“Yes to coming with me? Or getting a job?” Grayson asked, turning back towards him with a skeptical look.
“Yes to coming with me? Or getting a job?” Grayson asked, turning back towards him with a skeptical look.
"Coming with you." He says happily, beaming brightly at the other male.
“Oh,” Grayson looked slightly taken aback at Seth’s enthusiasm. “Okay..well I have an alarm set for 7:30. I’ll wake you up too then.” He said, wondering why this demon guy looked so overjoyed at the thought of going to college with him.
"No problemo!" He giggles as he nuzzles more onto the pile of blankets he had made. He laughed softly and sighs happily as he falls asleep in the blankets happily. He was actually pretty cute when he slept.
(Oh just so you know, don't feel any pressure to respond, I just realized I hadn't seen this rp for a while and was kinda worried about you :)
(Sorry, I've been super busy with school lol it's not you, love!)
Grayson went to sleep a while later, slightly confused and alarmed by the sudden appearance of Seth.
His alarm went off the next morning at exactly 7:30, buzzing loudly right next to his head and startling him awake. He moved sleepily around the room, getting dressed and slowly waking up as he did the normal morning routine. Realizing he should probably wake up Seth, Grayson reluctantly left the warmth of his room and padded out into the small living room, expecting to find him asleep on the couch.
(Sorry, I've been super busy with school lol it's not you, love!)
(It's okay! I completely understand :)
Instead of being asleep on the couch, breakfast was made on the counters. Seth was sitting on the top of the fridge again and waved. "Morning! Breakfast as you can see." he says happily. He eats his breakfast, nibbling on the edge of the fork. "Rest well?" he asks as he hummed.
Grayson raised his eyebrows in disbelief, glancing from Seth down to the food. "How..when did you do this?" He asked quietly, walking slowly over to the kitchen and hauling himself onto the counter with a bit of difficulty. "Thank you.." He mumbled, eating small bits of the food at a time.
Seth hummed as he looked at the other. "About a half hour." He chuckles as he finished the food happily. he leaps down and washes his dishes before smiling at the other. "So. When to college?" He asks curiously.
"30 minutes maybe. Usually I take the Metro but it's going to be super crowded so we can just walk." Grayson replied, seeming a bit more cheerful after finishing his breakfast. He washed the rest of the dishes quickly and walked around, finishing up preparations for the day. He paused, glancing up at Seth. "Do you have clothes or anything?"
Seth listened happily and chuckles before sitting on the counter. "Sounds like a plan." He chuckles as he learns back, looking at the ceiling. He hummed. "Yeah. I have clothes." He stands and snaps his fingers, changing into a big hoodie that made him look even smaller, ripped jeans and combat boots. He pulls his hair back and grins at Grayson.
"O-okay." Grayson stammered, tearing his eyes away from Seth and walking into the kitchen. "Do you like coffee?" He asked, getting some for himself and turning towards the other. He was wearing a college hoodie with sweatpants and small slip on shoes.
Seth nodded eagerly. "Yes please!" he says happily. He sits on the counter, shrinking so he was small enough to hide in Grayson's hood.
Grayson stopped and eyed him suspiciously. "Why the hell are you small now?" He asked, filling up two coffee mugs with the liquid and setting his on the counter.
"I'm not going to college large. Where's the fun in that. Besides. I'm hiding in your bag or hoodie." He hummed as he glances at the other. He flies over to the cup of coffee and takes a sip happily, his little tail flicking happily.
“Oh..okay that’s okay I guess..” Grayson murmured, sighing softly after taking a couple sips of his coffee. “You ready?” He asked, heading towards the door and grabbing his bag.
He finished the coffee before looking up at Grayson. He floats after the other and settles in his hoodie comfortably. "I'm ready." He says happily as he looks up at the other.
(Is He in the hood? Or the pocket?)
Grayson nodded, slightly uncomfortable with Seth being so close but he didn’t say anything, it wasn’t his place to. He left the apartment and locked the door behind them, walking quietly and silently down to the ground floor and out onto the sidewalk.
Seth happily relaxed, his eyes bright and excited. He noticed the male didn't talk so he decided to stay quiet. He hummed to himself and looked around with curiosity.
Grayson walked with his hands in his pockets, slipping past people and wincing whenever he bumped into someone. He glanced back at Seth from time to time, wondering how he could be enjoying himself at the moment.
Seth was very happy to be out of hell, giggling quietly as he gazes around. "Humans are so interesting." He mutters softly, looking at one of the smaller humans. "Are we even sure that's a student?" he asks pointing at one of the other shorter students.
“Of course. Why wouldn’t they be?” Grayson frowned at him, glancing over at the student he pointed to. “I think they’re in one of my classes.”
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