She tried to do as he said and actually managed to calm down a little but not much.
She tried to do as he said and actually managed to calm down a little but not much.
"That's it. I love you so much princess, you mean to the world to me and nothing is ever going to change that."
She forced an artificial calm over herself until she eventually relaxed into a real one.
Dorian hummed softly, hoping to help her calm down even more.
She took a deep breath, finally relaxing. "Sorry, sorry, I know my attacks aren't pretty…I'm sorry you had to deal with one."
“Hey no, don’t apologise princess,” He replied, resting his hand on her cheek softly, “I’ll be here to help you from now on, okay? I don’t want you to suffer alone.”
"I don't want you to suffer alone either." She glanced up at him, cracking the barest hint of a smile.
Dorian smiled softly back, kissing the tip of her nose, "I love you."
"I love you more." She cuddled into his chest, forcing her mind away.
Dorian wrapped his arms around her lightly, playing with the ends of her hair, "No, I love you way more."
"Noooo, that's physically impossible because I love you more."
"No way precious, I don't think that's true."
"Oh yeah? And why's that?"
"Because I love you more. And that' a fact. So you can't love me more if I love you more."
"If I concede, will you kiss me?"
“Hmmm maybe if you ask nicely.”
"Please Dorian? I'll be good and listen, I promise." She batted her eyes with a smile.
He chuckled lightly, "Okay fine fine," He smiled back, pressing his lips against hers.
She melted into it, really just wanting the relaxation that his lips brought her.
He moved his lips slowly against hers, resting one hand on her cheek.
She could only think of one moment that could possibly top this and that was her own wedding day. Her heart skipped a beat at even the thought of it.
Dorian loved spending time like this with Fiona. Just able to do whatever they wanted without fear of getting caught. They had no responsibilities, just them.
She knew the moment would eventually have to end and they'd have to go back to the real world but for now, the real world could wait.
(What should happen next?)
(Well, Dorian explains to his family that he's going to marry her and why which could be kind of adorable)
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