forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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"Hmmm, hopefully, they keep it in the guest room," he winked. "You're warm," Nick laughed.


"Let's hope," he laughed and shook his head. "So are you, my love," he said, snuggling against Nick with a content sigh, careful not touch the stitches

Deleted user

"I'm not that fragile you know," he gave a light chuckle. "I can handle a little rough," he mumbled before connecting his lips with Jas's.


Jas hummed softly before slightly pulling away "I know you can my love, but I'm not risking anything until these are fully healed." he kissed him back roughly, wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him closer "Okay, i might risk it a little."

Deleted user

"I'm fine with that," Nick dug his head in Jas's shoulder, starting to sway back and forth.

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"Very~" he looked up with to his lover lightly pressing a kiss against his lips.


He chuckled softly and nuzzled his head "good," he kissed him back softly and started humming a song as they sat there within each other's grasp

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He made a loud yawn and shook his head slapping both sides of his face. "I'm not tired."


Has took Nucl's hands in his so that he wasn't hitting himself. He pressed a kiss to his lips with a small laugh "my love, sleep, you need it."

Deleted user

"The only thing I need right now is you, He closed his eyes, kissing Jas's forehead.


"I'm not going to go anywhere, I swear my love but you need to sleep." He leaned his head on his shoulder and looked up at Nick pleadingly

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"Fine…" he yawned, letting his eyes close. Nick slept peacefully as he held onto Jas.


Jas shifted so that he held Nick and lifted the weight off his wound. He pressed a kiss to his brow "sleep well my dearest, beautiful creature."

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He groaned lightly, pulling Jas close.

Nick woke up the next morning with a loud yawn. "Jassy~"


Jas had awoken a few hours before Nick. He lied next to him reading a book he had found in the room. "Morning love, sleep well?" he shut the book and pressed a kiss to Nick's shoulder

Deleted user

"Good, morning~" he hummed nuzzling his head against his shoulder. "What were you reading."


"hm? Oh Phantom of The Opera. One of my favorites." He held up the book to show the cover wile pressed into Nick's shoulder and neck

Deleted user

"Don't let me stop you," he chuckled. "I want a morning kiss~" he whined looking at Jas.

Deleted user

“Nothing from here hospital food, always bad,” Nick shook his head head.