forum Shoulder Demon (O/O)
Started by @Vuclan-is-tired

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"You're not a horrible person, Grayson." He whispers gently, squeezing his hands. "I'm pretty sure you'd kick me out the first night I showed up." He offers an assuring smile.


“It was pretty risky of you to show up like that. If it had been any other day I probably would’ve kicked you out.” Grayson muttered, still believing that he was horrible to live with. He didn’t really know why he was refusing to agree with Seth. It was just so hard to believe that this was actually happening. He loved someone and they loved him too.


Seth shook his head. "But you didn't. Grayson. I chose you. And I will always choose you." He mutters quietly. "No matter what you think of yourself, I love you. You are a wonderful, kind person.' He whispers gently, smiling softly. "I will always stand by you."


Grayson smiled gently, glancing up at Seth. “I don’t deserve you..” he said quietly, taking Seth’s hand and pressing his lips against it, holding it there and closing his eyes. He let their hands drop onto the table and gazed down at them, rubbing small circles into the palm of his hand.


Seth smiled a little bit before shaking his head. "You deserve every bit of me." He whispers as his smile only grows more when the other kissed his hand. "I thought you said you weren't ready for kisses?" He teases lightly. But he enjoyed the soothing touches.


“I kissed your hand, it’s not the same.” Grayson giggled, leaning his elbows on the table.
Their food came a minute later and he happily began eating. “How do you like it?” He asked, swinging his legs a bit under the table.


Seth purred. "Are you sure it's not the same? It's still a type of kissing." He teases. When their food came he gasped eagerly before thanking the waiter and eating happily. His tail was wagging in his clothes, but he made sure that no one saw that. "I love it." He replies after swallowing, mouth watering as he paused from eating


“Good. What do you want to do after we eat? I have to go back to work so you can stay with me in my pocket, or do something else.” He said, smiling as he watched Seth.


"We can go back to your work." He says gently, a light smile on his lips. "I know that your job is important." He says happily, eating slowly but in content.


“I know I have to go back. I was asking whether you wanted to stay with me.” Grayson replied, focusing contentedly on his food.


"I would love to stay with you." he giggles quietly. "It was comfy in your pocket, warm too." He smiles widely at the other before finishing off his food and turning to his drink.


“”Sounds good.” Grayson returned the smile and finished eating a bit later. They got the check and he stood up to leave, offering Seth a hand. “You ready?”


Seth finished his drink before sighing in bliss. He stood up as well and took Seth's hand gently, kissing the back of it. "Whenever you're ready." He states happily, standing by Grayson's side.


Grayson giggled at the small kiss and they began to walk out of the restaurant, back towards the museum.
They eventually got there and went back into the small break room. “You sure you’ll be okay staying in my pocket until I’m done with work? It might be a while.” He asked, looking up at Seth.


Seth hummed happily as he heard the other giggle. It was always such a sweet noise to his ears. He walked by Grayson's side, never wandering.
When they were in the break room, Seth shrunk into his two inch size and giggles quietly. "I'm perfectly content with it." He purrs in reply, leaping onto Grayson's hand.


Grayson nodded and smiled, slipping Seth into his pocket.
He worked until about 5:30 before going back to the break room and taking Seth out of his pocket with a sigh. “We can finally go now.” He murmured, setting the small demon on the table and grabbing his stuff out of the locker.


Seth hummed as he relaxed into Grayson's shirt, nuzzling into Grayson's warmth.
When Grayson was done working, Seth was curled up in his pocket, just listening to his heartbeat. When he was pulled out he smiles warmly at Grayson. "Time to go?" He giggles and grows large again, his tail wagging excitedly.


“Yup, time to go.” Grayson smiled, wrapping his arms around Seth and nuzzling into his chest. “I’ve been wanting to hug you all day.” He murmured, yawning quietly.


Seth kissed his forehead and smiled a little bit, holding him close. "I've been wanting to as well." He murmurs as he settled down. "Want me to teleport us home?" He nuzzles into the other.


Grayson looked up at him in awe. “You can do that?? And you’ve been making us walk everywhere? Of course I want you to!” He replied, clinging to Seth’s arm.


"I love walking, so yes. But I can teleport us home." He giggles quietly and kisses his nose. "Let's go." He mutters quietly. He shuts his eyes and in a moment they were back in the apartment. "Tada!" He giggles.


Grayson gasped as they appeared at home, his eyes wide and curious. “Wow..” he whispered, dropping his bag on the floor and giggling. He let go of Seth and slipped his shoes off, walking around and turning the lights on. “I need to change out of these clothes.” He said to himself, kissing Seth’s cheek briefly as he walked past on the way to his room.


Seth laughed quietly and kissed his forehead. "Indeed it is wow." He laughs and sighed before shaking his head and shifting into comfortable clothes and walking after Seth. He kisses the others forehead before sitting on his bed.


Grayson giggled at the small kiss and walked into his closet, changing into a t-shirt and some sweatpants. The closet was big enough to maybe turn around and walk a couple steps and it took some space from the actual bedroom, which didn’t have a dresser. There was a small desk in the corner next to the window and a bookshelf wrapping around the other corner.
Grayson stretched and walked out to Seth, crawling into his lap and burying his face in his neck. “Hello my beautiful prince.” He murmured, a muffled giggle escaping his lips.


Seth was stretched out over his bed and hummed and looked over at the other. "Hey cutie." He hummed and nuzzled into the other before pulling him to his side and cuddling him gently. "I love you." He whispers as he kisses the top of his head. "And hello my beautiful star." He mutters, brushing some hair from Grayson's face.