forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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Jas nodded in agreement "I mean besides the Jello, it's pretty decent." He joked, standing up and stretching. He snapped his fingers and opened a breach. "I'll see what I can find in town. I'll be back in a half an hour. He pressed a tender kiss to Nick's lips before walking through the the breach and ending up in the middle of town

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Nick frowned when he left. “How do I tell him…” he looked at his hands starting shake. “He’ll throw me away if I do…”


Jas came back through a breech holding bags on his arms and one in his mouth. He set the bags down "alright I brought food from a cafe I found a while back that's outfof this world!" He sat on the edge of the bed and took Nick's hands, noticing they were shaking "what's wrong love?" He asked gently, cupping his cheek

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"I have something to tell you. I don't know how you'll take it. You know the bullet that struck me?" He up Jas.


Jas's appetite left him. He turned so the he was completely facing Nick, still holding his hand. "I try not to think about it that much but yeah, what about it?"

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“So, they asked me if they should or I should and they that I should. Jas I-. I lost my powers…” Nick shut his eyes afraid of what Jas would say.


Jas blinked as if stuck in time. He tried to form words but none would come to him. He didn't know whether to be angry at the guy who shot and permantpy hurt his most beloved or cry for the massive loss of Nick's powers, knowing how hard the transfer from.power to none was going be for him. He glanced up at Nick and all his worries for the shooter were gone. He stood and repositioned himself behind Nick so that he was nestled in his lap. He rested his head on Nick's shoulder. He gently traced his back. He whispered words to Nick, reminding him again and again that he was far from what the scars on his back described. "We'll figure this out, love. If there truely is no way of getting your powers back then we'll figure out a way to make the transition as easy as possible."

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Nick started to cry. He roughly wiped his tears away, but they wouldn't stop. "I'm useless now. I don't have the institution anymore. I can't dave people. I can't even protect you. Everything is gone. You're all I have left!"


"Love no, don't say that. You can still save people even without your powers. As for protecting me, you took a bullet for me! if that doesn't count as protecting me, I don't know what does." He pressed kisses to Nick's cheeks "we'll figure this out my love, I swear."

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“I love you,” he tackled Jas and crude his his shoulder. “I love so much!” He sobbed between his words.


Jas embraced him carefully and pressed his head into his neck. "I love you too my savior." He took in a shaky breath, trying to hold back tears. "We've cried enough for a lifetime." He tried to joke, cursing himself as a few tears escaped "I love you Nick."

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"I love you too…" he mumbled as snifted, getting calmer. He still sobbed, but it was quiet now.


He rubbed Nick's back soothingly and whispered soothing words in his ear "you're safe my beloved. You're beautiful, kind and extordibary. Nothing will ever change that."

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He nodded lightly, rubbing his tears against his shirt. "Sorry…your shirt is all wet now…"

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"Okay…" he spoke softly. "Don't leave…can sis get it for you…I don't want you to go…"


He looked down at Nick and smiled softly "i wouldn't want to disturb her. I could breach there and breach back in less than 5 minutes."

Deleted user

Nick stayed silent before nodding. "Don't take more than five minutes."


"I won't my love." He pressed a kiss to Nick's head and gently scooted out from his spot behind Nick. "Do want anything from home? any food or blankets or extra clothing?"

Deleted user

"C-Can you bring me your pillow?" he blushed. "In case you're ever gone…"


Jas's eyes softened at the request and walked over to his bedside. He hugged Nick close to his chest "I'm not going anywhere love, but sure. I'll bring you the pillow. Anything else?" he softly asked, snapping his fingers to open a breach to the apartment.


Has laughed and kissed his hair "I'll see what I can find." He pulled away and stepped into the breach. "I'll be back in a jiffy."

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"You better be!" he warned with a smile. When Jas left we became terrified. He could be attacked at any moment and he could do nothing about it. Nick hugged his knees, looking all around him.


Jas collected what he needed while checking on the girls "hey, everything okay?" He called, holding a stack of clean clothing, a few pillows and a package of large Reece's cups