(Hmm…well my idea should probably happen last, just because it'll change so much of the RP lmao. So…the order of the others could happen in any order you like)
(Hmm…well my idea should probably happen last, just because it'll change so much of the RP lmao. So…the order of the others could happen in any order you like)
(Sounds like a good plan, it might be better if the sad idea happens first, then the hospital, and then Rowan finds Damian is the Frost. Would it be cool if we time skipped a week or a couple weeks ahead? And do we want to have it so Rowan attacks and Damian doesn’t show up (plus that might add to guilt abt death? idk?) then come back to like 20 missed calls from Damian, or just cut out Rowan attacking city part?)
(Alright! Yeah we can totally timeskip. Uhm…I don't really have a preference, I suppose, though the attack might definitely be interesting)
(Ooo ok cool, attack sounds awesome with me so yay, last question I swear so we want to start just as the attack finishes or before it starts?)
(Alright! Uhm…probably as it ends, since Damian isn't going to show up?? idk)
(Sounds great with me :) I’ll go ahead an start us back up)
Damian sat on the floor at the foot of his bed, defeated. He stared down at his phone, ignoring the notification of the Reaper’s havoc on the city. He was looking at the call button, about to press it again before a tear dropped down on the screen. Again. It had frozen by the time he wiped it away. He needed Rowan right now, he couldn’t do this on his own. More tears dripped down his face and Damian dissolved into another crying fit. He hated being alone, more than ever now.
The Reaper wondered, for a moment, where the Frost was, but the Reaper was done for now, the ground littered now with the dead and the dying. Rowan stumbled, catching himself with his hands. He was in an alleyway, hidden from view. He threw up. Frost wasn't here to stop me…oh god… He whimpered softly, shaking his head a little bit. He glanced at his phone. His eyes flashed wide. 20 missed calls…oh god…Damian! Hands shaking a little bit with fear of what he might have done, he called Damian.
As soon as Damian heard his phone ring and saw it was Rowan, he answered. “R-Rowan?” Damian whispered into the phone, trying his best to hold in his crying for one damn conversation. Damian looked to his bed, to the blankets folded over, and tears were already dripping down his face again, but Damian held in the noise. He really didn’t want Rowan to know he was crying, not when he’d ask questions. Damian didn’t want to explain it over the phone, he wanted to talk to Rowan in person. Right now.
"Yeah? What is it? What's wrong?" Rowan asked, his words tumbling out from his mouth. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had done something wrong, Damian was hurt and it was his fault, he had hurt his boyfriend. He had done something and it was his fault.
“Can you come- come to my apartment? L-Like right now?” Damian whispered, his voice wavering as more tears spilled from his eyes. He furiously tried to wipe them away, but before he could stop it a small sob escaped his lips. He needed Rowan, he needed his warmth and comfort and gentleness. He couldn’t bear this alone.
Rowan bit his lip when he heard the waver in Damian's voice. "Yeah. I-I'm on my way." he whispered. He got up on unsteady legs, heading home to get his car. He changed when he got home, not wanting to show up on the same outfit he had killed in, and then headed towards Damian's house.
Damian ended the phone call, just in time too because sobs spilled out of his lips like water boiling over. His bedroom was cold, not just chilly but cold because of the outburst he had when he first saw the sight on top of his bed. The temperature wasn’t cold enough to be unexplainable, it could’ve been blamed by the heater not working. Damian made himself get up on shaky legs and stagger to the couch, so he could be near the door when Rowan finally came. Tears still poured from his eyes, but he managed to hold in the sobs as he stared blankly at the ground.
(cue me being really anxious lmao)
Rowan drove to Damian's house, probably breaking the speed limit as he drove, but he couldn't bring himself to care. He knocked on the door to Damian's apartment, biting his lip, anxious. He didn't know what had happened, and he was so scared as to what might have. So, so frightened for his boyfriend.
(lmao legit I thought of this and I’m like ooooo I’m so ready to cry while writing this)
Damian leaped up of the couch when a knock sounded on the door. He slowly cracked open the door, but as soon as he saw it was Rowan he flung it open the rest of the way and just broke down. Tears bubbled out of his eyes and whimper came up his throat, “R-Rowan,” He croaked as he wrapped his arms around himself, not knowing how to say this or what to do now only that he wanted Rowan and he wanted to hide. Hide away from this horrible reality that happened.
(ahhhhhh fuck I'ma start crying aren't I)
Rowan's eyes widened a little, and he stepped inside, wrapping his arms around Damian and holding him. "Hey, what's wrong?" He whispered, rubbing Damian's back and trying to soothe him. He hated hearing these tears from his boyfriend. Hated hearing these sobs and tears.
Damian pressed his face into Rowan’s chest, his shoulders shaking and his tears soaking into the man’s shirt. “R-Rowan, he-he’s dead,” Damian managed to get out before a sharp sob escaped his lips, “He’s dead, I walked in the bedroom and he’s dead and- and- and- I never got to say goodbye and- and-“ Damian couldn’t form anymore words. It hurt to much to talk about it. His best friend since childhood was dead. Damian just wanted one more day with him, one more chance to see him alive. But that fantasy was swiped away from him like an autumn leaf on the wind. “Rowan, B-Bailey’s dead,” Damian said, his voice coming out as a weak whisper as tears poured from his eyes when he looked up at the only person he had left, Rowan.
At Bailey's words, Rowan's shoulders sagged. He gathered the other male close. "I'm so sorry." He whispered. "I'm so sorry, Damian." He pressed a kiss to the top of Damian's head. He didn't know…if he could give Damian more time with Bailey. He didn't know if his powers worked that way. He didn't think they did. He could reanimate the body, sure, but it wouldn't truly be Bailey. It would be a caricature, under Rowan's control. And that would be far too cruel of him, if he did that. He couldn't do that. He closed his eyes, tears pricking at his own eyes. Sure, he had only met the dog a few times, but…he had been a sweet little thing, and now…he was dead.
Damian cried into Rowan’s shoulder, little hiccups coming out of him as his shoulder shook. Bailey was his best friend. That dog made Damian feel less alone in this tiny apart, he helped Damian get through shit better than a real person sometimes. But now that was all gone, and Damian didn’t know how to deal with it. “Rowan…” Damian whimpered softly, clutching tightly onto the man’s shirt. Damian didn’t want to be alone at all right now. “I don’t know what to do,” Damian whispered into Rowan’s shirt, holding onto him so tightly as if he thought Rowan would disappear forever too.
Rowan held Damian close, cradling him. "I know." He whispered. "I'm so sorry. I…" He wished he could have been here earlier. Wished…ah, but he couldn't change anything, no matter how dearly he wished he could. "I wish there was something I could do." He said softly, rocking Damian gently, trying to soothe him.
Damian lifted his head to look at Rowan, a dangerous thought popping into his mind. A dangerous thought that filled him with false hope. “C-Can’t you though?” Damian whispered, eyes wide and tears stopping, if only for a second. Damian grabbed Rowan’s hand and pulled him to his room -still cold- to reveal the bed. And a lump covered by a blanket. “Can’t you bring him back?” Damian asked, hope lighting inside his eyes.
Rowan shook his head, closing his eyes a little bit. "No, I can't." he whispered. "I'm sorry. I can…I can reanimate the body, but it wouldn't be him, Damian. It would just be his body under my control, not…" he trailed off, looking down at Damian and wishing he could do what Damian wanted him to. He bit his lip, holding Damian.
Damian shook his head, “N-No, you can, I’ve seen you do it, you can,” Damian reasoned, gripping onto Rowan’s shirt. “Y-You’ve brought people back to life, you can- can do a dog too,” Damian insisted, tugging at Rowan’s shirt with false, cruel hope in his eyes still. Bailey couldn’t be dead, Damian didn’t give up that easily. And now, with Rowan’s help, everything would be back to normal.
"I can't!" Rowan said again. "I'm so so sorry, Damian, but I can't bring him back. I can make his body move, but it won't be him. It won't be…his personality, his mind. It would just be me, and that would be more cruel than anything I've ever done before." He gently brushed back a strand of Damian's hair, cupping the other male's face in his hands. "I wish I could. But I can't."
“Rowan please, I’ll give you anything, please just- just-“ Damian looked at Rowan, and in that moment it was like it finally caught up to him. The tiny little hope that he’d still be able to see Bailey again disappeared from his eyes, and his words failed him. A tiny, broken sound escaped his throat, and he just collapsed into Rowan’s arms and sobbed. He tried to say something, but it came out indecipherable as he pressed his face into Rowan’s shoulder and clung to the only person he had left.
"I'm so sorry." he whispered again, wrapping his arms around Damian and holding him close, pressing a kiss to the top of Damian's head and feeling tears prick at his own eyes for Damian's grief. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart." he held Damian and wished with all his heart that he could do something to help.
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