forum Things You Want LESS Of In Books
Started by @HighPockets group

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I'm very much Shakespeare trash, I've read many a play by him, I've also read Le mis and A few Poe, not many but a few. I've read a lot of Jane Austen and I'm working on Divine Comedy right now.


LOVE TRIANGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you mean, you're supposed to shoehorn love triangles into every plot regardless of whether or not it fits? That's expert advice, you know

Someone's been watching Terrible Writing Advice…..

hOw CoULd YoU TeLL?!?!?!1!?!1?11!?!

Ah yes the good kush


I like Shakespeare but much prefer watching to reading (which I think is a very legitimate opinion). Les Mis is a beauty though and Jane Austen is great, but I don't read her really.

A very valid opinion.

@HighPockets group

I like Shakespeare but much prefer watching to reading (which I think is a very legitimate opinion). Les Mis is a beauty though and Jane Austen is great, but I don't read her really.

Shakespeare's definitely meant to be watched imo, but I think it should be read pre-show so you understand what's being said.

@HighPockets group

(Patent's pending bc I haven't become a mad scientist yet, but I will soon when I make a Long Furby)

(Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge is my one true inspiration in this world and I long to build a Long Furby of my own)

(Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well! Mine will be named Benvolio Montjoy Clerval, and he will be lemon yellow and glorious)

(A Shakespeare reference and and Frankenstein reference! I shouldn’t have expected any less of you, my good sir. I’m considering the title of Sir Blood Orange Houndstooth Paisley)

(That is indeed an excellent name! And I'm glad that my brands have decidedly become Frankenstein and Shakespeare!)

(I do pretty much know you as the classic literature nerd here on this platform!)

(Le gasp! Thank!)

(Oh, no problem! I really do love reading about your characters and opinions on various chats because you seem really smart! Does that sound creepy? I hope it doesn’t! I just think you’re a cool person :). )

(Aww, thank you <3)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I like Shakespeare but much prefer watching to reading (which I think is a very legitimate opinion). Les Mis is a beauty though and Jane Austen is great, but I don't read her really.

Shakespeare's definitely meant to be watched imo, but I think it should be read pre-show so you understand what's being said.

Luckily I have a decent handle on older English.

@HighPockets group

I like Shakespeare but much prefer watching to reading (which I think is a very legitimate opinion). Les Mis is a beauty though and Jane Austen is great, but I don't read her really.

Shakespeare's definitely meant to be watched imo, but I think it should be read pre-show so you understand what's being said.

Luckily I have a decent handle on older English.

I definitely recommend reading Cymbeline first.
Will must've been on crack for that one lmao

@HighPockets group

Oh I love a good literal Deux ex Machina.

The cast literally prays to Jupiter to save their favorite character (I mean relateable but still) and Jupiter breaks Posthumous Leonates out of prison.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh I love a good literal Deux ex Machina.

The cast literally prays to Jupiter to save their favorite character (I mean relateable but still) and Jupiter breaks Posthumous Leonates out of prison.

Loving it.

@HighPockets group

Also Yachimo is creepy and a perv and I don't like him.


The main villain. He sneaks into the main girl's room and looks at her when she's naked as she sleeps

@vidari-is-tired-in-advance group

Absolutely! That trope has been really getting on my nerves lately. Like, I would appreciate it if the characters who said that were shown to be self-absorbed and ignorant about the people around them, but they’re always proven right which I think is a missed opportunity and makes the character seem like a stuck up meanie pants