forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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"You're my dream you know that?"Nick held in the moans from the sweet words and the kisses.


"and you're my dream come true," he murmured, pulling away to gaze up at Nick "you're my everything," he stroked his cheek and lips and smiled softly "How's your wound?" he asked, keeping his voice low and sweet, only for Nick to here, no one else

Deleted user

"It's getting better, they said I might be able to go home soon as long as I don't push it," he smiled. "That means I get to do the deed with you because you said it was okay once I'm healed."


Jas laughed softly “yes but only when it’s fully healed.” He stroked his cheek “soon my love.” He pressed a gentle kiss to his lips

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"I know," Nick wrapped his arm around Jas. Snuggling him and holding him tight.

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“Tired even though it’s the middle of the day?” Nick laughed. “I’m a lot, I know.”

Deleted user

“I love you too. Someone is coming in today and taking blood tests to see how the bullet effected my powers.” Nick sighed. “I hope they find a solution!”


Jas glanced down in surprise “they know about your abilities?” He asked softly in case the doctors were around “and they won’t say anything?”

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“They were the ones that told me!” He stretched and pecked Jas on the lips.

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"3~" he hummed as he kissed Jas softly. "We have some time, to be unprofessional."


Jas nodded and chuckled deeply “as much as I’d love that, I’m pretty sure a hospital is not the place to be unprofessional as you call it.”

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"What! Why there are no windows and the door is always locked because the doctors have the key…" Nick slid a finger down Jas's chest.


Jas groaned softly “and if the doctor comes in?” He asked, voice strained as he leaned into Nick’s touch

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"Not unless my heart rate does something weird or I'm dying…" Nick kissed Jas's neck and slid his hands under his shirt. "Besides it's just kisses and touches. Nothing more."


He released a ragged breath “fine, but no farther than that.” He tilted his head and kissed Nick’s lips

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Nick smiled against the kiss as he traced lines on Jas’s chest. “I will never go farther without your permission.”


"Thank you," he breathed, swiping his tongue along Nick's lower lip. He curled up with him and tilted his head slightly to deepen the kiss

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Nick let Jas in and moaned lightly. He moved down to his neck. “I love you my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd kiss stealer.”


“And every single kiss after that…” he murmured, tilting his head to give Nick access. “I love you too my savior.” He takes his tongue along the roof of his mouth, moaning softly

Deleted user

“Such beautiful noises,” Nick started to kiss his waist and up from his side.


Jas moaned again and arched his back into Nick’s touch. He squeezed his eyes shut and gently ran a hand through Nick’s hair “gently my love,” he murmured

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“That’s the only way I do it…” he kissed him fallowing his demands. He kissed back up his neck and reached Jas’s lips. “How does it feel?”