Grayson twisted his finger around Seth's shirt and pulled him closer, opening his mouth a bit as they kissed, completely losing himself in how much he loved Seth. He pulled away a second later for air and gazed up at the other, tilting his head slightly before leaning in and kissing him again.
He leaned into the other, kissing his lips slowly. He purred lowly, his tail wrapping around Grayson's waist. He hummed, sucking his bottom lips teasingly before pulling away to let Grayson breathe. He nuzzles into the other before sighing happily. He leaned back in, kissing him slowly. Damn, I love him…
Grayson reached his hand up and scratched behind Seth's ear, unable to bite back a smile as he kissed him. What did I do to deserve him.. He thought, adding some force behind the kiss and pulling Seth back down close to him, continuing to stroke his hair gently.
Seth hummed as the other ran his hand through his hair and then sighing when he felt the other scratch behind his ear, his tail wagging a little. He loved the gentle pets, the soft love, he never wanted this to end. He was surprised when Grayson placed force behind the kiss before returning the force. He loved the other so much.
“Thought you were taking me out today?” Grayson grinned, pulling his hands away and lacing them in between Seth’s. “Or did you change your mind?” He giggled, kissing Seth’s hands.
"I am. But I'm content here for now." He chuckles, kissing Graysons lips gently. He grinned at the other when Grayson kissed his hands. He rests his forehead against the others. "I love you."
“I love you more.” He cooed, closing his eyes and kissing Seth’s cheek and jaw. “And you’re adorable.”
"I love you most." He replies, tilting his head a little to catch Grayson's lips with his own, sighing happily as they snuggled and talked. "And you're adorable." He replies, a warm smile on his lips.
"Mm..I don't know about that, I think I love you even more." He giggled, wrapping his arms around Seth and hugging him close. He shivered slightly and huddled closer to him, trying to steal all his warmth.
Seth raised his eyebrow at that before kissing his cheek. "I love you way more then that." He giggles, nuzzling into his shoulder. He gave a happy little sigh. He curled around Gratson, giving him all the warmth he had to offer.
"Why can't we just stay here all day?" Grayson murmured into his chest, sighing softly. "You're warm and soft." He giggled, poking Seth's belly.
"Mm… We could…" He mutters, kissing Graysons lips. He chuckled softly when the other poked his belly which was very defined and taunt. Probably challenged the hardness of a rock.
“’re so hot.” Grayson muttered, pulling him down for a kiss by his shirt collar. “Who gave you the right to look so amazing?”
"Mmm… And you're absolutely breathtaking." He replies, shutting his eyes as he met Grayson's lips, hungrily devouring them. He pulled away and laughed softly. "Years of training and a good diet." He laughed in return before nuzzling into him and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
Grayson blushed lightly and turned his head to the side after being kissed, gazing at Seth’s hand next to him. “That’s reasonable. You’ve had more than a hundred years after all.” He giggled, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Seth’s hand. “I have a couple late classes tonight so I won’t force you to come with.” He remembered.
"I'm only 98!" He gasped before laughing lightly. He sighed gently at how sweet the other was being, kissing his forehead. "I love you…" He mutters before glancing at the other. "But I wanna come! It'll be fun! Please?" He gives the puppy dog eyes to Grayson, pouting out his lower lip.
“Old man.” Grayson teased, nudging Seth’s chin. “And you should get over your separation anxiety that you clearly have. What if I mysteriously disappear? What’ll you do then? I promise it won’t be that long.”
In truth, Seth has severe separation anxiety. He hated it when people left him alone. He nuzzles into the other. "I'm not old." He mumbles as he kisses the other forehead. "I'd probably cry. And sit in a corner."
“Yes you are. You’re 77 years older than me.” He giggled, stroking Seth’s hair. “And if you really want to come with me, then you can. It’ll be kinda boring though, just to warn you.” He smiled softly.
He rolled his eyes. "Hmng… whatever…" He mutters as he kisses his shoulder. He sighed as he leaned into his touch. "I don't mind. As long as I'm with you.." He giggles quietly.
“Okay then, beautiful. What should we do now?” He hummed, filling with affection for Seth and wrapping his arms around his neck. “I love you so much. I love how warm you are. And I love how soft your hair is. And how gentle your voice is.” He murmured, seemingly thinking out loud, not looking at Seth.
"Mmm… Whatever you want." He mutters, his hands wrapping around Grayson's waist, kissing his lips softly. He listened to the kind and gentle words. He smiled. "I love you too. love your smile. I love how kind and cuddly you are, I love how you let me come with you wherever you go, I love how your eyes shine when you get excited…." He murmurs as he kisses the top of Grayson's head.
“Really? Well I love how your tail wiggles when you’re happy and how you purr when I run my fingers through your hair and how you always want to be with me not matter what we’re doing and how protective you are. I really love you.” Grayson replied, looking up at him and brushing his fingers over Seth’s cheek.
Seth sighed as he leaned into the other and kissed his nose. "How did I get so lucky…?" He whispers as he holds onto the other. He sighed softly and nuzzled into him. "I love you too, more then there are stars in the sky." He muttered.
"I love you more than the universe itself." Grayson replied softly, giggling at the kiss. He wrapped his arms around Seth and sat up, still holding him close. "Can we get up now? I'm not tired anymore."