are you two doing?" She asked.
Elizabeth walked up to Dorian, hugging his leg, "Yeah, you don't usually visit during practice."
Dorian chuckled nervously, "Ah well, yes, you see we have some news for you both."
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