forum Private rp with @Fenris-has-wolfish-tendencies
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Deleted user

He looked up and ran to Jas's arms. He stayed silent as they hugged. He shook his head and groaned.


Jas set the things down carefully and hugged Nick close. "Easy my love, don't strain yourself." He guided Nick back to the bed and went back to get the things he'd gathered. "Alright so I got the pillow, extra clothes and the candy." He said, settling behind him again

Deleted user

“Thank you…” he snatched the pillow and candy. Nick hugged the pillow and ate his candy. “It is your pillow right?”

Deleted user

Nick chuckled before wrapping his arms around Jas. "It's right here silly." he pressed his lips against Jas while the candy was still in his mouth.


He smiled into the kiss and parted his lips to get to the candy. He pulled away slightly with a smile and ate the candy "mmm, tasty."

Deleted user

"Only because it's from me~" Nick whispered before kissing Jas. He held Jas's waist to pulled him close and he pressed harder against his lips.


Jas hummed in response and pressed into Nick slightly "careful love," he murmered, pressing a gentle hand to Nick's cheek. He nodded to the movement of their lips, wanting him closer.

Deleted user

(It was yesterday and for some reason, it won't let me change my username…but THANK YOU!)
"I'm not totally broken, I can still make you feel good…" Nick took a deep breath before kissing his neck.


" I never said you were broken my vixen, only to be careful with your wound." He tilted his to the side with a small moan "you really can't wait until you're healed and at home, can you?"

Deleted user

He shook his head. “I want to lay with you and eat the food you cook and kiss you like it’s no Tomorrow and I really want be with you. All the time.”


"my beloved, I want the same. But we have to wait until we get home. Until you're fully healed." He pressed a kiss to Nick's shoulder

Deleted user

“I know,” he sighed and pulled away from Jas. “I get it. I won’t be reckless.”


He smiled softly and nudged his head into the crook of Nick's neck "soon my love." He promised, pressing a kiss to his ear

Deleted user

“O-Okay,” Nick blushed lightly and wrapped his arms around Jas. “I was scared…when you left.”


He tucked the other one safely beneath his chin and drew the covers tightly around them. "why my love? was I gone more than five minutes? did something happen when I was gone?"

Deleted user

“No, I was afraid that something would happen to me… Anyone can just come in through the window and kill me and I could do nothing about it because I don’t have any powers and you weren’t here. So many things raced through my mind and I was think that it could happen in one second. I don’t want to be weak. I don’t want to be alone and helpless. My life could be over in one second…I don’t want that!” He sobbed.


"love stop. You are not helpless and you're not weak. How do you think people without powers protect themselves? Firefiters, cops, everyday peoe who don't have any abilities. They live on just fine without abilities which means you can too." He pulled Nick into a hug "you can still fight, you can still defend yourself and others. You just have to think a little outside of the box."

Deleted user

He shook his head and continued to cry. He didn’t say anything for a whole two hours. “Sorry…” he whispered.


He stroked his hair "it's okay love. I didn't mean to be harsh." He pressed a light kiss to the top of Nick's head

Deleted user

“It wasn’t you…I was too hard on myself. I see that I rely on you too much,” he gave a weak chuckle.


"almost 2 and half hours now." He glanced down at his shirt and sighed "and now I have to change shirts again. Ya know what? Imma just not wear a shirt anymore."

Deleted user

“I can work with that,” he coughed lightly as he laughed. “Don’t go to get another one.”