Damian frowned a little lifted a hand to brush Rowan’s cheek. He moved so he god kiss the male’s head gently, and didn’t withdraw his lips as he murmured against Rowan’s skin. “I promise that I’m going to do everything in my power to keep you from killing people. I don’t understand everything but that doesn’t matter. I want you to be happy. So I’m going to do everything I can to help you.” Even if I get hurt in the process. Damian vowed to himself, and he held that vow in his heart. He hated seeing Rowan like this. He didn’t understand what he could do to make it better, other than putting his own life more in danger to try to stop Rowan when he was the Reaper. And Damian would do that, for Rowan. If it eased his conscience, Damian would do anything.
Rowan looked at Damien. "No, you…you really shouldn't, Damien. Please. I don't want you to get hurt." He said softly, studying the other male. Please, I can't lose someone else. He swallowed, pulling Damien closer. "Please, I…"
“It’ll be okay,” Damian whispered, determination flickering in his eyes. He risked his life every time the Reaper attack, he could do it again. He’d just work harder, Damian would train more. He put himself more at risk. “It hurts me more to see you like this than any injury could hurt me,” Damian told him softly, yet not weakly.
"No." Rowan said firmly. "What if I hurt you? What if I…I can't do that, Damian. I can't lose someone else." His voice was soft now. "Please, Damian. I can't."
“Tell me some other way to fix this and I’ll do that instead,” Damian told him, though that was a complete and utter lie and Damian knew it. He would never stop fighting the Reaper because it was his duty to the city. But Rowan didn’t know that. It was all fuel for Damian to work harder, which he would. He would work to control his magic more and he would learn how to endure pain for longer periods of time.
"I-I don't…I don't know. Please, I just…" Rowan bit his lip. "I just can't lose another person, Damian. I lost my parents already, I…I can't lose you. I don't…please." he was almost begging, now. "Damian, please."
Damian frowned slightly, and though it was a lie he still said it anyways, “Okay. Okay. I- I won’t. Only if you promise me you’ll try to keep yourself safe as well. I- Don’t let that Frost guy hurt you too much.” Damian swallowed and pressed his face into Rowan’s shoulder. He didn’t know how he was going to do this. How could he keep himself from hurting Rowan yet also find a way to keep him from killing people? Training. He’d need training, bit gosh a lot of his work rested on sheer luck.
Rowan nodded a little bit. "Okay." he whispered. "I won't let him. Don't worry." he wasn't sure he could keep that promise. The Reaper didn't really give a shit what was done to their shared body, not when Rowan wasn't in control. He took a deep breath, burying his face in Damian's hair. He took a deep breath.
“Good,” Damian mumbled, although worries were beginning to settle in the pit of his stomach. Sure, he might be able to manage this a few times. He might be able to keep Rowan from actual harm for their first few fights, and he might be able to save more people, but for how long? Damian couldn’t do this for the rest of his life after all. “Let’s… forget this, okay? Let’s just cuddle. We don’t have to worry about any of that now…” Damian mumbled, and though he was trying to ease Rowan’s fears, he was also trying to ease his own.
Rowan nodded. "Alright." he agreed. He held Damian close, closing his eyes and breathing deep. "You know…" he trailed off, thinking. "Are we…if I were to introduce you to someone, would I be allowed to call you my boyfriend? Like…officially? Or is that too big a step, too soon?" he asked.
“Your boyfriend?” Damian‘s face practically lit up. “I’d love to be called your boyfriend. I really, really would.” Damian couldn’t help it, that maybe he really did want to be Rowan’s official boyfriend. The Reaper’s official boyfriend. It almost made things worst, if Damian had been looking at this with his head. But he was looking at this with his heart, and right now, his heart ignored their second lives and wanted to cherish this here and now.
Rowan bit his lip a little bit, looking at Damian. "A-are you sure?" he asked, smiling a little bit. "I…I won't let you take it back, you know." he said quietly, kissing the top of Damian's head. "So…tell me right now if you aren't sure."
(I gtg to bed now. Good night!)
Damian grinned, “I’m definitely sure,” He told him with a grin before he leaned in a stole a kiss from Rowan’s lips. His boyfriend. All his, and he was all Rowan’s. “I really really really want to be your boyfriend. Probably ever since that moment we had, at the dance, when we cuddled before I went home…” Damian confessed with a smile, his heart fluttering at the fond memory.
Rowan smiled right back. "Mm. Alright." he replied, and cuddled Damian closer. He returned the kiss, and raised his eyebrows a little bit. "Really? Ever since then?" he asked, kissing the side of Damian's forehead. "That's…a long time."
“It is. Took you long enough to finally ask,” Damian joked playfully. “Here I am, practically a hermit stressing about life and too busy to go outside every now and then, then this handsome, kind man waltzes in and we dance and kiss and now we’re boyfriends and it’s amazing.” Damian let out a content sigh, “Sometimes it just feels like a fantasy, and when I wake up it’ll all be gone.”
Rowan laughed, smiling down at Damian. "Mm." he shrugged slightly, kissing Damian's cheek this time. "Well…this isn't a fantasy, so you don't need to stress about that." he told his boyfriend. His boyfriend! And one who would actually stay this time, someone who wasn't going to run the other way because of the Reaper.
Damian grinned at the kiss on his cheek, treasuring this moment in his heart. He leaned in to steal a kiss off Rowan’s lips. Originally, his plan had been to give him a quick peck and pull away, but he ended up kissing him deeply, and lingering there even after the kiss.
Rowan returned the kiss, smiling when Damian pulled away. He tugged Damian even closer, holding the pale haired male as close as he possibly could. "Thank you." he whispered.
Damian smiled softly, “Thank you.” And then Damian couldn’t stop himself from kissing the male again. And again. And again. Damian pulled a blanket over them and then grabbed Rowan’s shirt into his fists to hold himself as close as he could as he sunk into Rowan’s lips and warmth.
Rowan wrapped his leg around Damian's legs, and took a deep breath, kissing Damian back as their lips met and overlapped, meeting over and over and over again. He wrapped his arms around Damian', hands splayed on the other male's back.
Damian tugged at Rowan’s shirt, melting into each and every kiss. This was all he wanted. He wanted to force away their worries, the problems caused by their powers. Damian just wanted to sink into Rowan’s arms and kisses and just be happy for a little bit. Damian let out a little hum into their kisses and tugged at Rowan’s shirt to pull himself close, even though they were already as close as possible.
Rowan smiled into the kisses, and tightened his hold on Damian. He didn't want this to ever, ever stop. Not the kisses, not how safe and happy and wanted he felt with Damian. None of it. He wanted to stay with his boyfriend forever. No matter what. But he knew that that was impossible, no matter how much he wanted it.
(Alright so I was thinking, what if they had one of their fights and Damian was hospitalized or something because he starts trying to take more risks to keep Rowan from killing people, and Rowan freaks out thinking that Damian tried to stop him (without magic) and drama.
OR I also had this other idea that’s a little cliche/predictable but super sad nonetheless, where the Reaper could go out to hurt the city and the Frost doesn’t show up, and when Rowan regains control over his body he has like twenty missed calls from Damian, and then like commence the sad idea I had, or just cut out the reaper/killing people thing and Damian could just call him and commence the sadness.
OR something else/neither, idk if you have any ideas/something you wanted to do? I planned on doing that sad idea I had sometime, I just don’t know when I should do it lol)
(lmao I like all of them! But I like the first one best)
(I have a plan for sometime in the future maybe, when Rowan finds out that Damian is the Frost, but he doesn't find out in the best way, and so he essentially feels betrayed and assumes everything between them was a lie, and that kinda shatters his psyche and Reaper takes full control, and kinda like… basically somehow the Reaper gets purged from Rowan, but Rowan's mind is so shattered that he's just completely insane and has to be put into a facility to maybe get better? And I was thinking maybe Lily ends up having healing powers and tries to help, and eventually Rowan does get better, but he's never the same. Idk lmao)
(Ooooooo I LOVE it! So when/what order do we want to do all this? I know my sad idea might be better if it happened before Rowan found out Damian was the Frost, and my idea about Damian getting severely injured could really happen at anytime I think)