forum Things You Want LESS Of In Books
Started by @HighPockets group

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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

^Oh my god yes! I'm left handed and I always love finding out when other characters are also left handed. I also always have at least one (but usually more) left handed characters in my story and for some reason even with my right handed characters a lot of times I picture them doing things with their left hand.

I'm left handed as well. Hell, even seeing ambidextrous characters would be nice! It also extends to TV shows/movies.


Less right-handed characters…. Like, why does every character have to be right-handed in every freaking book that I've read?????

I like this idea but I really don't often see media specifying which hand is dominant for their character. This actually gave me the idea to specify in my stories/character sheets so thanks :)

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, I don’t usually specify unless the character injures an arm, but it can be assumed that my ratio of right to left handed characters is pretty close to real life

@Becfromthedead group

^^^ Depending on the type of setting, if you don't prove that people can literally die along the way, you kind of are just putting plot armor on everyone, if that makes sense. Got a lot of fighting to the death? Someone's gotta go, man.

@HighPockets group

^^^ Depending on the type of setting, if you don't prove that people can literally die along the way, you kind of are just putting plot armor on everyone, if that makes sense. Got a lot of fighting to the death? Someone's gotta go, man.

Agreed! Like, I'm not expecting someone to die in a comtemporary rom-com, but in an ~epic high fantasy~ with a ton of battles and stuff, it's unrealistic if no one dies.

@HighPockets group

But also make deaths count and not just to Advance The Plot.

I think if the death advances the plot it counts, I just hate deaths that are there for epique grimdark shock value

@HighPockets group

I've considered killing off a contemporary character, but I don't think I'll go through with it because there's enough going on without killing someone off and I really don't know where the story would even go if I did kill them off.

@vidari-is-tired-in-advance group

My philosophy is that there are other ways to amp up stakes without death. Maybe debilitating injury, having to give up something they love, or a general sacrifice of some sort that does not result in dying, but does have a negative impact. Plus, not killing off a character provides more fun opportunities to emotionally devastate your story’s cast!

@HighPockets group

Plus, not killing off a character provides more fun opportunities to emotionally devastate your story’s cast!

Looks at all of my characters with my (patent pending) Mad Scientist Grin

@vidari-is-tired-in-advance group

(Patent's pending bc I haven't become a mad scientist yet, but I will soon when I make a Long Furby)

(Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge is my one true inspiration in this world and I long to build a Long Furby of my own)

@HighPockets group

(Patent's pending bc I haven't become a mad scientist yet, but I will soon when I make a Long Furby)

(Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge is my one true inspiration in this world and I long to build a Long Furby of my own)

(Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well! Mine will be named Benvolio Montjoy Clerval, and he will be lemon yellow and glorious)

@vidari-is-tired-in-advance group

(Patent's pending bc I haven't become a mad scientist yet, but I will soon when I make a Long Furby)

(Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge is my one true inspiration in this world and I long to build a Long Furby of my own)

(Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well! Mine will be named Benvolio Montjoy Clerval, and he will be lemon yellow and glorious)

(A Shakespeare reference and and Frankenstein reference! I shouldn’t have expected any less of you, my good sir. I’m considering the title of Sir Blood Orange Houndstooth Paisley)

@HighPockets group

(Patent's pending bc I haven't become a mad scientist yet, but I will soon when I make a Long Furby)

(Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge is my one true inspiration in this world and I long to build a Long Furby of my own)

(Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well! Mine will be named Benvolio Montjoy Clerval, and he will be lemon yellow and glorious)

(A Shakespeare reference and and Frankenstein reference! I shouldn’t have expected any less of you, my good sir. I’m considering the title of Sir Blood Orange Houndstooth Paisley)

(That is indeed an excellent name! And I'm glad that my brands have decidedly become Frankenstein and Shakespeare!)

@vidari-is-tired-in-advance group

(Patent's pending bc I haven't become a mad scientist yet, but I will soon when I make a Long Furby)

(Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge is my one true inspiration in this world and I long to build a Long Furby of my own)

(Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well! Mine will be named Benvolio Montjoy Clerval, and he will be lemon yellow and glorious)

(A Shakespeare reference and and Frankenstein reference! I shouldn’t have expected any less of you, my good sir. I’m considering the title of Sir Blood Orange Houndstooth Paisley)

(That is indeed an excellent name! And I'm glad that my brands have decidedly become Frankenstein and Shakespeare!)

(I do pretty much know you as the classic literature nerd here on this platform!)

@HighPockets group

(Patent's pending bc I haven't become a mad scientist yet, but I will soon when I make a Long Furby)

(Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge is my one true inspiration in this world and I long to build a Long Furby of my own)

(Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well! Mine will be named Benvolio Montjoy Clerval, and he will be lemon yellow and glorious)

(A Shakespeare reference and and Frankenstein reference! I shouldn’t have expected any less of you, my good sir. I’m considering the title of Sir Blood Orange Houndstooth Paisley)

(That is indeed an excellent name! And I'm glad that my brands have decidedly become Frankenstein and Shakespeare!)

(I do pretty much know you as the classic literature nerd here on this platform!)

(Le gasp! Thank!)

@vidari-is-tired-in-advance group

(Patent's pending bc I haven't become a mad scientist yet, but I will soon when I make a Long Furby)

(Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge is my one true inspiration in this world and I long to build a Long Furby of my own)

(Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well! Mine will be named Benvolio Montjoy Clerval, and he will be lemon yellow and glorious)

(A Shakespeare reference and and Frankenstein reference! I shouldn’t have expected any less of you, my good sir. I’m considering the title of Sir Blood Orange Houndstooth Paisley)

(That is indeed an excellent name! And I'm glad that my brands have decidedly become Frankenstein and Shakespeare!)

(I do pretty much know you as the classic literature nerd here on this platform!)

(Le gasp! Thank!)

(Oh, no problem! I really do love reading about your characters and opinions on various chats because you seem really smart! Does that sound creepy? I hope it doesn’t! I just think you’re a cool person :). )

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

(Patent's pending bc I haven't become a mad scientist yet, but I will soon when I make a Long Furby)

(Thursday Plurbonym Boyporridge is my one true inspiration in this world and I long to build a Long Furby of my own)

(Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well! Mine will be named Benvolio Montjoy Clerval, and he will be lemon yellow and glorious)

What a lovely thing and name!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

(I do pretty much know you as the classic literature nerd here on this platform!)

(Le gasp! Thank!)

(The Count of Monte Cristo, Dante's Inferno, The Portrait of Dorian Grey, The Curious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, anything by Edgar Allan Poe…. I plan on reading Sherlock Holmes at some point!)