Firiko hummed, watching him. He had an inkling of what was about to happen, but he couldn't be sure unless Satsu actually did it.
Luma laughed, "I'm not" he said softly, "But you are a beautiful creature, I've just never been able to debate on anything with my brother.
(No Satsu is a BEAN his hair will set you on fire before he ever makes the first move,cause he's EMBARRASSED and SHYYYYYY)
Satsu didn't go up any further, nuzzling into his neck. Evelyn cracked her knuckles. "Then I'LL prove him wrong! I'm da cutest wittle in da whole wide world!"
"Adorable." murmured Luma, watching her. "You are such a cutie…"
Firiko smiled even more, cuddling him even more tightly. "You really are adorable." he mumbled.
Evelyn puffs out her cheeks,all pouty and cute. Satsu buried his face in deeper,to shy to say a word. He had also begun to cool down from below his normal core temperature.
Firiko noticed how cool the other was and frowned slightly, "Hey are you alright?" he asked, "You're starting to feel pretty cold…"
Luma smiled, simply cuddling her closer. "Don't worry too much about it." he said softly.
Satsus face was completely blue from embarrassment and he didn't say a word. (Kiss him,see what happens) Evelyn giggled and just snuggled in all close,and suddenly grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. She could definitely go for some play time right now.
(Sorry, I'm out of focus today, so I tend to only focus on certain RP's when that happens, mostly so that I'm not putting crap into the others.)
(Yeah, I think I'm gonna wait until right before class on monday to reply to this, because I ain't feeling it right no. Also I do my best writing when I should be doing other things.)
(I feel and alright, totally fine!)
(Thanks so much for understanding!!!)
Satsus face was completely blue from embarrassment and he didn't say a word. (Kiss him,see what happens) Evelyn giggled and just snuggled in all close,and suddenly grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. She could definitely go for some play time right now.
Firiko hummed softly, watching him for a moment, "There's no need to be embarrassed…" he murmured, kissing his forehead.
Luma hummed softly, returning it and taking control almost immediately.
Suddenly Satus's hair leapt into flame, shooting out, and he got really really hot. He got hotter when angry. He looked up at you, and his daring had suddenly decided to come out full force and he grabbed his face and kissed him. He couldn't help it. As soon as he pulled away, his eyes were big and wide. "W-what did I just do? Oh gods…my first kiss…" He stared at Firiko and his face and his soft eyes, and his hands suddenly caught on fire. He quickly took them off of Firiko's face and shook out the flames, now scared shitless. He knew this wasn't good. Evelyn decided to fight back, and pushed in more, trying to take control.
Luckily for Firiko, he's immune to fire. So he wasn't hurt. Just very very bewildered. And confused. And overall stunned. "Are… are you okay?" he asked Satsu quietly, not sure how else to react, realizing somewhere in the back of his head that he was Satsu's first kiss.
Luma growled lowly, moving to press some of his weight on the other as he deepend the kiss, fighting to dominate her.
"Maybe?" He asked sheepishly as his bravery disappeared as quick as it had appeared. He looked down, as his heart skipped 8 beats and he couldn't help but nervously smile. "Y-yeah…I think I'm okay…" Evelyn squeaked, gasped, and lay down, letting him win.
Firiko hummed softly, "You're a good kisser…" he said softly, watching him lovingly. Because, y'know. If he had a crush before, he was definitely in love now.
Luma smirked, pulling back after another minute to let Evelyn breathe. "I thought you were wanting to nap." he said softly.
Satsu looked up. "No…I'm not. Can't get good at things without practice…" He mumbles, unable to let the smile fall from his face. Evelyn giggled and smiled up at Luma. "I dun wan napsh anymore. Cause den I won't sleep at night."
"You ever hear of natural talent?" asked Firiko, pulling him into another gentle hug, smiling at him.
Luma laughed, "My brother has a video game console if you wanted me to set that up so we could play?"
"I dun wan' THAT type of play time." She complained, rolling her eyes, full of sass. Satsu laughed a bit. "I have no natural talent."
(Just got back from Remembrance.)
"I know, but I'm not in the mood for that right now, plus it's too soon." said Luma firmly, "I don't wanna do anything of that sort until I get to know you better."
Firiko shook his head, "Well I say you do." he said softly. "And just so you know for next time, I am immune to fire."
Evelyn sighed and cuddled in. "Den I guess we can play videogames." Satsu nodded as he sat up and left the room,confused on what to do with himself now.