Grayson sunk further behind his knees so only his eyes were visible. “You’ve only known me for ten minutes. How did you get in here? And how do you know what I’ve been going through?”
Grayson sunk further behind his knees so only his eyes were visible. “You’ve only known me for ten minutes. How did you get in here? And how do you know what I’ve been going through?”
"Ah. Soul thing. I can sense souls in distress. And I teleported in here." He chuckles softly as he settles onto a seat. "So, I just kinda came to make sure that you were okay."
“I’m sure there are a lot of souls in distress. Mine must be at the bottom of the list.” Grayson murmured, thinking this over. A demon, an actual demon, was in his apartment. Just sitting on the floor, talking to him.
"There are. But you intrigued me." he shrugs helplessly before smiling at the other with a relaxed expression. He hummed happily.
Grayson’s frown turned into a suspicious glare. “Why? Out of seven billion people, why am I the one that intrigued you?” He shivered slightly, wishing he could grab his hoodie from upstairs.
"No idea." He hummed and leaned back in a relaxed manner. He saw the others glare and he hesitated a little before looking down into his lap. "Besides…I just… I dunno." He whispers.
“What is it?” Grayson asked, softening his expression slightly. There was no need to be cruel to Seth, he seemed nice.
"I dunno. I just thought that I could help someone. You know, not be that total… evil demon thing people talk about." He sighed. "Honestly, the angels are the cruel ones. They act so perfect, but then, wham, once they find out you're a demon they cut your wings off and leave you to rot." He sighed softly.
“Is that what they did to you?” Grayson asked quietly, losing his defensive impression for a second as he listened to Seth.
Seth nods and sighs, feeling his back. On his shoulders there were little humps. "Yep." He sighed. "It was painful… and my wings were beautiful. They were strong."
Grayson looked almost sympathetic as he gazed across at Seth. “That sounds horrible..I..I’m sorry..”
Seth waved it off. "It's- it's not important." His voice cracked but he cleared his throat and smiled a little. "sso. What about you, Grayson?"
Grayson raised his eyebrows slightly at his reply but shrugged it off. He wouldn’t force Seth to talk about it. “What about me?”
"Anything really." He chuckles softly before sighing softly. "Whatever you feel like sharing." He shrugged as he gazes at the other.
“Uhh..I don’t know..my name is Grayson..but for some reason you already know that.” He said, again suspicious of Seth. “And that’s it. You can figure the rest out by yourself.” Grayson finished, bringing his hand up to run it through his jet black hair, smoothing it over so it slightly covered his right eye.
He nods and smiles a little bit. "I guess. It'll be fun getting to know you." He says happily as he looks at Grayson. He could feel the hostility towards him but he chose to ignore it. Maybe something good would come out of this… or he would be thrown out.
“Maybe.” Grayson answered simply, glancing up at the clock in the small kitchen. “Do you sleep? Or is that not a thing that demons do?” He asked, tilting his head onto his arms.
He chuckled. "Sleep is more of a luxury to me. And it is a luxury that I truly enjoy." He hums and offers a tiny smile.
"That's amazing because I'm exhausted." Grayson sighed, getting to his feet. He glanced down at Seth and nudged him with his foot. "You can stay on the couch for now. There's blankets and stuff in that basket over there if you get cold." He said, pointing it out and walking into the kitchen to get himself some water. "Don't eat all my food, but take what you want."
Seth stayed on the floor when he stood up and offered a tiny smile, not minding being nudged. At least he wasn't being hit on a daily business. He stands slowly and runs a hand through his hair. "Alright." He nods a little, a kind smile on his lips.
Grayson walked around the kitchen a bit, taking a couple pills from a small orange bottle and doing the things in his normal nighttime routine. He seemed to forget Seth was even there, not in rudeness, just not very focused on what was going on around him. He’d never had a roommate before. It was normal for everything to be quiet.
Seth walked to the couch and grabbed a few blankets and fluffed the pillows, making a nest. He snuggles into it and pulling the blankets around him. He gave a little sigh.
"I have classes at nine tomorrow and they end at one. You can come with me, I guess, if you want. Or get a job or something." He said quietly, padding over to the front door to lock it. "Don't kill anyone or break anything." He added, smiling a bit and starting to walk towards his room.
"Yes!" He squeals happily as he nuzzles into the blankets and sighed softly. "I won't, I'm not that heartless to kill someone or break anything." He chuckles before tucking his tail in and sighed.
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