"That's nice." Seth giggles quietly. He hums and looks around before finishing off his drink. "So what now?" He asks curiously, his eyes wide and happy.
"That's nice." Seth giggles quietly. He hums and looks around before finishing off his drink. "So what now?" He asks curiously, his eyes wide and happy.
“Whatever you want. I don’t have much to do today.” Grayson shrugged, looking up at him expectedly. “Just nothing illegal.” He laughed quietly.
Seth smiles and shakes his head, besuhing off the illegal part. "I may be devious but I'm not that devious." He replies, a smirk overtaking the smile on a seconds notice.
Grayson eyed him suspiciously. “If you get arrested, I’m not bailing you out.” He said, shaking his head a little.
"Oh I know. I'm just kidding." He laughs gently, his eyes soft as he looks around in satisfaction. Normally he was extremely prank prone, since he was the one pulling the pranks, but he figured he would just kinda chill and see where the wind went.
"Good. So what do you want to do?" Grayson asked, picking up his bag and standing up, glancing down at Seth.
Seth shrugged. "I have no idea. Newbie, remember?" He asks curiously, a smile on his lips. "Show me whatever you want."
"Hm..what kind of things do you like? I don't know much about you so I don't know what you'd want to see." He said, going through multiple places in his head as they talked.
"I… Hadn't really thought about it." He chuckled before looking down. "I'm… I really like reading." he smiled a little. "It was my guilty pleasure in hell. I'd steal books from the library."
“Books are free at the library, Seth.” He laughed lightly. “We can go to there if you want, it’s not far.” He said, gesturing towards the door.
"Really?" He asks curiously, his eyes wide and excited. He looked around before smiling shyly at the table. "Sorry." He mutters, before looking back up. "When do you want to go?"
“Sure, we can go now if you want. It’s better than just sitting at home.” He shrugged, smiling gently.
"Sounds like a plan." He replies before standing and stretching happily. "I'm so full." He mutters quietly, so happy that he actual food in his stomach.
Grayson laughed a bit and walked towards the door. “It’s not raining that hard anymore.” He commented quietly, still pulling his hood over his head and holding the door open for Seth. “The library is just a block away.
He smiles at the other and hummed. "No it isn't. Just a light drizzle now." He says happily. "As for the library, what's your favorite kind of book? He asks curiously, walking out of the cafe.
"I don't know really. Fiction mostly, probably fantasy or something with lot's of detailed descriptions. What about you?" He asked, looking down at the bricks in the sidewalk and lining his feet up with them as they walked.
"History." The word left his lips so quickly it took him a moment to realize he had said that. He chuckles nervously. "Sorry. I love doing my research…" He says happily.
"It's okay. I like history too..a lot actually." Grayson smiled softly, still looking down at the damp ground. "I work part-time at a museum. It's pretty cool." He murmured.
Seth smiled at that. "History is an interesting thing, isn't it…?" He asks softly, his eyes moving to glance at the male
"It definitely is. Did you learn the history of our world? Or yours?" Grayson asked, looking up and meeting Seth's eyes momentarily before glancing away again.
"Mine." he replies quietly. "It was never that much fun, but it… History had me interested. I used to steal books, before returning them. Knowledge in hell wasn't free."
“Well you can read as much history as you want. Just don’t keep anything too long.” He said, turning the corner and walking towards the library doors.
Seth nods and smiles before looking up. "Whoa…" he breathed, his eyes wide. "It's magnificent…" he mutters, his eyes alight with excitement.
Grayson giggled, a rare occurrence, and walked in with him. It was a fairly big library with lots of tables and a quiet atmosphere. There were many college students all hunched over computers or books and a couple little kids giggling and chatting quietly. “Yeah I guess so. We can stay as long as you want. And you can bring some books home with you if you want, just keep it to three or four.” He said, setting his stuff down at a table.
Seth smiled at the soft giggle that the other released. It was such a sweet sound, cute too. He silently wished that Grayson would do that more. Seth returned his gaze to the library, his eyes taking in the sight hungrily, his tongue sweeping over his lips. "Alright…" He says happily, looking extremely eager. "THree or four, got it.' He nods, keeping his eyes on the books.
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