"You're like a dog." Grayson giggled, eyes shifting to Seth's tail. "Does it always do that when you're happy?" He asked curiously, setting his chin on the pillow and revealing his calm, happy smile.
"You're like a dog." Grayson giggled, eyes shifting to Seth's tail. "Does it always do that when you're happy?" He asked curiously, setting his chin on the pillow and revealing his calm, happy smile.
Seth laughs quietly before nodding a little in thought. "Now that I think about it, yeah it does." He replies, offering a smile that shamed the sun.
Grayson giggled and reached forward to pat Seth's head. He smiled wider at Seth's happy grin, enjoying himself immensely even though they were hardly doing anything interesting. He pulled his hand back and wrapped his arms around the pillow, hair flopping down over his eye again. "Is there a way to get to hell without teleportation?"
Seth practically purred when the other pet his head. He was glad the other was having a good time even though they were just talking and hanging out. He thought before nodding. "There's on in every continent." He shrugged with a smile on his lips.
Grayson smirked at Seth. “Guess I found your weakness.” He muttered, reaching out again and brushing his fingers through Seth’s hair before pulling away again. He tilted his head and giggled up at the other.
Seth leaned into his hand. "Yes… I love it when people play with my hair." he giggles quietly as he does so, sighing happily. He giggled with the other before gazing at him happily.
“It’s so soft..” Grayson murmured, continuing to stroke his head gently. “Think it’s long enough to braid?” He asked teasingly, fingering a strand.
Seth leans into the others touch, purring happily. He tilts his head and laughs a little. "Sure. I think it is." He giggles quietly as he let Grayson play with his hair.
Grayson grinned and crawled over to him, sitting up on his knees and beginning to braid small strands of Seth’s hair. He eventually ended up braiding several small strands of his hair, laughing and examining them. “How dashing. Ever consider modeling?” He asked teasingly, sitting back on his feet.
Seth leaned into the others touch as he let Grayson braid his hair. It was long enough to place the braids, so he enjoyed the gentle touches. He chuckled as he listened to the others laugh, gosh he wished he could hear more of them. "No, I haven't now that you ask." He replies, smirking over his shoulder.
Grayson opened his mouth to reply but was silenced by Seth’s smirk. God he’s beautiful.. He thought, blushing lightly. He closed his mouth, looking at a random spot to his left and trying to avoid staring at Seth for longer than was necessary. “Hah..yeah..don’t know why I said that…you’d probably be horrible at it.” He muttered in an attempt to erase any sign of feelings.
Seth nuzzled into Grayson's touch, yearning for more. He pouts a little and turns into Grayson's grasps and wraps his arms around his waist, nuzzling into his stomach. He giggles quietly as he looks up at the other. This was his way of showing physical affection. He nuzzled into his stomach and giggles.
Grayson froze slightly, unsure of what to do with this suddenly very close and very affectionate Seth. He hesitantly ran his fingers through Seth’s hair, his other hand resting on his shoulder. “Wh-What are you doing?” He asked quietly, looking down at Seth with an anxious, confused smile.
Seth purred when he felt the others hand through his hair, his tail wagging happily. "I'm snuggling. Is that not how you humans show affection?" He asks, tilting his head. He looked blissfully happy as he relaxed into the others warm stomach. "You're comfy."
"Not really by shoving your face in someones stomach, but I guess it's okay." He replied shyly. Affection? Affection?! Grayson was either about to explode or pass out, his face growing steadily more red. "Th-thanks.." He murmured, still watching Seth.
Seth giggles quietly. "You're as red as a tomato. It's rather cute." He replies, his tail still wagging happily. He loved showing affection towards others, and Grayson was so cute. How could he refuse? Seth beamed innocently.
Grayson huffed lightly and hid part of his face with his hand. "Didn't I tell you not to call me cute?" He muttered, smiling slightly at the others wide grin. He didn't really know what to do in a situation like this. Seth just seemed unfazed by all of this.
"Fine, fine. Adorable it is." He giggles, leaning into Grayson's stomach, a content sigh leaving his lips. "You really are comfy though." He mutters as he gazes up at the other. He loved being this close to Grayson, the male was breathtaking in so many ways.
Grayson rolled his eyes, flopping over onto his side and sighing. "That's better." He murmured, placing a hand on the back of Seth's head and stroking it gently. "Yeah I guess you're a bit comfy yourself.." He said, smiling gently down at the other. "I'm guessing you don't do this a lot in Hell?" He added gently, beginning to feel more comfortable with the situation.
Seth let himself be moved, only nuzzling farther into Grayson's warmth. "Much better." He replies, although it was a bit muffled. He leaned into the gentle touches still, happy little noises escaping his throat. When the others innocent seeming question was asked, Seth tensed a little before shaking his head. "No… almost never. The only affection I got was from my mother." He says softly.
Grayson glanced down at him, tightening his grip on Seth slightly. “I’m sorry..I didn’t really have anyone either, when I was younger.” He said softly, still running his hands through the others hair, unusually calm being this close to someone. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that he could trust Seth.
Seth leaned into him when he felt Grayson tighten his grip. He sighed happily, snuggling into his comfort. "Well…now I have you." He giggles quietly, sighing as he snuggles there happily. He trusted Grayson wholly, willing to do anything to keep him safe.
“You sound happy about that.” Grayson commented, moving up slightly so he could put his head on a pillow and moving Seth with him. He pulled him up to where the others head was level with his chest, making it easier for him to snuggle closer to Seth.
Seth snuggled into his shoulders, sighing happily as he did so. "Yeah. I mean it." He mutters in reply, inhaling his sweet scent, trying to memorize it. He eases and his tail slows as he feels himself starting to doze off, just feeling so at peace as he sat there.
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