"Kinda short." He hums before looking around eagerly. "This place is so cool!" He giggles quietly. He nuzzles into Grayson's neck.
"Kinda short." He hums before looking around eagerly. "This place is so cool!" He giggles quietly. He nuzzles into Grayson's neck.
Grayson scowled and looked down. “And what do you have against short people?” He asked, breath hitching in his throat when Seth nuzzled against his neck. This was a mistake. He rubbed the back of his neck, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment.
"Absolutely nothing. Other then some of them look like a child." he giggles, humming playfully. He smiled happily as he looked around. He nuzzled into Grayson's shoulder happily making himself comfortable in the cloth of the hoodie. "This is a comfy hoodie." He giggles.
“Y-Yeah..I know.” Grayson muttered quietly. His heart rate was quickening the closer Seth got. He isn’t a threat. He won’t hurt you. He tried to convince himself, taking long, deep, slightly shaky breaths to attempt to calm down. “It’s..it’s my favorite one.”
Seth looked at the other with a worried expression. "Are you alright?" He asks gently, tilting his head a little. Seth wasn't a violent demon, in fact he was more of an empathy demon. He could see and sense the other was uneasy. Was that because of him?
“Fine..I’m fine.” Grayson whispered, leaning his hand against a tree and breathing out shakily. “Just give me a minute.” In reality, he was not fine. His hand clenched at his side and he squeezed his eyes shut once more. Panic was threatening to flood his mind if he didn’t calm down soon.
Seth's eyes turned concerned. He gently floated in front of Grayson. "Follow with me. Breathe in," he inhaled, "breathe out." His breaths were steady, slow and gentle.
“Don’t talk..” He muttered, voice cracking slightly. After a minute, he regained some control and opened his eyes, gaze fixed on the ground. He took a deep breath and slowly stood up straight, running a hand through his hair and not looking at Seth. “I’ll be late if we don’t hurry, let’s go.” He said quietly, starting to walk away towards his first class.
He gazed at the other worriedly. Maybe he didn't want Seth around. After all, he couldn't deny the fact that Grayson most likely didn't want him around. He sighed and looked down, shaking his head as he looked around. "I- alright." He returns to Grayson's hoodie and hides again. Maybe he really should return back to hell… He sunk to the bottom of Graysons hoodie, pulling the hood of his own hoodie up.
Grayson glanced back at Seth and rolled his eyes. He could practically feel the disappointment radiating off of him. “Stop sulking, you didn’t do anything.” He muttered. “I’m not mad at you.”
Seth looked up. "What make you think you're mad at me?" He gives a huff, denying the fact that he was angry or disappointed. He curled more in on himself. "I'm just getting comfortable."
“Okay then. That’s fine.” Grayson muttered, sighing. He didn’t have the energy to put up with Seths bullshit at the moment.
They eventually came to a small brick building where some people were milling around on the steps, talking and being friendly with each other. Grayson passed them without a glance and hurried into the building. He walked down a hallway and down a couple steps to a fairly large room with art supplies and a couple people working on various paintings and such. He dropped his bag on the floor in a corner of the room and sat down with a sigh.
(bump, again, sorry)
Seth sighed and tried to relax. He let himself fall asleep before startling awake when Grayson placed his bag down. He sighed softly and looked around before peeping out. He gasped softly as he gazed around.
Grayson glanced over at Seth, reaching back and picking him up gently. The corner he was in was pretty secluded. He set Seth down on a low shelf and got out his things for his semester project. “You don’t have to stay small if you don’t want to.” He told Seth.
Seth starts when Grayson picked him up, clinging to his thumb, about the same size of the finger, before at the other as he was set down on the shelf. He sets on the edge of the counter. "I like this." he chuckles. "I'm tiny, therefore I can fit in more places." He smiles a little, his tail flicking back and forth.
"You could also get stepped on pretty easily." Grayson replied, grabbing his paints from above Seth and continuing to work on his piece, leaning in close to the canvas as he painted.
Seth sighed and leaned back. "Eh." He shrugged. He wanders the drawer, giggling happily. He hums and pops back up. "what are you painting?"
"My friend." Grayson said simply, glancing down at his phone occasionally. "It looks like shit though. And she'll hate me for it." He sighed, using his finger to dab at a spot of unwanted paint.
Seth listened intently, glancing at the drawing. "I think it's pretty." He says softly a little smile on his lips. He settles on the desk and admires the painting. "What's her name?"
"Uh..thanks, I guess it's not that bad." He said, a ghost of a smile passing over his lips. "Her name is North. Don't you have people in Hell that you miss?" Grayson asked, seeming to be a lot happier here than he was at home or in public.
Seth listens and smiles a little, his smile growing when he saw a tiny smile flicker over Grayson's lips. When asked the question he instantly faltered, his smile disappearing. "Oh uh-" He looked down and shook his head. "Not… Not really…"
"Oh.." Grayson paused, thinking of what to say. "I'm sorry. You probably should've picked someone on Earth that actually likes interacting with people. I'm about as anti-social as people get." He said quietly, feeling slightly guilty and sympathetic towards Seth as they sat there.
Seth tucked his chin onto his knees. "I guess… I don't mind antisocial." He winced a little. Maybe he should have. Maybe Grayson didn't want him around. He pushed those thoughts away. He chose Grayson. He was going to stick with that.
"Not.." Grayson sighed, "Not because I don't want you here. I'm just..not the most pleasant to be around. They should put a warning label on me or something." He said, running his hand through his hair, only to realize a second later that he had been basically finger painting for the past five minutes.
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