forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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Deleted user

“I thought you left you know!” Nick yelled. “Good morning…” he whispered.

Deleted user

"I know…speaking of which. Can you take me to the bathroom? I don't think I can hold it anymore…" Nick reached his down, pressing aga and squeezed his legs together trying to hold it. "P-Please."


Jas nodded and scooped the other up. For the first time in the weeks they'd stay in the hospital noticing how thin Nick had gotten. "can you walk?" he asked softly, nudging the door open.

Deleted user

“He shook his head. The doctors told me I shouldn’t. I’m too week from the surgery and I might loosen my stitches…sorry…” Nick sighed looking up at Jas.


“It’s alright love. Can you handle things when I set you down at least?” He pressed a light kiss to his head

Deleted user

“You’ll have to look away and stand me up, so hurry up and put me down before I pee my pants,” Nick whined.

Deleted user

"Nick sighed once finished and pulled up his underwear. "Can you help me with my pants?"


Nick blushes deeply before nodding and helping Nick. He scooped him up again and brought him back to bed “You okay now?” He asked, pulling the other into his lap

Deleted user

"Never felt better. Jas, where you thinking dirty things when I asked you to help me with my pants because when you picked me up I saw a blush on your cheek~" Nick teased.


“I wasn’t until you mentioned it, thanks love.” He sighed softly and shut his eyes “and no, no I wasn’t, I was just blushing at the situation.”

Deleted user

"If you say so," Nick rolled his eyes and laid down on the bed. "My head feels heavy. I think I moved to fast…" he said before fainting.


Jas glanced down in surprise and shifted the other so that he was more comfortable. He didn’t bother calling for the nurses, knowing nothing could be done until Nick woke up. He wrote a note saying Nick had fainted and now was asleep and posted it on the door. He curled up close to the other and nodded off to sleep

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When Nick woke up, his vision was blurry. He looked down to his lover attached to hime. "What happened?" he yawned and held his head.


Jas stirred when Nick woke up and stretched slightly “you fainted,” he murmured tiredly “moved too fast.”

Deleted user

"Sorry," Nick chuckled lightly. "Do you have any hero work to do?"

Deleted user

“Okay, I’m sorry if I being too needy. You can do other stuff if you don’t want to stay with me….” Nick scratched his head.


"and why in the world would I want to be anywhere other than with you, hm?" He wrapped the other in the thicker blanket and hugged him close. "Be as needy as you want my love, I'll return each and every want and desire you have."

Deleted user

"Do you want to play a game? I have one in mind," Nick grinned.

Deleted user

"It's called wombat. It doesn't matter what the animal is it matter if you are one and you have to say yes or no to my quetion. Okay, if I'm a wombat and you're a wombat, is the nurse a wombat?"

Deleted user

"Yes, she is. If I'm a wombat and you're a Wombat, am I a wombat?" Nick started to grin wider.